Based on psychological theory and recent research, what alterations would you urge to the English Criminal Justice System in order to heighten the procedure of justness?

There are many controversial subjects within the sphere of psychological science that impact straight upon jurisprudence and the legal procedure of justness. The jobs concerned with these subjects typically include the truth of confession, suggestibility, the extent of jury determination devising and the dependability of oculus informant testimony. Many of these factors are to some extent still dismissed within the legal sphere. This essay seeks to initiate some of these factors and ponder over the cogency of steps that could be taken to decide them.

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The function of confessions is a important and cardinal portion of set uping guilt within the courtroom of jurisprudence. For illustration, Kassin and Neumann ( 1997 ) examined the impact of the defendant’s admittance of guilt at test compared to oculus informant testimonies and character testimony. The consequences from this research indicated that confessions were significantly more likely to rock the jury than other signifiers of grounds. Further to this Kassin and Sukel ( 1997 ) revealed that coerced confessions immensely increased the likeliness of strong belief rates. Surveies have besides shown that constructs such as rumor testimony and testimony given by a victim of the offense out of tribunal have an influential impact upon juryman determination devising ( Golding, Sanchez, & A ; Sego, 1997 ; Schuller, 1995 ) . These factors can be seen in the results of recent tribunal instances and made normally understood through the publications of their controversial finding of facts. For case, a group of three work forces known as the West Memphis Three were convicted in America due to the strength of their testimony and many have argued the strength of rumor testimony given outside of the tribunal. This surely should bespeak to the jurisprudence itself that measures must be taken towards set uping the cogency of confessions of guilt and possibly the demand for better contextual analysis instead than depending upon the reasonability of the procedure itself.

For case, the function of eyewitness testimony is another powerful factor with respect to jury determination devising. Although the cogency of oculus informant testimony can, and of class rather of course, is contested by the defense mechanism advocate, it is finally left to the jury to find guilt. In this case, we can see that oculus informant testimony is a strong factor in the suggestion, and the juries finding, of guilt. However, oculus informant testimony relies upon the restrictions and deformations found in memory itself. For illustration, psychological surveies have found that memory can go deformed and focussed upon certain factors such as the significance of a physical trait, a idiosyncrasy or an point of vesture upon callback. The significance of this could falsify, interrupt or even present bias to the callback of the event and so cut down the dependability of the testimony itself ( Penrod & A ; Cutler, 1995 ) . Similarly, the societal context in which memory has been recalled can make a compromised reading of events that conforms to an idealistic impression of the event in conformity to such factors as motive and trouble of callback ( Baron et al, 1996 ) . From this we can see that factors such as constabularies question and suggestibility can impact upon the dependability of oculus informant histories. The declaration of these factors is of class duly complex.

It is with this concern of the complex nature within the process of jurisprudence that we turn to the function of adept testimony to see to what extent, if any, this can assist set up a better judicial procedure and attack to the psychological science of legal affairs. Expert testimony is one manner of set uping a context in which the cogency of testimony can be put frontward and defined from an academic and indifferent position in an effort to cut down immaterial factors that deter from justness and the nucleus accent of the judicial procedure. Research into jury simulations have revealed many factors but their cogency is extremely questionable due to an unrepresentative nature of the methodological analysis, such as the participants used and the dependent variables measured being flawed, such as assurance and grades of duty within the procedure ( Weiten & A ; Diamond, 1979 ) . Regardless, surveies based upon the prejudice have shown that single differences, such as race, gender and personality have non been as powerful an index in the sway of a jury as dictatorship or legal bias – the belief that the jurisprudence itself is merely ( Penrod & A ; Fulero, 1990 ) . This indicates a great dependence for the jury to trust upon the differentiation made by adept testimony. As it is in the prosecutions best involvement to cognize when it is best to implement a piece of grounds, the function of strength has been researched through psychological question. Basically, utilizing the expert informant as opposed to the findings of fake juries, the juryman can so be educated to the importance and significance of certain psychological phenomena such as those we have outlined that relate to the specific trail. Typically the cogency of a defendant’s saneness supplication, the truth of callback in oculus informant testimony or the influence of suggestibility can be discussed and brought to the jury’s attending within the legal procedure of the test. This debut of nonsubjective psychological expertness is possibly one manner that the procedure of jurisprudence and the legal system of justness could be better served.


Baron, R, S. , Hoppe, S, I. , Kao, C, F. , Brunsman, B. , Linneweh, B. , and Rogers, D. , ( 1996 ) Social Cooberation and Opinion and Opinion Extremity.Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,32, 537 – 560.

Golding, J, M. , Sanchez, R, P. , and Sego, S, A. , ( 1997 ) The Believability of Hearsay Testimony in a Child Sexual Assault Trial.Law and Human Behaviour,21, 299 – 326.

Kassin, S, M. , & A ; Neumann, K. , ( 1997 ) On the Power of Confession Evidence: An Experimental Trial of the Fundamental Difference Hypothesis.Law and Human Behaviour,21, 469-484.

Kassin, S, M. , & A ; Sukel, H. , ( 1997 ) Coerced Confessions and the Jury: An Experimental Trial of Harmless Error Rule.Law and Human Behaviour,21, 27-46.

Penrod, S, D. , & A ; Fulero, S, M. , ( 1990 ) Attorney Jury Selection Folklore: What Do They Think and How Can Psychologists Help?Forensic Reports,3, 233-259.

Penrod, S, D. , & A ; Cutler, B, L. , ( 1995 ) Witness Confidence and Witness Accuracy: Measuring the Forensic Relation.Psychology, Public Policy, and the Law,1, 817 – 845.

Sculler, R, A. , ( 1995 ) Expert Evidence and Hearsay: The Influence of Second Hand Information on Juror’s Decisions.Law and Human Behaviour,20, 167 – 362.

Weiten, W. , & A ; Diamond, S, S. , ( 1979 ) A Critical Review of Jury Simulation Paradigm: The Case of the Defendant Characteristics.Law and Human Behaviour,3, 71 – 93.