A building undertaking life rhythm can be divided into assorted phases. RIBA program of work is the most widely recognized systematic dislocation of a building undertaking. The RIBA program of work describes the activities from measuring the client ‘s demands to post building. The phases are besides used to place adviser services and indicate the resource allotment by work phase.

Client ‘s demands come out by their advisers to the building industry. Design harmonizing to the demand is proposed by the adviser and a determination will be taken about the design after sing the design, budget of the client, demand and the continuance. And so the contractor will be selected and the work will be handed over to them. Then contractor contracts harmonizing to the adviser ‘s advice. And so the building will be handed over to the client. During this procedure many interest holders involved, many certifications are prepared and many of import determinations are taken.

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So a clear image of the building procedure showed through this broken up phases. And so losing of stairss or job occurring are avoided by this RIBA program of work.

RIBA Plan of Work

The Royal Institute of British Architects ( RIBA ) is a professional organic structure for designers chiefly in the United Kingdom, but besides internationally. The Outline Plan of Work organizes the procedure of pull offing and planing edifice undertakings and administrating edifice contracts into a figure of cardinal Work Stages. The sequence or content of Work Stages may change or they may overlap to accommodate the procurance method.


Purpose of work and determinations to be reached

Undertakings to be done

Peoples straight involved.

Normally used nomenclature.

1. Origin

To fix general lineation of demands and program future action.

Set up client organisation for briefing. See demands, appoint designer.

All client involvements, designer.


2. Feasibility

To supply the client with an assessment and recommendation in order that he may find the signifier in which the undertaking is to conditions continue, guaranting that it is executable, functionally, technically and financially.

Carry out surveies of user demands, site conditions, planning, design, and cost, etc. , as necessary to make determinations.

Clients ‘ representative, designers, applied scientists and QS conformity to nature of undertaking.

Stage C begins when the designer ‘s brief has been determined in sufficient item.

3. Outline Proposals

To find general attack to layout, design and building in order to obtain important blessing of the client on the lineation proposals and attach toing study.

Develop the brief farther. Transport out surveies on user demands, proficient jobs, planning, design and costs, as necessary to make determinations.

All client involvements, designers, applied scientists, QS and specializers as required.

Sketch programs

4. Scheme Design

To finish the brief and make up one’s mind on peculiar proposals, including be aftering agreement visual aspect, constructional method, outline specification and cost, and to obtain all blessings.

Final development of the brief, full design of the designer, preliminary design by applied scientists, readying of cost program and full explanatory study. Submission of proposals for all blessings.

All client involvements, designers, applied scientists, QS and specializers and all statutory and other O.K.ing governments.

Brief should non be modified after this point.

4. Detail Design

To obtain concluding determination on every affair related to plan, specification, building and cost.

Full design of every portion and constituent of the edifice by coaction of all concerned. Complete cost checking of designs.

Architects, QS, applied scientists and specializers, contractor ( if appointed ) .

Working drawings

Any farther alteration in location, size, form, or cost after this clip will ensue in stillborn work.

5. Promotion Information

To fix production information and do concluding detailed determinations to transport out work.

Preparation of concluding production information i.e. drawings, agendas and specifications.

Architects, QS, applied scientists and specializers, contractor ( if appointed ) .

6. Bills of Measures

To fix and finish all information and agreements for obtaining stamp.

Preparation of Bills of Quantities and stamp paperss.

Architects, QS, contractor ( if appointed ) .

7. Tender Action

Action as recommended in relevant NJCC Code of Procedure for Selective Tendering.

Action as recommended in relevant NJCC Code of Procedure for Selective Tendering.

Architects, QS, applied scientists, contractor, client.

8. Undertaking Planing

To enable the contractor to programme the work in conformity with contract conditions ; brief site inspectorate ; and do agreements to get down work on site.

Action in conformity with RIBA Plan of Work.

Contractor, subcontractors.

Site operations

9. Operationss on Site

To follow programs through to practical completion of the edifice.

Action in conformity with RIBA Plan of Work.

Architects, applied scientists, contractors, subcontractors, QS, client.

10. Completion

To manus over the edifice to the client for business, remedy any defects, settle the concluding history, and complete all work in conformity to the contract.

Action in conformity with RIBA Plan of Work.

