Some books name them scoundrels, or evil originators, and others call them “ monsters ” . These characters are a sort of ‘immortal ‘ literary being that have been re-emerging in many narratives and sometimes in popular literature. In the novels Dracula, and Maus, they have their ain sorts of monsters. Bram Stoker ‘s Dracula, describes Jonathan Harkers ‘ brush with person named Count Dracula. Dracula is subsequently revealed that he is a lamia and is subsequently tracked down and killed by Jonathan Harker and his friends. Art Spiegelman ‘s Maus is a in writing novel that recounts the true narrative of his male parent ‘s experience in the Holocaust. The Germans or the Nazis were depicted as the scoundrels in this in writing novel. These monsters are able to pull the reader ‘s attending and the reader is able to respond to the “ monsters ” personality. The readers are able to associate to the “ monsters ” in some manner, and even though the word “ monster ” is represented otherwise in these two popular literatures. No affair how different the context is, or what the clip period the novel is written in, people are ever able to acknowledge the scoundrel because of the common features that about all the scoundrels portion. They are arch and sly, cunning and chilling. These characters have the ability to pull the readers, the common features found in the “ monster ” are used as a basic templet as a scoundrel and these traits can be found in some of the other popular literatures.

The evil characters in Dracula and Maus are developed from the templet into two wholly different monsters. In Dracula, the monster or scoundrel of the narrative is the lamia named Count Dracula ; he is a really avaricious and inhuman character. One of his chief ends is to take over England. To make this end he has to make more monsters to assist him in this end. “ This was the being I was assisting transportation to London whereaˆ¦he mightaˆ¦create a new and of all time widening circle of semi-demons to secure on the helpless ” ( Dracula, 60 ) . Both Dracula and the Nazis possess a power that has the ability to harm, pull strings, and even command others ; Dracula with his head control and the Nazis with their guns. Their victims are normally person can non protect themselves against the enemy. “ [ H ] vitamin E is powerful to make much injury and suffers non as we do ” ( Dracula, 336 ) . In Dracula, the people that Dracula decided to run did non hold any particular powers to halt him ; he targets largely adult females, for illustration, Lucy and Mina. When he bites them he largely does it in their slumber when they are defenceless. One common portion of the general personality of the “ monster ” is that they want to take ownership or control of something, possibly a rare point, or a piece of land. Some scoundrels finally want to take over the universe.

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The Nazis in Maus are another type of monster that portions that first trait ; they want to take ownership of other peoples properties. They looked down on the Jews, they used their power to command and mortify them. The Nazis had some character traits that were similar to Draculas ‘ personality. In Maus, even though the character of Hitler is non displayed in the novel, there are Nazi soldiers that represent the “ monster ” in the novel. One illustration in Maus about the Nazis usage of power is that the Nazis had hung four Jews in public. “ They ‘ve taken four Jews off for covering goods without vouchers. ” “ The Germans intended to do an illustration out of them! ” ( Maus I, Spiegelman, 83 ) . This citation showed how inhuman the Nazis are. Alternatively of publishing a notice or warning about covering goods, they decided to hang non merely one, but four Judaic citizens for giving out goods without vouchers. Another illustration is near the beginning of the in writing novel, Vladek spoke about the rumor he heard about how the Jews were treated in Germany. “ It was hard for the Jews – awful! ” ( Maus I, 33 ) The page showed illustrations of how Judaic people were forced out of their shops, and humiliated in public. The 2nd common personality trait that these two “ monsters ” have is that they frequently bully and harm others that they do non believe are the same “ category ” as them. The Nazis would harm anyone who disobeyed their orders. Dracula would run worlds that did non possess his power and are contending against him. The abuse of power to harm the inexperienced person and the desire to govern the land is a common personality that can be seen in the “ monsters ” the Nazis and Dracula.

These two common personalities of the “ monsters ” in the two novels are able to impact the readers ; the readers find these characters scary. But why do they impact the reader? Possibly the novel was good written, possibly the reader has some experience with the events that happened in the novel, or possibly there is a type of “ monster ” that is able to associate to the reader. “ You shall be regretful yet, each one of you! You think you have left me without a topographic point to rest ; but I have more. My retaliation is merely begun! ” ( Dracula, 326 ) Harmonizing to a head-shrinker named Carl Jun, there is a psychological term called the “ shadow ” and it represents the “ dark ” side of people and their failings. Worlds tend to overlook that portion of their egos. The shadow is a representation of all the negative feelings and evil ideas that a individual holds in their unconscious heads. Once presented with anything that would stand for a portion of that negative feeling, and that would convey that shadow into our consciousness, people would fear that thing. Jung said that another ground worlds would respond this manner is because the shadow is frequently ignored and rejected by people in fright. Peoples do non desire to acknowledge that they have evil and negative ideas.

