Wagess is defined by sum of money that transferred from one individual to another individual. This research discusses about the impact of rewards rates in our state. There are 2 types of labour engagement in Malaysia, National labour and foreign labour. Usually foreign labours are from Indonesia, Bangladesh, Thailand, Filipina, Pakistan and others. This rewards can do our state ‘s economic system better to a good status because ; our state can run their concern by many trading between marketer and purchaser, many investings in our state and many more. After finished making this research, the consequence shown that the impact of rewards in labour engagement in Malaysia is so high, it means that, the higher the rewards rates, the more sum of labour in Malaysia. Besides that, this research besides wants find the relationship between labour and rewards in Malaysia and the consequence show that there is a relationship between dependant variable ( rewards ) and independent variable ( national, foreign ) . This relationship we can look into by utilizing the cognition of econometric and utilizing the ordinary least square method ( OLS ) method. This method can demo us the consequence by reasoning backward one by one independent variable besides called individual arrested development. The information we collected from 2000 to 2006 and the recent informations still non published in cyberspace. Wages is of import to labour and authorities should concentrate to this country in order to transform our state from in-between income to higher income economic system by 2020 to implement aims of the National Economic Advisory Council ( NEAC ) .


Malaysia had many alterations in economic system construction in about four decennary period. In early 1960, one strategic and industries be aftering were developed and this program success to alterations Malaysia which before this is one of state based on agribusiness become to a state based on industries and services. Sector industry and service contribute more to GDP from 1986 until 2007 which increases the economic system of Malaysia by 6 % . Economy Malaysia become strongly at early 1990 and makes GDP additions to 7 % in period 1980 until 1996. However, Asia crisis in 1997 decreases the economic system growing of Malaysia which 4.7 % per twelvemonth in period 1996 until 2000. A alteration in economic system growing and economic system construction straight influences labour market in Malaysia. Situation of labour market will be analysis based on demand and supply of labour and unemployment rate. A alteration of labour demand is alterations in labour force shows the addition of labour demand by employers in economic system. The alteration of labour supply is step from addition of labour force which shows the growing of labour force by labours in economic system.

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Harmonizing to Fatimah and Saad ( 2002 ) , Malaysia really had scarce of labour in agribusiness sector at 1970. Labor scarce occurs in palm oil and gum elastic works particularly at E of Johor and labour scarce at east Malaysia in Paddy works and industries of excavation. Harmonizing to Lim ( 1981 ) , instability in labour market occurs because of stationariness and limited cognition of market. Imbalance in labour market will ever happen because when some country have serious state of affairs of labour scarce but another country have excess labour supply. Problem of labour scarce is earnestly in agribusiness because of some factors by Lim ( 1981 ) . Large migration in labour from rural to urban is one of the factors scarce of labour in agribusiness. Technologiesand industries at urban country which provides the higher pay, occupation warrant and public-service corporation of work is major factor of migration among educated adolescents from rural country. The existent pay on agribusiness additions in small sum and instability income because of lower workss monetary value and lower occupation position make adolescents non interested in agribusiness sector.

Aim of the Research

The aims of this survey are:

To place the impact of rewards rates on labour in Malaysia.

To find the relationship between labour and pay in Malaysia.

Literature reappraisal

Wage in Malaya

In Malaysia, pay rate is different based on location and sector. Therefore, pay rate depends on the accomplishments, instruction and ability of labour. Bonuss, free transit, free uniform is depends on the employers to supply that. Harmonizing to Clough ( 1991 ) , major of pay rate is based on experiences and accomplishments of labour. In excavation sector, employer will pay depends on productiveness and types of activities have done. Besides that, norm of pay in hr. Employers have the authorization to take how to mensurate their employee ‘s pay. The foreign labours in Malaysia supply the lower pay than local labour. It ‘s happen because the currency of RM is bigger than their currency by Wan Rojiah ( 1995 ) . For the foreign labour, nevertheless their get lower pay than local labour, but that pay is more high than the pay their get in their ain state for the same occupation. Because of that, employers non care to pay low pay to foreign labour.