Architects, applied scientists, contractor, QS, client.

12. Feedback

To analyze the direction, building and public presentation of the undertaking.

Analysis of occupation records. Inspections of completed edifice. Surveies of edifice in usage.

Architect, applied scientists, QS contractor, client.


The phases of RIBA program

3.1 Origin

This is the beginning of the building procedure. Client and Architect are the chief stakeholders involve in this phase of a building undertaking. The client is the individual who needs that building to be built. Client chiefly see about his edifice demands and aims. Consulting an designer at the earliest planning phases opens the door to be nest eggs, both in the building and operation of the edifice through advanced design solutions. Appointing an designer to pull off undertaking and organize the work of advisers and contractors can salvage clip and money in the long tally. Details about the building such as Function of the edifice, size, location, fiscal bound and clip graduated table of the undertaking should be given to Architect to get down his work.

An designer ‘s part to a edifice plays a really of import function in the whole building procedure. It can act upon the perceptual experience, public presentation and add value to the building. Brought in early and given the chance to understand the building or work procedure, an designer can plan a edifice, a maestro program or interior that is tailored the clients ‘ current and future demands, presenting architecture that is practical and functional but besides a pleasance to work in and visit. There are tonss of solutions for a undertaking and designers should able to offer their ain attack towards planing procedure.

Very of import and critical determination to be taken in this phase is taking the right designer and design squad. Proper clip and consideration must be given to the choice procedure and to doing the right pick that will take to a good working relationship and finally an first-class design solution. The relationship between client and the designer should go on till the terminal of building procedure.It can lend significantly to the success of the undertaking. They should discourse about the demands, the timetable, the budget, and the nature and cost of professional resources required and their cost.

Fixing a good brief is really of import to travel to the following phases of the building procedure. Review the drawings and studies prepared by the design squad, carefully look intoing client demands against the design.

Consideration must be given to following factors when fixing the brief.


Legal sourcing stuffs and labor


Energy salvaging

Weather salvaging

Zero wastage



This is the 2nd phase of RIBA program of work. In this phase client or his representatives, designer, QS, and applied scientists busily engaged in happening conditions this undertaking is executable with the clients need and cost. The factors which affect the client ‘s demands are his economic place, fiscal bound, modern engineerings and legal action by the authorities governments. They carry out surveies to find the feasibleness of the client ‘s demands in economically, financially, Technically, Environmentally. Architect and his design squad provide assessments and recommendations sing the signifier in which the undertaking is to continue.

But the undertaking is chiefly determined on basic cost information. At this clip the client has a major responsibility to taken a really of import determination whether to travel in front with the undertaking or to give up the thought. Client can include professionals, such as designers, QS and humanistic disciplines advisers to measure the client alternate design, building attacks and the cost deductions. Besides Architects design new edifices, the infinites around them and changes to bing edifices. They besides advise on the Restoration and preservation of old edifices, layouts for groups of edifices and most of what is referred to as the reinforced environment. They liaise with current users, clients, and building specializers and their designs take history of information about cost, safety and societal factors from other specializers in the squad. They advise clients on the practicality of edifice undertakings and seek permission and blessing to see if the proposals can be put into pattern. The designer will besides necessitate to place the site limitations, such as saving orders, and any likely planning conditions.

Cost and the quality are the major factors impacting the designer ‘s determinations. These factors make hard to architect. During the feasibleness phase several factors are to be considered in the building procedure. The chief factors are ;

Area ( floor country of a edifice )


Shape and aesthetic characteristics

The constrains imposed by be aftering governments

The bringing clip of the undertaking ( completion day of the month )

Undertaking cost

Balance between initial cost and long term cost

Frequently the client is pressing for an appraisal of cost before any drawings have been produced. Measure surveyors step, estimation and advise on the cost of the designs produced by designers. The measure surveyor can fix approximative cost information which can be called as preliminary estimation. Based analysis of old edifice of a similar type utilizing insertion method. Quantity surveyor uses preliminary gauging methods for estimation approximate cost. The most common Estimating methods are ;

Unit of measurement method

Cube method

Superficial or floor country method

Story-enclosure method

Finally, measure surveyor can give cost information about the building procedure with the aid of gauging methods.

