Elisa Allen is a alone adult female who enjoys turning and nurturing her chrysanthemums. Since her hubby is ever working the cowss in their farm, she ne’er has adequate attending or any sort of fondness. The consequence of this dispassionate matrimony leads Steinbeck to depict his chief character as follows, “ Her face tilt and strongaˆ¦Her figure looked blocked and heavy in her horticulture costume, a adult male ‘s black chapeau pulled lowaˆ¦clod-hopper shoesaˆ¦completely covered by a large corduroy apronaˆ¦ ” ( Page 206-207 ) This disregard from her busband causes her to turn to her “ chrysanthemums, ” of which she is really proud. Her hubby ‘s comment, “ I wish you ‘d work out in the grove and raise some apples that large ” ( Page 207 ) , shows how small his involvement he has for her chrysanthemums/herself. As shown here, Elisa does non experience apprehended by her hubby and so she takes attention of her chrysanthemums, symbols of how beautiful she truly is. Early in the narrative, Steinbeck uses small symbolic phrases to allow the reader know that the chrysanthemums are an extension of Elisa.

Her horticulture country could be described as a “ coop ” to protect herself from anything harmful. Knowing that her hubby does non demo involvement in her chrysanthemums, gives her the idea that he does non hold involvement in her. The flowers and Elisa have interchangeable significances that are explained subsequently on in the narrative. When her hubby goes off with one of the cattle purchasers, a cryptic adult male on a drug addict waggon approaches her. Although visual aspect is non the greatest, she is interested in him. The ground being is that he shows involvement in her chrysanthemums in order to carry her to happen something for him to repair. Again, the connexion there is that he was interested in her flowers, intending herself. The adult male says, “ Kind of a long-stemmed flower? Looks like a speedy whiff of coloured fume? “ aˆ¦ ” That ‘s it. What a nice manner to depict them. ” ( Page 209 ) With this, she now feels appreciated and attractive to this alien. His compliment to her about her flowers leads her to experience obligated to let him to repair her pots.

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In their exchange, she gave him herself for a small spot of attending. Right after the alien leaves, she is full of assurance in her muliebrity and goes to make a complete makeover. “ After a while she began to dress, easy. She put on her newest underwear and her nicest stockings and the frock which was the symbol of her cuteness. ” ( Page 212 ) In this scene in which she transforms from nurseryman to a theoretical account, she goes through a disclosure of ideas. Her exhilaration from the alien ‘s involvement in her chrysanthemums, gives her the assurance to turn and bloom like her flower.

When Elisa ‘s hubby got place and saw her, he said, “ Why – why, Elisa. You look so nice! ” With her encouragement of assurance now, she says “ Nice? You think I look nice? What do you intend by ‘nice ‘ ? ” ( Page 212 ) Elisa evidently goes on the discourtesy and admirations why she merely looks “ nice. ” For the last critical scene of symbolism, Elisa sees her cherished chrysanthemum on the land, but without the pot it was given in. With everything that happened between the alien and Elisa, this could be explained by merely stating, “ used. ” She was fundamentally fooled into giving herself off to person who showed some involvement in her. Her flower symbolizes all this and it is used throughout this narrative. The last sentence of this narrative is one that can hold many significances. “ She turned up her coat neckband so he could non see that she was shouting decrepit – like an old adult female. ” ( Page 213 ) This means that she has lost her assurance and her self-esteem to maintain her caput high in the air. Symbols such as the flower are used periodically throughout this narrative and gives the reader many significances on what to believe the last sentence agencies. This is why symbols are an indispensable portion of a great narrative, because it gives the reader more to believe about… … … … … … … … … ..

John Steinbeck used an nonsubjective point of position in “ The Chrysanthemums, ” with a few cases of limited all-knowing point of position.

For most of the narrative, Steinbeck ‘s narrative acts as a camera that sees the events that are go oning and the voices that are talking. As with any camera, Steinbeck does n’t see what each character is experiencing or believing. Alternatively, he paints a image of the scene and lets the reader semen to their ain decision as to what the character may be believing or feeling. For case, when Elisa was fixing the flower pot for the adult male, “ she stood up so, really consecutive, and her face was ashamed, ” Steinbeck gives us the thought that she feels ashamed, but merely as an outside perceiver. He does n’t state us what she feels, merely what her face reflects. When Elisa was finished with her bath “ she stood in forepart of the mirror and looked at her organic structure. ” Steinbeck does n’t state us what she ‘s looking at or believing, as the reader I had to presume what she was believing as she examined herself before acquiring dressed.

In certain musca volitanss Steinbeck switches to a 3rd individual limited all-knowing point of position. Limited all-knowing point of position is when the storyteller uses a 3rd individual voice to state the reader what one character sees or hears. In the 4th paragraph Steinbeck tells the reader that Elisa “ looked down across the pace and proverb Henry, her hubby, speaking to two work forces. ” Then once more when the adult male arrived, Steinbeck tells us that “ Elisa saw that he was a really large adult male. ” Since Steinbeck is narrating what Elisa saw, he would be utilizing a limited omniscient point of position for those subdivisions.

The two point of positions that Steinbeck used in “ The Chrysanthemums affects our apprehension of the characters by depicting what could be seen from the exterior. Through his nonsubjective point of position, Steinbeck leads us to understand Elisa as person who is perchance unhappy with her life. She appears brooding, perchance inquiring if life could be different. However, with an nonsubjective point of position we do n’t cognize precisely what she is believing or feeling, or if she is truly unhappy. All we can truly be certain of is her milieus. … … … … … … … … … … … …

The resulting negatives of the Great Depression and the autumn of the capitalist economy is good written through the scene, the word picture, and the secret plan. One of the ways John Steinbeck, in “ The Chrysanthemums, ” astutely depicts vivacious facets of economic tensenesss in the Great Depression epoch is the usage of exaggeration through the narrative ‘s scene. In the scene, for illustration, he foreshadows struggles a reader might anticipate to see unfold from dejecting December conditions and and the prevailing of the xanthous stubble field of the Salina Valley, which symbolize the harsh and unfruitful environment. Peoples of the Salina Valley have done their work and there are no more left to make except to wait for rain to rejuvenate the field of the Salina Valley ; the rain symbolizes the positive alterations that could turn the the current economic system about.

Another manner the narrative acutely unfolds the economic hurt or tenseness is through the portraiture of characters, Elisa, Henry, and the going repairer. Writer nowadayss Elisa as a strong adult female who does adept horticulture, and her characters resemble a adult male of equal scene. In writer ‘s description “ Her face was eager

and mature and handsome ; even her work with the scissors was over-eager, over-powerful. The

chrysanthemum stems seemed excessively little and easy for her energy, ” she is person most adult females can non place with themselves. However, she realizes in the terminal that she is “ weak ” and “ old, ” connoting what she struggle to break herself internally is limited by milieus and societal casts. More over, the writer ‘s presentation of the going repairer is person disgraceful, yet practical of which is one capitalistic word picture. In desperate demand of money and in order to derive Elisa ‘s assurance in transacting a concern affair, the desperate and hungry repairer conceives a fast one that plays on Elisa and leaves her injury and discouraged in prosecuting adventuresome life filled with “ merriment ” and possibilities. Here, writer shows his purpose that people ‘s bosom and their attitude toward humanity under capitalistic economic system has hardened… … … … … … … … … … … … … ..