In the authoritative paper, Solow ( 1956 ) uses a neoclassical production map with diminishing returns to scale. By taking the rates of salvaging and population growing as exogenic, he showed different states reached different steady provinces. He showed that the higher the rate of economy, the richer the state. The higher the rate of population growing, the poorer the state will be.

Mankiw, Romer and Weil ( MRW ) ( 1992 ) augmented the Solow ( 1956 ) theoretical account by including a placeholder for human capital accretion in their cross-country arrested developments. Solow right estimates the waies of the effects of salvaging and population growing on income per capita but does n’t correctly foretell the magnitudes. For a given human capital accretion rate, higher nest eggs or lower population rate leads to a higher degree of income. This causes a higher degree of human capital as more wealth is invested in instruction. Therefore excluding human capital will bias the coefficients on nest eggs and population growing rates.

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MRW produces consequences which show that differences in nest eggs, population growing and instruction explain 80 % of cross-country fluctuation in income. The production map that is consistent with their consequences is

Yttrium is income per capita, K is physical capital, H is human capital and L is the population growing. This paper looks to further augment the MRW specification by including fiscal capital.

There is huge array of literature refering the consequence of fiscal sector development upon economic growing. Schumpeter ( 1911 ) foremost recognised the importance of the fiscal sector to economic growing. King and Levine ( 1993 ) use a scope of indexs of fiscal development on 80 states between 1960 through 1989. They find that size fiscal sector relation to GDP, the significance of retail Bankss relative to cardinal Bankss, the per centum of recognition allocated to private houses, are strongly correlated to growing. Furthermore, these indexs show high correlativity to the rate of physical capital accretion and betterments in the efficiency of capital allotment. However, this survey merely deals with Bankss and do non mensurate how fiscal systems ameliorate information and dealing costs. The issue of simultaneousness besides needs to be solved.

Harris ( 1997 ) surveies the assorted channels of the liquidness of the capital markets on economic growing for 49 developed and less developed states between 1980 and 1991. Using two phase least squares when the dependant variable ‘s mistake footings are correlated with independent variables. Capital market liquidness measured as entire one-year portions trades at the start of the interval as a per centum of GDP. This survey reports no important consequence of the capital market placeholder on growing for whole sample and for less developed states. However, it does describe important relationship with the developed states.

Levine, Loayza and Beck ( 2000 ) usage instrumental variables for legal beginning. As finance is based around contracts, legal beginnings that introduce Torahs to safeguard the rights of investors will help in fiscal development of a state. They deflate terminal of twelvemonth balance sheets by terminal of twelvemonth consumer monetary values indices and GDP by one-year CPI. They besides introduce private recognition ; value of credits by fiscal mediators divided by GDP. Regressions show a really strong connexion between the exogenic constituent of fiscal development and long tally growing. The information besides do non reject the trials of over identifying limitations, demoing our consequences are non due to simultaneousness prejudice.

Loayza and Renciere ( 2002 ) distinguish between short-term and long-term relationship between fiscal development and economic growing. For case sudden addition in inter-bank loaning may signal that there is a fiscal crisis on its manner. They find that the relationship does non keep for Latin America, which has seen many terrible banking crises. By utilizing private recognition as a step of fiscal intermediary development, they report a positive long tally relationship between finance and growing but largely a negative short tally relationship.

Rousseau and Wachtel ( 2000 ) study the relationship between economic growing and banking sector development & A ; capital market liquidness. They use a panel dataset of 47 states over the interval of 1980 to 1995. Using panel dataset gives the ability to work time-series and cross-section fluctuation. It besides avoids the unseen single heterogeneousness. It besides allows the usage of instrumental variables for all the explanatory variables, therefore bring forthing more accurate coefficients. They control for other causes of growing and seek to cut down omitted variable prejudice and simultaneousness. To mensurate stock market liquidness, they use the ratio of the value of traded shared to GDP. For bank development, ratio of M3 to GDP is used. To transport out the survey, foremost differenced Generalised Method of Moments ( GMM ) calculator is used. The survey finds strong positive connexion between liquid stock market and Bankss on economic growing.

Beck and Levine ( 2004 ) use a panel dataset of 46 states over the interval of 1976 and 1998. To proxy for banking sector development, they use entire bank claims on the private sector divided by existent GDP. To estimate stock market liquidness, the turnover ratio is used. This is the value of traded portions on domestic exchanges divided by entire value of portions listed on the exchange. The econometric job with analyzing stock markets and growing is that there is informations for fewer states and old ages, therefore taking to over-fitting of the information. This can take to misdirecting coefficients on the explanatory variables. To work out this, System GMM calculator is used ; this combines foremost differenced GMM in add-on to equations in degrees with lagged first-differences as instruments. This survey illustrates that stock markets and bank development are important subscribers to economic growing. But, the consequences may non be reproduced with other econometric techniques.