Outline Proposal

In this phase client ‘s demands have been decidedly established and conformed as operable. Stakeholders straight involve in this phase other than client, designer and QS, are land surveyors and some other specializers. chief undertakings to be done in this phase are developing the brief farther and carry out surveies on user demands, proficient jobs that will be faced at site operation, planning, cost information. In this phase architect Begin to see assorted design solutions in which the cost can be limited as to the client ‘s budget. Land surveyors involved in appraising the site and fixing necessary inside informations on this sector. QS has to affect in gauging the lineation cost plane in which he has to see the cost of similar elements of other undertakings to find the cost of the building undertaking. Cost bound is conformed and outline cost plane is produced with the wide cost allotment for major parts of the edifice. Elementss to be considered in this cost appraisal are,

The cost of infrastructures ( foundation )

Superstructures ( including internal coatings and adjustments )


Mechanical and electrical services

External plants


Particular characteristics of building

Cost planning procedure requires great accomplishment in using judgement and expertness. Although a similar yesteryear undertaking, or undertakings have been chosen to steer the cost allotments in the new undertaking, the allotments must be adjusted to take history of obvious and important differences such as user capacity and graduated table, Obvious design divergencies, Construction method, Market status, clip, Different type of locations. The terminal of this phase should supply a solid footing for the farther and go oning development of the undertaking in item.

Scheme Design

During this phase major be aftering jobs will be solved and the lineation designs will emerge. Brief is completed and design is developed to make up one’s mind on peculiar proposals, including planning, constructional method, outline specification, and cost, and to obtain all necessary blessings, such as blessings from local planning governments. The drawings and specifications besides should plan harmonizing to the edifice ordinances so merely they can acquire blessing from the planning governments. Modifying the elaborate design after this point will ensue in abortive of work.

So they should critically analyze the selected design in footings of


Method of building


The study designs will include subdivisions and lifts, and services and coating will be considered in add-on to the signifier of structural model. For case, if it is a framed edifice, it will be necessary to see the comparative virtues of steel or reinforced concrete. Sketch programs are produced to fix a item cost program, harmonizing to the above demands. Advisers besides investigate the demands.

The QS cheques on his approximative estimation figure and, with the assistance of extended cost information, reappears the initial cost program with probationary mark cost figures set down for each component or major portion of the edifice. The measure surveyor may follow an elemental attack, a comparative technique or a mixture of both.

Qs are employed to an increasing extent during the design phase to advice designers on the likely cost deductions of their design determinations. Advice is needed on the relationship of capital costs to maintenance costs and on the cost deductions of design variables and differing constructional techniques. The measure surveyor often acts as specializer advisor to the designer on all affairs concerned with edifice cost and it is critical that he should be involved at the earliest possible phases in the design of the edifice. The brief is completed and the design squad develops the full design of the undertaking.

Detail Design

In this phase concluding determinations are made on all affairs associating to plan, specification, building and cost. It is most necessary that these should be approved by the edifice client to avoid the possibility of future changes. But any farther alterations after this phase will ensue in stillborn work. Every portion of the edifice must be carefully designed, its cost tested and the design adjusted if indispensable. Some item designs and specifications are available at this phase, the most suited and accurate estimating technique is the approximative measure methods. Outline strategies will be prepared by advisers and planing by sub-contractors and impermanent estimations supplied in some instances.

The QS will be called upon to give comparative costs of different signifiers of building, faculties and service layouts and will set the distribution of costs in the cost program if critical. It is to be hoped that these comparative cost surveies will include possible running and maintained costs wherever they are likely to hold a important consequence on the result. Continuous costs cheques by the QS or will guarantee that the development of the design remains compatible with the cost program, and this procedure is sometimes described as cost declaration. When all the design drawings have been prepared and cost checked, a concluding cost reappraisal should be made by the QS and a study submitted to the designer.

At this phase the cost of the undertaking can be influenced significantly by the pick of stuffs and constructional methods for illustration, steel ; aluminum, lumber, concrete or metal facing panels ; inclusion or otherwise of a parapet wall ; and many other replacings. Continual mention to a cost program is critical as the inside informations of each portion of the undertaking are completed with possible alteration to plan a distribution of cost as the procedure of rapprochement procedures. At the terminal of this phase a concluding overall cost cheque can be made.