Foreign Labor

Harmonizing to Azizah ( 1998 ) , authorities Acts of the Apostless and ordinances associating to foreign labour and concluded by naming for a more crystalline and comprehensive policy on foreign labour to implement in the hereafter. Pillai ‘s ( 1998 ) examined the effects of 1997 Asiatic crisis such the foreign labour in the state. He predicted the crisis encourage illegal inflow ensuing from additions migratory labour force per unit area from directing state even while it reduces the legal influx. This is because, many people were seeking the occupation and money to populate. Therefore, some individual will seek any alternate to work either its legal or non to acquire money.According to Principal Statistics of Labor Force Malaysia ( 2010 ) , the figure of labour force showed the additions of 490,300 individuals to 12.06 % million individual compared to 11.57 % million in old months. Meanwhile, the figure of individuals outside the labour force recorded a crisp diminution of 541,300 individuals ( 7.6 % ) to 6.63 million compared with 7.17 million. This has contributed to the addition in the LFPR by 2.8 per centum points from 61.7 to 64.5 per cent in December 2010. Foreign labour is good to economic system because it does avoid the labour scarce in Malaysia for the sectors which have the scarce of labour. Nowadays, Malaysia has much foreign labour in market particularly in industry sector, excavation, and agribusiness sectors. The lower pay wage for them encourages the employer to inside them work than pay the local labour. Its will makes much unemployment among local labour. For illustration, we can see at palm oil plantation, major of their worker is from outside. Poverty in their on states encourage the foreign labour to seek occupation in Malaysia because Malaysia has many occupation chance and the local labour is more interested to work in the office. These unfastened the chance for foreign labour to work in Malaysia.

Labor scarce makes our economic system become low and to retrieve this job, authorities gives permission to employers to convey foreign labour into our state. In 1992, authorities agrees to convey foreign labour in agribusiness and excavation sector. Therefore, foreign labour additions in service and industry sector in 2000. As we know, foreign migration already occurs since British authorization which program to research the richer resources at east Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak. Because of limited labour, British brings foreign labour from China, India, Indonesia and Philippine. In 1970, New Economy Plan was introduces which foreign migration become larger because of export orientation. Besides that, because of uninterested among local labour to work in plantation, excavation, conductivity, and industry forces authorities to utilize proactive determination to convey foreign labour into our state.

Data and Methodology

Ordinary least square

This subdivision describes the econometrics method that we use to entree the relationship between pay and foreign labour. Simple ordinary least square ( OLS ) equation arrested developments and empirical analysis are applied by utilizing one-year informations which is pay and foreign labour in Malaysia. We use one-year informations from World Bank to happen out the relationship between pay and foreign labour in Malaysia.

Wage = ?0 +?1 foreign labour +µ

There are the dependent variable is pay that equals to pay in Malaysia. Wage usage such dependent variables in order to prove the hardiness of the findings. From the equation above, the positive mark will demo the positive relationship among variables. Foreign labour is independent variables in the equation. From the equation above, we can province the hypothesis for that equation such as below:

Hypothesis 1:

H0: ?0 = this is a relationship between pay and foreign labour

H1: H1= this is no relationship between pay and foreign labour

The hypothesis 1 shows the relationship between the dependant variable with each independent variable. If the alternate value of that variable ( H0: ?0 = this is a relationship between pay and foreign labour ) is lower edge critical value ( 0.05 ) , so we do non reject the hypothesis and conclude that there are important relationship between independent and dependent variable. Conversely, if the alternate value is greater than critical value ( 0.05 ) , there are non important.


Table 1: Between dependant variable and independent variable.






















From the tabular array 1 shown after we regress utilizing e-view from twelvemonth 2000 to 2006, we choose Ordinary least square method to look into the relationship between dependant variable and independent variable.

WGE=amount rewards that our state need to pay to the society.

