In states throughout the universe, some cultural or racial groups are far more frequently found to be caught in the web of Criminal Justice than others. These elevated rates of official offending by certain cultural groups can change radically from one state to another. In England and Wales for illustration, it is the British African Caribbean ‘s or Afro-Caribbean ‘s as some may name them, who are most likely to be criminalized. Is this because the condemnable justness system treats Afro- Caribbean ‘s below the belt or because this peculiar cultural group is more likely to pique? In seeking to turn to this issue one encounters hard conceptual issues every bit good as a shortage of utile information. Furthermore, in order to measure whether the Criminal Justice System treats Afro-Caribbean ‘s unfairly, during the class of this essay we will convey focal point on sentencing, which is a important stage of the condemnable justness procedure.

The basic issue is to make up one’s mind what constitutes “ fairness ” in this context. It would be unfair for a constabulary officer to halt and seek an person merely because of the colour of their tegument, or for a tribunal to give person an scratchy sentence for the same ground. This would intend that an person ‘s right to justness is being hindered merely because they belong to a peculiar race or cultural group. Such a standard for determination devising would be similar to direct favoritism against that peculiar racial group, which has been deemed improper in Britain under the Race Relations Act since 1968.

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Decision devising does look blind to race, but in pattern, it will non be incorrect to state that it tends to work to the disadvantage of black people. For illustration black suspects may be held in detention before test instead than being granted bond, and convicted black wrongdoers may be given to be given longer sentences obviously because they have pleaded non guilty.

There is no by and large agreed method for make up one’s minding which criteria among those holding an unequal or irregular consequence on different cultural groups, are legitimate. The indispensable inquiry to be addressed is how close the Criminal Justice System really comes to representing a cosmopolitan model within which all cultural groups are treated every bit. There is a room for treatment about what is meant by equal intervention in this context. It surely can non intend that everyone should be treated the same. The guilty should be punished, and the grade of penalty should depend on the earnestness of the offense. Furthermore, an person with a history of past offending should be punished more badly than person convicted for the first clip. To set it merely, handling people every bit must intend that people in similar fortunes and classs in relevant respects should be treated every bit. This equal intervention should be independent of the criminal ‘s personal beliefs, faith and/or beginning, entirely depending upon the grade of his or her offenses.

It can be therefore said, that race and cultural grouping is non a legitimate benchmark. However, there is a broad room for treatment as to what can be categorized as a relevant or a legitimate standard. At one extreme there is the position that equal intervention means the impartial application of bing regulations and rules irrespective of their consequence on different cultural groups. If for illustration more Afro- Caribbean ‘s are committed to prison because they are two-channel typed as to miss a stable household background or a steady occupation that does non represent unequal intervention. At the other extreme, there is the position put frontward, by Hudson ( 1993 ) who states that any policies, regulations, or processs that have the consequence of penalizing a higher proportion of one cultural group than other are unfair and the jurisprudence should be adjusted so as to accomplish equal results for different cultural groups.

It is hard to support either of these utmost positions. Guaranting that equal proportions of different societal groups are punished has ne’er been seen as an aim of the Criminal Justice System and it does non look clean either as there is no point in penalizing one or more than one cultural group merely to equilibrate out the statistics of another group that has been more likely to pique. It is apparent in by looking at past records that the sentence depends on the earnestness of the offense and the old records of the wrongdoer.

However, equal intervention or the impartial application of bing regulations irrespective of jaggy effects on different cultural groups seems every bit questionable. It is possible that some of these regulations may work to the disadvantage of a peculiar cultural group, yet could be changed without the forfeit of any cardinal rule or aim. For illustration, in an country where the jurisprudence enforcement bureaus tend to aim black people, a regulation of this sort works to the disadvantage of black people and arguably, sums to handling them unevenly.

This analysis suggests that equality of intervention within the Criminal justness System can non be interpreted as equality of result. Nor can it be interpreted as simply the impersonal application of bing regulations, whatever their consequence. It is necessary to follow an intermediate place. These two polar positions about what constitutes equal intervention are similar to the two opposing theoretical accounts of justness implied in the treatment of antidiscrimination jurisprudence. McCrudden, Smith and Brown ( 1991 ) depict them as Individual Justice Model and the Group Justice Model of statute law against race and sex favoritism.

The purposes of these polar theoretical accounts conflict in of import ways and existent statute law represents a via media between them. The chief component of the Group Justice Model incorporated within the Race Relations Act 1976 and Sex Discrimination Act 1975 is the construct of Indirect Discrimination: the usage of a status or demand which is such that a well smaller proportion of one than of another group can follow with it, which is to the other ‘s hurt and where the individual utilizing it can non demo it to be justified. However, struggle with the Individual Justice Model is minimized by the making that standards working to the disadvantage of a peculiar cultural group may ever be used every bit long as they can be justified. The legislative act does non lucubrate on what would represent a justification.