Production Information

Production Information is the sixth phase in the RIBA ( Royal Institute of British Architects ) Plan of Work. In this phase the designer creates a elaborate and co-ordinated set of paperss -Production Information Package – which contain production drawings, agendas and other descriptive factual. These paperss may be used for stamp intents and are largely updated or improved at the building phase. Design development is complete and the end product is structured and documented as drawings and specifications to secure stuffs, equipment and building resources to set about the edifice work.

Where the estimated cost of the designed component is within the cost mark in the cost program, the design should be confirmed in authorship as suited for the readying of production drawings, frequently described as the production information phase.

The concluding working drawings ( production drawings ) will now be prepared from which BOQcan be produced. Advisers, subcontractors and providers will be required to supply full information at this phase including realistic citations. The QS continues his cost cheque on the informations produced against the concluding cost program. He will rede the designer on any fiscal or contractual affairs assonated with the undertaking, including the footings and conditions of the chief contract and subcontracts and on the choices of stamps, and will be sing his work in stage G-the readying of the measure of measures. Advisers, sub-contractors and providers are required to provide full information including realistic citations.

A utile checklist of aims, information demands and processs at each phase of the cost planning procedure has been prepared by the Essex subdivision of the RICS, together with back uping specimen certification.

Bill of Measures

Bills of measures ( BOQ ) are the most common signifier of pricing scheme used where the contractor undertakes building works on the footing of full designs issued by the employer. This pattern note outlines what a measure of measures is and provides a recommended process for measuring stamps where the monetary values are based on a BOQ. The recommended process suggests that a priced BOQ is non included in the stamp entry and is merely called for from the highest ranked or hiting tenderer during the stamp rating procedure so that the acceptableness of the rates can be confirmed prior to the award of a contract.

A BOQ ( sometimes referred to as a agenda of measures ) is a list of points giving the measured or estimated measures and a brief description of the work to be performed under the contract. The measures and descriptions are derived and measured from the drawings and specifications. The BOQ allows for the interpolation of a rate against each point and the extension and totalling of the monetary values.

Once a contract is awarded, the priced measure of measures provides:

The agencies by which the plants can be valued and paid for during building, and

Depending upon the signifier of contract that is used, the footing for finding the alterations in monetary values originating from alterations to the range of work or holds and breaks.

The contractor is paid an sum for the point of work in a measure ( which is the rate for the work multiplied by the measure completed ) .

However it has long been recognized that in fixing this basic information, the measure surveyor procedure a great trade of elaborate information, much of which could be made available to the contractor. This would be of usage non merely in tendering therefore ever worthwhile in the early phases of any occupation disbursement some clip sing the function the measures are required to play and what extra information could be of usage to the peculiar parties involved.

A Bill of Quantities is a elaborate description of the points that make up the constituent parts of a edifice. The primary map of a measure of measures is to help the builder in the readying of the stamp monetary value. Measures are besides prepared for a figure of other grounds including:

Supply a frame of reference/check papers of drawings and specification.

Establish cost of

Entire edifice value

Trade costs

Individual edifice items/components

Materials telling

Scheduling of building work

Preparation of advancement payments

Cost control

Preparation of hard currency flow

Although chiefly designed as tendering paperss, measures of measures have an of import contractual function to play in the pricing of fluctuations. These fluctuations, with the original contract amount, will organize way of the concluding history. Additionally, measures of measures are normally used in the calculation of ratings for in term certifications. These are nevertheless a figure of extra functions that the measures can play of these the two most of import are the vocational designations of the work and the information of a footing for cost planning.

Tender paperss includes ;

Letter of invitation

Instruction manuals to stamps ( general and specific conditions )

Conditionss of contract

Standard signifiers ( sample )

Form of command and making

Bidding information building informations



Agenda of extra information

Return envelop

Tender Action

Tendering process purposes at choosing suited contractor and obtaining from him at an appropriate clip and acceptable offer, or stamp, upon which a contract can be let. The chief types of tendering methods are ;

Open tendering: Advertise through mass media, maximal competition

Selective tendering: Send stamp papers to selected stamps

Consecutive tendering: Choice contractor for one stage of undertaking and same contractor for other stages based on the original rate

Nominated tendering: Choice contractor by client

The undermentioned paperss should be sent to the selected stamps:

Two unbound transcripts of the measures of measures.