NTNL=amount of national labour in our state.

FRGN=amount of foreign labour in our state.

Consequence of arrested development between WGE and NTNL

Dependent variable: WGE and independent variable: NTNL


The coefficient demo the relationship between rewards and production is a positive relationship. It means that if national labours increase 1 unit, the rewards rate of engagement in Malaysia besides addition by 477.1415. It is because of the rewards rate addition in Malaysia can act upon the labour engagement on national labour to acquire a work and straight increase our engagement national labour in Malaysia.

The t-statistic equal to 4.62 show that the sum of national labour can act upon pay because it show that t-statistic above than 2 and its accept H0. Therefore, R-Squared equal to 0.817066 show the strong correlativity between dependent variable ( pay ) and independent variable ( national labour ) . It ‘s average when the independent variable alteration 1 % , dependent variable will alter by 81.07 % . Arrested development analysis can non explicate 18.93 % because of the skip of independent variable. In other words, the dependant variable and independent variable has strong positive relationship because of the R-squared is high.

Besides that, SEE is equal to 103.0894 show the closer the information points to the arrested development line, the smaller the value SEE.

DW-statistics=0.898054, DW show value less than 2, it means that there is a job in auto-correlation. If the variable is less than 0.05, it means that 95 % assurance interval accepted. The independent variable for the national is 0.0057. It means that, engagement on national labour besides can act upon the rate of wages.In other words, if engagement on national labour addition, authorities should increase the rate of pay to give the labour salary per month.

Consequence of arrested development between WGE and FRGN

Dependent variable: WGE and independent variable: FRGN


The coefficient shows the relationship between rewards and foreign labour besides positive relationship. It means that, 1 addition in foreign labour, the rewards rate besides addition by 590.2500. Lapp like national labour, the more rewards rate addition in Malaysia, the labour engagement on foreign labour besides addition because of the increasing of the rewards rate.

t-statistics equal to 4.59 show the sum of foreign labour can act upon the pay because it shows that t-stat above 2 and accept Ho. Therefore, R-squared=0.808619 explained dependent variable alteration 80.86 % . Dependent variable can be explained by the independent variable. Arrested development analysis can non explicate 19.14 % because of the skip of independent variable. Same like national labour, but it is small bit less than national labour R-squared, but is still have strong positive relationship among dependent variable and independent variable because of the R-squared is high.

The SEE equal to 128.4189 explained the closer the information points to the arrested development line, the smaller the value SEE. Besides that, DW-statistics=1.228879 which show the DW value less than 2, it means that there is a job in auto-correlation.

The probability=0.0059 show that if the variable is less than 0.05, it means that 95 % assurance interval accepted.Almost equal to chance of national labour. This chance explains that foreign labour besides can act upon the rewards rate in our state. So the authorities increase the rewards rate to pay the foreign labour because of the increasing the sum of foreign labour in Malaysia.


Prepare more chance occupations for Malayan people and do a pay rate better than old because it will promote them to work in Malaysia. That is good for our state to take foreign labour that are have an expert accomplishment and can assist our state particularly for our national labour because they can larn and learn our following coevals to utilize it in the hereafter. With engagement of foreign labour in our state can do our national labour motivate by increasing the accomplishment of work and vie with the foreign labour in footings of the productiveness, services and public presentation.


The chief aim of this survey is to place the impact of rewards rates on labour in Malaysia and besides to find the relationship between labour and rewards in Malaysia. The OLS theoretical account is used to look into and to prove the relationship among dependent and independent variable. This theoretical account are satisfactory in term of explanatory power is high. The determination in this survey is rewards in Malaysia is determined by the National labour and besides the foreign labour. In this survey, national and foreign labour besides can act upon the alteration of pay rate in Malaysia. Its mean the dependant variable has relationship with the independent variable. The rewards rate in Malaysia besides depending on the national and foreign labour because if we hire and give better rewards it can promote them to work in Malaysia.