In the fresh Dracula, the scoundrel of the book is shown as an extreme of that immorality. “ [ H ] vitamin E is beastly, and more than beast: he is devil [ ling ] in indurate and the bosom of him is non ; he can, within restrictions, appear at willaˆ¦and he can at times vanish and come unknown ” ( Dracula, 252 ) . When in scoundrel that is feared possesses all the features the readers do non desire to admit that is in themselves, that scoundrel is able to go highly chilling and horrifying, . Another illustration is in Maus, the Nazis were feared by all Jews even before they truly met them in individual, the Hebrews have read narratives about the Nazis. “ It was many, many such storiesaˆ¦each narrative worse than the other ” ( Maus I, 33 ) . Since Maus is a personal relation of a true narrative, this made reading the narratives of the Nazis and the manner they treat worlds in Maus even more horrifying. “ Some childs were shouting and shouting. They could n’t halt. So the Germans swinged them by the legs against a wallaˆ¦and they ne’er any longer screamed. “ ( Maus I, 108 ) Whether people want to acknowledge it or non, worlds all have this prevarication, cheating, and violent side in them that they want to avoid. Once person meets a character that is able to stand for the really shadow or personality that they are afraid of, so they fear that really being.

Readers fear these “ monsters ” because they are able to portray the features that the readers might non desire to acknowledge exist, either in themselves or in person else. Many writers continue to include this monster personality in their plants, and some of these personalities are seen in the “ evil ” characters in popular literature that exist today. One illustration of a “ monster ” in popular literature would be the White Enchantress from The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. “ ‘The White Witch? ‘ said Edmund ; ‘who ‘s she? ‘ ‘She is a absolutely awful individual, ‘ said Lucy. ‘She calls herself the Queen of Narniaaˆ¦ ‘ ” ( The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, Chapter 4 ) . In the book, The White Witch claims the rubric of queen by force ; her desire is to go the new swayer of Narnia. She has the power to turn living things into rock ; she threatens and bribes other Narnians utilizing thaumaturgy and false promises to fall in her side.

Another illustration of a popular literature that portions these common traits of the monster is would be in the Harry Potter series. The evil ace Voldemort is portrayed as a character of panic. “ Imagine that Voldemort ‘s powerful now… You ‘re scared for yourself, and your household, and your friends. Every hebdomad, intelligence comes of more deceases, more disappearings, more torture… meanwhile, Muggles are deceasing excessively. Panic everyplace… terror… confusion… that ‘s how it used to be. ” ( Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, 475 ) . Voldemort marks on the weak aces and worlds ( Muggles ) . Voldemort gathers protagonists in his pursuit to acquire rid of all “ mud-bloods and half-bloods ” ( aces that had married worlds ) . His cold-blooded-ness is besides seen multiple times when he lies, manipulates people to make his command. “ Voldemort uses people his enemies are close to, He ‘s already used you as come-on onceaˆ¦ ” ( Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, 646 ) . His actions are really similar to Dracula, the Nazis and the White Witch. Voldemort has these two common personality traits ; he wants to go the new swayer of the wizarding universe, and he harms the people that he believes are non “ full-wizards ” or “ pure-blood ” . As compared in these two popular literatures, the monsters in both novels The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and Harry Potter are similar to the common personality traits that were discovered in Dracula and Maus.

What makes these common personalities so attractive to the readers? They create some sort of struggle the hero has to get the better of and they make the narrative more interesting. Some novels would depict how the hero or heroine would get the better of their enemies and extinguishing that menace from the universe. Other novels will maintain this “ monster ” as a thing that is unknown to the reader so that there is this sense of suspense that builds when the reader solves the enigma. For illustration it is non made clear to the readers that Dracula is a lamia until the center of the novel, the reader had to think what precisely the Count was. As Jonathan Harker, the chief character describes his finds the readers are presented with this enigma of the Count and his true signifier. Besides, whenever Vladek disguises himself as he tries to avoid being captured, there is this tenseness in the novel as he tries to get away without being noticed by the Nazis that could make possible injury to him. The common end that these scoundrels have is to go the swayer of a state or the universe. The common tactics they use to try to make this end is to garner followings so endanger and harm others so that they would obey. Their dark and avaricious personalities bring the “ shadow ” into our consciousness. They continue to entertain and fulfill the readers by giving them an escapade that, most of the clip, terminal with get the better ofing the “ monster ” or scoundrel and seting our ain “ shadow ” back to our unconsciousness. These types of novels give us a bang that can be experienced in safety but yet expose us to the atrocious offenses that people have done without really being at that place, sing this first manus. This is why these features are used as base templates that are developed into some of the popular literature today. They appeal to the Zeitgeist. No affair how you change the secret plan, or the characters, the scoundrels will ever be the chilling, greedy, and lying characters that readers will ever retrieve.