Drawings in conformity with the demands of

Two transcripts of the signifier of stamp.

An addressed envelope for the return of the stamp suitableness marked on both sides with the word ‘Tender ‘ and marked with the name of the occupation and the clip and day of the month to be delivered.

If the priced measures of measures are to be returned at the clip of the stamp, an addressed envelope to incorporate the measures, marked with the name of the occupation and with a infinite for the contractor ‘s name on the exterior.

We strongly recommend that, if it is proposed to utilize the method of covering with mistakes in stamps as outlined in Alternative 2 of subdivision 6 of the codification of process for individual phase selective tendering, priced measures of measures must be returned with the stamp. In the missive attach toing these paperss the undermentioned information and instructions should be given:

Date and clip stamps are to be returned.

Topographic point where all other drawings may inspect and with whom agreements have to be made for the purchase of extra transcripts of particular drawings if required by specializers.

Agreements for review of the site.

Time and topographic point of gap of stamps and whether contractors may be present.

When priced measure of measures are to be submitted at the clip of tendering, confidences that these will non be opened unless the contractor ‘s stamp is under consideration and that priced measures will be returned to unsuccessful contractors.

Instruction manuals that contractors are to acknowledgment reception of all paperss.

Conventional tendering processs have been criticized on the evidences that they fail to take full advantage of modern techniques and suppress the optimal usage of the contractor ‘s expertness. All tendering processs aim at choosing a suited contractor and obtaining from him at an appropriate clip an acceptable offer, or stamp, upon which a contract can be let. Negotiation may be the best attack in certain fortunes, such as add-ons to bing contracts and specializer work. Tendering a complex procedure whereby the tendering contractor who is dying to procure a peculiar contract needs to flip his stamp at the right degree, holding respect to the resources and method of executing without cut downing his net income border to an overly low degree. Tender processs are ;

Preliminary enquiry

Issue of stamp paperss

Pricing of stamps

Receive stamps

Open stamps

Examine lowest stamp

Covering with mistakes

Confirm stamp or retreat

Confirm stamp and right echt mistakes such as arithmetic mistakes

Choice lowest stamp

Sign the contract

Undertaking Planing

Successful undertaking direction requires team leading and coordination, diligent undertaking planning, and effectual inadvertence of the bringing procedure. The Project Management subdivision offers counsel for the full squad to successfully and efficaciously transport out a high public presentation edifice undertaking.

It is critical to set up the qualities of the undertaking that are necessary to fulfill client and stop user demands and outlooks for the finished undertaking, once it is delivered and in usage. Value for the money in building involves finishing a undertaking on clip, on budget and to a degree of quality that meets those determined demands. A well-programmed undertaking will go on to supply value and run into user demands throughout its life-time and will lend positively to the environment in which it is located with a broad scope of societal and economic benefits. Early investing in planning, programming and design can assist present these benefits and avoid unneeded costs and holds.

The duty for presenting high-quality merchandises rests with the full squad. When scheduling, the whole-life value should be considered and non merely initial capital costs. Over the life-time of a edifice additions in edifice quality consequence in better acting installations with decreased costs. A little sum of extra upfront planning by the client, design and building squads can hold tremendous benefits to the undertaking value and do everyone ‘s occupation easier.

The major portion in undertaking planning is choice of subcontractor. Subcontractors are chiefly selected by these undermentioned methods. The choice methods are ;

Contractor employed subcontractor



After the choice of subcontractor, there is an probe on site will be held. The intent of the site probe country follows ;

To happen seasonal volume alterations in the dirt

To find the nature of the undersoil

To find the bearing capacity of the undersoil

To foretell the likely behaviour of the undersoil under seasonal and ground H2O degree alterations

To determine the possibility of land motion

Operation on site

Physical operations are take topographic point in this phase. Client and adviser administrate the contract and physical operations. The contractor has a responsibility to implement and finish the plants. So, they have a responsibility to unclutter the site. This may affect the followerss ;

Destruction of bing edifice

Mooching out of shrubs and braid

Removal of dirt to cut down degrees ( Top dirt digging )

After the site clearance, the building will get down. The contractor is chiefly involved in this phase. He has a major responsibility to finish the undertaking within the clip bound.