At present the determinations at certain cardinal phases of the Criminal Justice Process do non fall within the commissariats of the Antidiscrimination statute law, although there have been calls for this to be changed ( Commission for racial equality 1991 ) . If the range of statute law was to be extended to Criminal justness, this would foreground the job of make up one’s minding the peculiar standards that work to the disadvantage of an cultural group. This essay does non undertake the job of how to find whether regulations or standards that work to the disadvantage of an cultural group are justifiable. The purpose is to demo the impact of Racism and favoritism on the forms of Sentencing.

In England and Wales, offenses have fixed maximal punishments assigned to them, normally in the signifier of length of detention or all right sum, and some offenses may besides hold compulsory minimal sentences. In add-on, the available sentencing options may differ by offense type and for grownup and young person wrongdoers. Despite this sentencers are afforded considerable discretion in the sentence they choose to go through. When using their discretion and doing condemning determinations, it is intended that sentencers use legal factors such as the nature and earnestness of the offense and the suspect ‘s condemnable history.

The sentencer is besides obliged to take into history any aggravating and mitigating factors. The exacerbating factors include the exposure of the victim, the wrongdoer ‘s prima function in the offense, and his /her net income from the offense. Extenuating factors include whether the wrongdoer was provoked, the wrongdoer ‘s function in the offense, and his/her credence of duty or show of compunction. The sentencer may besides hold entree to condemning recommendations and may besides be required to give price reduction for a guilty supplication and see the “ entirety ” of a sentence if the wrongdoer is to be sentenced for more than one offense.

Research on condemning determinations in the legal power of England and Wales reveals that existent condemning behaviour can diverge from that which is intended. Evidence suggests that sentences may be based on factors such as the suspect ‘s sex, race and age ( see Daly and Bordt, 1995 ; Dowds and Hedderman, 1997 ; Flood-Page and Mackie, 1998 ; Hood, 1992 ; Mitchell, 2005 ; Speed and Burrows, 2006 ) .

Sentence may besides be influenced by the tribunal and geographic region/jurisdiction ( e.g. , Johnson, 2005 ; Rumgay, 1995 ; Ulmer and Johnson, 2004 ) .

Finally, sentences may besides be affected by the features of the sentencer such as his/her race and age ( Spohn, 2002 ) , and education/training ( Flood-Page & A ; Mackie, 1998 ; Morgan & A ; Russell, 2000 ; Speed & A ; Burrows, 2006 ) . Thus discretion in condemning appears to take to unwanted disparities and unfairness.

Hood ‘s ( 1992 ) classic survey, Race and Sentencing, was one of the first to look at the impact of Racism and favoritism on forms of condemning. Based on research carried out at the terminal of the 1980s on five Crown Courts in the West Midlands, it was found that a higher proportion of African-Caribbeans than Whites or South Asians were being sentenced to detention. The inquiry was whether the different types of condemnable activity, anterior record or any other factor could account for these differences. It was ascertained that, given these controls African-Caribbean suspects were up to 23 per centum more likely to be sentenced to detention.

No other systematic survey has been carried out in this country during the last decennary. The Home Office, nevertheless do print regular statistics on condemning patterns in Crown tribunals and Magistrates ‘ tribunals and it has been found that cultural minorities in general are non found to be negatively treated in the Magistrates ‘ tribunals but South Asians are, given the nature of offense, significantly more likely to be sentenced to detention ( Flood-Page & A ; Mackie 1998 ) . More recent Home Office publication informations, which is “ Section 95 ” statistics as required by the Criminal Justice Act 1991, has suggested that there is no grounds of differences in detention between groups. Recently, in footings of Crown Court determinations in relation to violent piquing, African-Caribbean wrongdoers are far more likely to have tutelary sentences. In relation to prison populations, cultural minorities, in peculiar African-Caribbeans are disproportionately represented. Furthermore, these inmates are more likely to be younger than Whites ( Home Office 2003 ) .

In order to demo the impact of racism and favoritism on the forms of sentencing, the methodological analysis which is used in this essay is “ descriptive information analysis ” . The information type is secondary informations and is taken from the web site of Ministry of Justice of England and Wales.

The proportion of each cultural group in the resident population aged 10s and over, estimated by Population Estimates by Ethnic group in 2009/2010 and cultural representation or dislocation of population at different degrees of the Criminal Justice System procedure every bit compared to the general population is presented below in the tabular array A.