Cooray ( 2009 ) is the lone survey that augments the MRW specification with a placeholder for fiscal capital. A pooled cross subdivision is used on 35 states over the 1992 to 2003 interval. Two placeholders are used for fiscal sector size & A ; activity and another for fiscal sector efficiency. Size and activity is compiled by taking the norm of the ratio of M2 over GDP and the ratio of sedimentation Bankss ‘ assets to GDP. Efficiency is measured by averaging the value of the cyberspace ‘s involvement border to entire assets and Bankss ‘ operating expense costs to entire assets. The survey finds strong support for this drawn-out theoretical account. However, this work does n’t turn to the issue of excessively many instruments as reported by Roodman ( 2009 ) . Arellano and Bover ( 1995 ) suggest a system calculator that is able to gauge both the arrested development in degrees and the one in differences in order to cut down the opportunity of weak instruments biasing the coefficients and standard mistakes.

Undertaking Outline


Numerous economic experts have asserted that the text edition Solow theoretical account does non see the international fluctuation in income. Romer ( 1987 ) says that the theoretical account studies nest eggs as being excessively influential for growing. Lucas ( 1988 ) argues that fluctuation in population growing across states can non account for any important fluctuation in existent incomes as predicted by the Solow Model. Due to these “ failures ” , it has sparked work on endogenous growing theory. As discussed in the Literature reappraisal, it was the MRW survey which showed that the theoretical account remained valid but merely when it was augmented with human capital accretion.

( some theory on how finance can do growing ( beck and Levine 2004 ) .

The recent fiscal crisis has shown how a national stock exchange clang and terrible bank losingss can climax in a long planetary recession.

I have besides taken inspiration from my Development Economics assignment last twelvemonth where I tried to reproduce the convergence consequences in the Solow Model for a wider sample of states.


To analyze to what extent fiscal capital in the Solow Model influences economic growing for non-oil, intermediate and OECD states over the last 50 old ages.

This will seek to reply some of these issues:

To what extent that assorted elements of fiscal development such as bank loaning, stock market liquidness and bank development are able to explicate international fluctuation in income per capita.

A comparing of the consequences for assorted groups of states ; OECD, Intermediate and non-oil states. This will let for a wide comparing instead than merely concentrating on a peculiar type.


The general methodological analysis adopted by Cooray ( 2009 ) will be used but with turn toing the econometrics failings. I besides bring MRW to upto day of the month, i.e. the interval will be 1960 to 2007. I will avoid the recent planetary fiscal crisis as the information may be capable to alter. The dependent variable will be logarithm of GDP per working age individual in 2007. The independent variable Sk is the per centum of investing to existent GDP. The variables n, g and are population growing rate, step for the promotion of cognition and the depreciation rate severally. Like MRW, we will presume g and do n’t change much across states and it is assumed that g + = 0.05[ 1 ].

The primary arrested development will take the undermentioned signifier:

A Hausman trial will be done to inquire if random effects or fixed effects theoretical account is more appropriate for this panel information. Generalised Method of Moments will be used to account for the endogeneity in our theoretical account.

Hansen test- sensitive to the figure of instruments. J-stat is really little in cooray. These two trials of sensitiveness of instruments. P-value should be 0.25 to 0.75 scope. Shea ( 1997 ) partial R squared. T-value big. Cameron and trivedi chapter on GMM. Masters class on panel informations, talk 2 and 3.

acemoglu- wellness of fiscal sector by who it was colonised by.


For GDP per capita ( Y/L )

– Beginning: Economic and Social Data Service ( ESDS )

Ratio of investing to GDP ( Sk ) and growing rate of the labour force ( N )

– Beginning: World Development Indicators ( World Bank 2009 )

Primary school registration ratio ( Sh ) ( placeholder for Human Capital accretion )

– Beginning: Human Development Reports ( United Nations 2009 )

Financial sector development indexs

– Beginning: Beck et Al ( 1999, updated in 2007 )

These listed beginnings provide informations for the all the old ages and states that this probe is being carried out on.


The three groups of non-oil, Intermediate and OECD states will be used as done by MRW. The list of states in each group will besides stay unchanged as this will enable me to do comparings with the paper.

Contribution to the literature

The finance-growth relationship has been shown in stark footings in the recent fiscal crisis every bit good as the sulky growing which followed. This paper will lend to foremost lend to the Solow Model literature, whereby the theoretical account will be augmented to include fiscal capital. There is extended literature which explores how fiscal development can act upon growing, but few which incorporate physical capital and human capital to extinguish omitted variable prejudice.