Completion of uncluttering the class of the readying of the undertaking building unit accounts count more than the prevalence of hazard computation, high-set fixed monetary value, high fee recognition cards raise the criterions of the phenomenon of undertaking cost. Therefore, investing in the building phase to make a good occupation commanding factors in all the parties concerned finishing work for the smooth behavior of the completion of a comprehensive colony of the conditions of readying. Construction stage of the undertaking cost control of the range of procedure control, the control points during the different phases of the undertaking measures, visa, alteration and completion of sanctioned claims to be re-settlement drumhead. In add-on, the monetary value can be transformed into the duty of the contents of the contract after completion of the plants will be the signifier of money. Handle all types of building and coating costs for the completion of uncluttering to be played efficaciously.

Case Study

4.1 Undertaking Detailss

Undertaking Title: Construction of Building Complex for module of Management and commercialism

Client: South Eastern University, University Park, Oluvil.

Adviser: Technology Advisers ( PVT ) LTD No.03, Swama Place, Nawala Road, Rajagiriya.

Contractor: KD Ebert and boies Holdings ( PVT ) Limited, 5/41, madivela Road, Embuldeniya.

Value of the cost: Rs 112, 355, 184, 37

Date of Commencement: 01.07.2010

Contract period: 18 calendar months

Date of Completion: 01.01.2012

Undertaking Outline

The Government of Sri Lanka has built this two narrative edifice for the module of Management and Commerce at South Eastern University of Sri Lanka ( Oluvil ) . Once constructed, the edifices will be used for the academic intent of undergraduates of module of Management and Commerce.The two storied Building Complex, consist of tablet foundation, column & A ; beam concrete construction, brick masonry wall, clay tile roof and coatings with tile on floors, stick oning on walls.

This edifice will include


Staff room

Lecture Hall

IT lab

Leisure room


Car Park ( In Front Of the Building )

Shop room

Open Space ( in center of the three edifices )

Tocopherol: DocumentzDownloads29122011 ( 004 ) .jpg

Figure: The Building of Multi media


This is the get downing point of building of edifice composite at SEUSL ( Oluvil ) . in this phase Government has passed financed to transport out the undertaking. Vice Chancellor who is the client of the building considers about his edifice demands and aims. VC Initiated the undertaking, conveying all the demands to the designer to fix the design.VC appointed 3 members of his academic staff as the representative for the whole procedure. As the interior decorator of the undertaking Architect absorbed all the demands of the client. Architect should carry through the client ‘s demands and demand as the chief interior decorator of the undertaking. So, he prepared a elaborate and comprehensive brief to give some thought to VC and his representatives about the undertaking on design and cost.

4.4 Feasibility

In this phase they checked whether this undertaking is executable or non. The VC and their representatives briefed all the demands and their thoughts and handover the brief to the Engineering Consultants ( PVT ) LTD to confer with the undertaking on its feasibleness. By sing chief factors that would impact the feasibleness of the undertaking, designer of the adviser house identified client ‘s demands and prepared a design for the undertaking. Client discussed with the main applied scientist and conveyed his demands to him. Chief applied scientist have an thought to fix structural design harmonizing to the client ‘s demands. QS have played a major function in this phase. He gave an thought to diminish the size of the auditorium with the consideration of client ‘s budget. This thought was accepted by the VC and auditorium was built merely capable of 100 pupils which was planned to hold over 200 pupils. QS Prepared the first approximate cost appraisal with a aid of his old similar undertaking. With some of import alterations in their brief VC got the permission from the authorities to go on the undertaking. Finally another elaborate brief was prepared adverting all the alterations done at this phase.

Outline Proposal

In this phase, SEUSL demands are established and confirmed by the Engineering Consultants ( Private ) Limited. Here designer besides prepared alternate design programs harmonizing to the client ‘s demands In order to choose a correct and suited 1. Harmonizing to this VC and his representatives selected a best one which suits their demands. Structural applied scientist advised the designer on all structural jobs to make a right design programs. Architect chiefly considered about the maps and aesthetic positions. So he did non see about the structural jobs caused by him. It is the chief responsibility of the structural applied scientist to discourse about the constructions of the edifice. Service engineer gave alternate services and design layouts to the designer. QSs prepared cost appraisal for alternate designs. Cost specializer helps the QS to giving the value of building stuffs.