Table A:





Chinese or others



Population aged 10 or over

88.5 %

2.8 %

5.7 %

1.4 %

1.6 %

100 %

Stop and Searches 2009/2010

67.2 %

14.6 %

9.6 %

3.0 %

1.2 %

4.4 %

100 %

Apprehensions 2009/2010

79.6 %

8.0 %

5.6 %

2.9 %

1.5 %

2.4 %

100 %

Cautions 2010

83.1 %

7.1 %

5.2 %

1.8 %

2.8 %

100 %

Court order supervisions2010

81.8 %

6.0 %

4.9 %

2.8 %

1.3 %

3.2 %

100 %

Prison population 2010

72.0 %

13.7 %

7.1 %

3.5 %

1.4 %

2.2 %

100 %

Beginning: Ministry of Justice

In 2010, the entire figure of individuals who proceeded against chargeable offenses was 436,933 and from these 349,833 were convicted. The strong belief ratio for white individuals as compared to other minority ethnicity groups was higher ( 81 % for White, 74 % for Black and 77 % for Asiatic ) . Once found guilty in the Criminal Court of jurisprudence an single can have one of six wide disposals: an absolute/conditional charge ; a mulct ; a community sentence ; a suspended sentence ; a sentence to immediate detention ; or they are otherwise dealt with. Otherwise dealt with includes a figure of orders, for illustration infirmary orders, arrogation orders and compensation orders.

In 2010, the entire 347,421 suspects were sentenced for chargeable offenses in England and Wales across all tribunals. Of these 17 % were given a all right, 31 % a community sentence, 10 % a suspended sentence and 24 % an immediate tutelary sentence. The balance were given a discharge or otherwise dealt with. A higher per centum of those in the minority ethnicity group were sentenced to immediate detention for chargeable offenses than in the white group ( White 23 % , Black 27 % , Asiatic 29 % and other 42 % ) . Differences between cultural groups may happen due to a figure of grounds including: the mix of offenses committed ; the earnestness of the offense ; the presence of extenuating or worsening factors ; whether a suspect pleads guilty ; or whether the suspect was represented or non.

Research by Thomas ( 2010 ) for the Ministry of Justice indicated that people from black minority cultural backgrounds were more likely to plead non guilty and be tried. A guilty supplication can cut down a sentence by up to a 3rd. In 2010, the lowest proportion issued a all right or community sentence, and the highest proportion given a suspended sentence or immediate tutelary sentence was recorded for the other cultural group. For illustration 21 % of the other cultural group, 28 % of Asiatic people, 29 % of Black people and 32 % of White people were given a community sentence.

The highest mean tutelary sentence length was recorded for the Black cultural group, at 20.8 months, followed by the Asian and other cultural groups with norms of 19.9 months and 19.7 months severally. The lowest mean tutelary sentence length was recorded for the White group at 14.9 months. It must be noted that the differences in condemning result and sentence length can be due to many factors as explained above.

After analysing the numerical informations and statistics it can be argued that at the terminal of the condemnable justness procedure, black people are more likely to be in prison as compared to the White or Asiatic population. There is some grounds of prejudice against Afro-Caribbeans and Asians at assorted phases of the condemnable justness system. With respect to sentencing, the taking survey ( Hood 1992 ) did propose some racial prejudice, but its mensural effects were instead little, particularly when compared with the effects of other variables. It is obvious from the aforesaid numerical informations that it is the Asians and Black people whose strong belief ratio is higher.

On the other manus black people are placed at a great disadvantage by the application of seemingly impersonal standards. The clearest illustration is the influence of societal background factors on sentencing and the lower sentencing duty for suspects who plead guilty. The relationship between guilty supplication and sentence histories for a significant portion ( around 15 per centum ) of the difference in rate of imprisonment between black and white people. So it seems of import that the determination doing standards should be reviewed in visible radiation of its effects on different cultural groups, because the present determination devising standards is working more to the disadvantage of the minority cultural groups in general and the British African Carribeans in peculiar.

An of import point in the decision of this essay is that there exists a definite prejudice against black people at several phases of condemnable justness system. It can be said that a deficiency of efficient supervising and seemingly impersonal standards for determination devising in the condemnable justness system has forced some persons of this cultural group to take the jurisprudence into their ain custodies to guarantee their ain personal safety. Another ground can be the deficiency of instruction and preparing which is the duty of the province after all. The province can non merely aim its societal benefits and development to a peculiar category or group of people and disregard the remainder. Despite the legislative alterations the perceptual experience, every bit good as world, of favoritism continues to advance engagement of black people with the condemnable justness system. The causes of this peculiar cultural group ‘s transcending engagement in such activities are complex and make down into the very foundations of society. There is no individual solution to this issue, and what adds abuse to hurt is the fact that small or no stairss are taken to forestall it.

Furthermore, as antecedently stated, condemning is but one stage of the condemnable justness procedure, and outcomes in this country are brooding of determinations made at anterior phases in the system. Therefore, attempts to cut down racial disparity at condemning must besides pay attending to jurisprudence enforcement apprehension determinations, prosecutorial charging patterns, indigent defence representation, presentence probe process, and proviso of condemning options options.

Decades of research has shown that race has ever played a polar function in condemning results, even as the kineticss of this relationship have evolved over clip. Reducing racial disparity in the condemnable justness system is critical in order to bring forth equity and to continue the ideals upon which the justness system is premised. It is besides indispensable from a practical point of position. Unless the justness system is perceived as just and merely, trust and assurance will gnaw and public cooperation with the system will decrease.