Scheme Design

Brief is completed in this phase and the design is developed by the designer. So the brief can non be modified after this phase. All the necessary blessings are obtained from the local planning governments. After the blessings the Advisers continued their plants. Architect prepared a full and concluding design of the undertaking because the brief is competed and confirmed by the VC. So the designer prepared a finalized undertaking program and consulted the local planning governments. The blessings are more of import for the building undertaking. Engineer analyzed client ‘s demand chiefly on structural sides and advised the designer on most suited design solutions. Quantity Surveyor besides portions his cost appraisals for the choice of suited design.

Detail design

All the designs were completed by the design squad. After that the building stuffs, machines and other constituents are purchased in order to get down the building procedure. Choice of labour force besides held in this phase. The proposed design program is finalized by the designer and the blessing from the local planning governments. Quantity surveyors revised the cost estimation and it was finalized. The construction of the undertaking is besides finalized by the applied scientists.

Production information

After the blessing received finalized design program was given by the architecture to the QSs, finalized structural program was submitted by the services applied scientist to QSs and services program was submitted by the services applied scientists to the Quantity surveyors in order to do handiness for QSs to do the BOQ.

Bill of Quantity

This phase is under taken by Quantity surveyors. Consultant Quantity surveyors prepare the BOQ. Fixing BOQ is an of import event. Each and every item of the stuff used and building procedure that are have to be cost are stated in that in clear mode.

4.10 Tender Action

Here the unfastened tendering has taken topographic point. Tender papers is published in Sunday Observer. Contractor Quantity Surveyors prepared the cost estimation in the Bill of Quantities given. KD Ebert and boies Holdings ( PVT ) Limited, was been selected as the best contractors. The common per centum of net income added on the monetary value in BOQ by this contractor is 15 % . And the per centum added for wastage is 3 % -5 % . So it has become the best low cost stamp. Then the adviser searched the fiscal position of early undertakings of that selected contractor to guarantee the suitableness of the contractor. Contractor got the information from the provider about the stuff and their cost and selected the suited 1.

Undertaking planning

Work agenda is prepared harmonizing to the distinct mode by contractor in this phase. And the subcontractor is employed by the contractor. The site probe besides held on in this phase.

Operation on sight

After the undertaking was handover to the contractor, they planned the building undertaking with the aid of their professionals. They allocated specific month periods to the building of the component of the edifice shown in the tabular array.

Table: Time allocated for the building procedure

Elementss of edifice

Calendar months allocated

Sub construction

3 months

Super construction of land floor

4 months

Stair instance

1 month

Upper floor

3 months

Roof Covering

2 months


3 months

External work

2 months


18 months

Advisers ever concentrate the contractors ‘ activities and rede them. Architecture and Quantity surveyor done researches on contractors work whether it is been done in order to carry through the client ‘s demand. Three representatives of the client have visited the site one time a month during the building period and look into whether the plants have done during the month as planned and they submitted a study to the client.

Two alterations in the building design have been done in this undertaking by carry throughing the demand in an alternate manner in order to do the cost lower. Changes are held after the understanding done among the adviser and contractor. A chief design alteration in building the edifice was held. It is to do easier the work, to hold a common wall alternatively of holding two individually. And ooze bed is dug alternatively of doing a drain for the drainage system. It is dearly-won and hard to do a long drain.


During this phase VC checked with the adviser QS whether the construction has built in order to carry through his demand. The quality, cost, the continuance of the work were checked. And so eventually payment was settled by the client. And besides the undertaking was handed over to the Vice Chancellor.

5.0 Decision

This RIBA program of work is the most widely recognized systematic dislocation of a building undertaking. Analyzing these stairss makes clear the building procedure. Main and common phases taken topographic point in the current building universe are related through the instance survey. Current positions on the engagement of Stakeholders in each phases, their functions and duties, undertakings and determinations to be taken in each phases and certifications to be taken at each phase are examined in this study. So involvement in each phase really clearly can be carried out with this cognition.