Serbia is one of the taking states in raspberry production, which has been for a long clip our export jokester. The important measures of raspberry in our state bring forth on district of Kolubara territory, thanks to good resource base and advantages of climatic conditions. While they fight with legion obstructions in incursion in to sophisticated European market, the raspberry manufacturers in Kolubara territory should put up stronger market connexions with caterers and other business communities in Istrian territory and, in that manner, reach the consumers from all over the universe, who visit Istra in summer months. The purpose of the paper work is to set the point to a significance of common cooperation addition of the Kolubara territory and Istrian territory, in order to move competitory on the European market.

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Cardinal words: Production of raspberry, Kolubara territory, Istra territory, bilateral cooperation


The centre of Kolubara territory ‘s development is primary agricultural production and nutrient industry. Fruit turning, as signifier of primary production, is characterized by many comparative advantages in respect to other agribusiness subdivisions, while raspberry turning is characterized by legion advantages in respect to other subdivisions of fruit growth. Favorable natural conditions, every bit good as long tradition are favorable to raspberry turning in the Kolubara territory. In consideration to increasing demand for raspberry in the universe and significance of production capacities the territory has, it is necessary to back up the production of this coroneted fruit and do it more intensive and more profitable. Productive excesss of agribusiness, and foremost of all raspberry turning, could be placed on Croatian market, more accurate, on interested Istra territory market. The end of the research is to analyze possibilities of cooperation development and opening the boundary lines for free exchange of goods and services of these two territories. The involvement which would ensue from bilateral cooperation would be common. The raspberry agriculturists in Kolubara territory would hold certain market and arrangement for produced raspberry and other wanted agricultural merchandises, and caterers in Istra territory would be supplied by wellness and reliable merchandises in sufficient measures. In that manner they would lend to avowal of providing industry in Istra and agricultural merchandises from Kolubara territory country.

Basic features of production and export of raspberry in Serbia

Raspberry turning in Serbia has long tradition, why we made short retrospective of raspberry development in our state. We gave a reappraisal of raspberry production and increase kineticss of countries under raspberry in period 1951-2005 in the undermentioned graph. Harmonizing to available informations [ 3 ] in Serbia, since 1951 to 1960, the raspberry had been grown on 2.167 hour angles, while mean production had amounted less than 5000 dozenss. In ’70s had tripled bring forthing capacities of raspberry and its output. In period 1981-1990, the mean one-year production of raspberry in Serbia had amounted 34.000 T, and during ’90s it had increased to 54.000 T and since than, it had been one of our most important economic system merchandises and of import economic subdivision. The biggest size of raspberry production in Serbia, over 90.000 Ts, was realized in 2002.

For a long clip, we had been the biggest universe manufacturer of raspberry, but in last few old ages, under the influence of passage effect, and now besides under effects of planetary economic crisis had significantly decreased figure of raspberry trees, and hence had decreased entire production, excessively. Because of everything antecedently mentioned, we became second-placed universe manufacturer of this coroneted fruit with around 80.000 Ts yearly. Ahead of us is Russian Federation, with about one-year production of 98,7 thousand dozenss [ 4 ] . The raspberry grows today on surface of about 15.000 hour angle, which have increasing inclination by mean rate of 2,8 % yearly. The dominant country under raspberry-yards is located in cardinal portion of Serbia ( even 98 % ) , while mean size of package is 20 a, which is one of the failings in our raspberry turning.

What is characteristic for agricultural production in our state and therefore raspberry production, are oscillations in accomplished volume of production by old ages ( Graph 1 and Table 1 ) . Except conditions conditions, the causes of this visual aspect are, among other things, unregulated market and unorganised manufacturers. Harmonizing to informations of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, the production of raspberry in last five old ages has ranged from 77 to 90 1000 dozenss, with mean output of 5,5 t/ha.

Table 1. The production and ingestion of raspberry in Serbia in period 2005-2009, and projections for May 2010.





















Domestic ingestion














Entire domestic ingestion














Beginning: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management

The twelvemonth 2007 was particularly unfavorable for production of raspberry, because of strong drouths, which have reduced birthrate for 4 % in relation to 2006, which moreover determined the fact that the raspberry turning well depended on meteoric conditions ( merely on little countries was practiced irrigation, and on smaller countries existed hail protection ) . Except the oscillations in entire production, reviewed table pointed out to oscillations in per centum of exported raspberry, which was ranged in ascertained five old ages from 67 % ( 2008/09 ) to 92,7 % ( 2006/07 ) of entire production. The grounds for such drastic oscillations in export in ascertained old ages are legion and they overlap with citations sing obstructions in exporting on European market.

Second feature of raspberry turning in Serbia is that the highest per centum of picked fruits goes to universe market, while merely little measures go to domestic market ( Table 1 ) . As a 3rd characteristic can be quoted a fact that 93 % of entire exporting measure is frozen raspberry, while merely 7 % of raspberry exports as fresh or as manufactured merchandises ( semolina, juices, conserves and other merchandises ) . Our export of raspberry is oriented to sophisticated European market and chief obstructions Serbia meets on this market are:

  • Insufficient size of production is a cause of hapless excesss, which we can offer to universe market. Extensive production, unequal production engineering and age of seedlings reflect straight to realized output,
  • Low per centum of fresh raspberry export. In Serbian countries with raspberry-yards largely grow industrial kinds of raspberry, appropriate for processing, but with worst quality for fresh consuming,
  • Average package is 20 a and on such little countries is difficult to use modern systems of raspberry growth,
  • Lack of equal cold storage workss which could storage produced raspberry during whole twelvemonth and warrant its quality,
  • Lack of modern distributive centres with equipment for pre-cooling, chilling, standardization and packaging, which would use European criterions for packaging and transit vehicles and, besides, to supply continuity in presenting ordered measures of ordered quality,
  • Introducing HACCP and EUROGAP certifications in order to standardise production, packaging, managing and conveyance,
  • Lack of professional services which would supply faster circulation of information to the manufacturers,
  • The monetary values form freely on the market, as a consequence of a trade between buyers and manufacturers, while antecedently were controlled by the province,
  • Lack of working capital and high monetary value of banking capital is unsuitable to production conditions in whole agribusiness,
  • Bad organisation of the manufacturers which are uncompetitive refering bing buyers etc.

In production and export of raspberry into European market, the biggest Serbian rival is Poland, which has similar export construction, but it has different kinds of raspberry. In respect to Serbia, Poland exports merely little more of consumable raspberry. Although Chile has been mentioned for a long clip as a rival of Serbia, the information showed different status. Namely, the most of import markets of Chile are USA and Canada, and significantly less raspberry ( around 30 % ) , it exports in Europe.

Advantages of natural conditions for turning raspberry and its mixture in Kolubara territory

Kolubara territory has comparatively stabile, temperate-continental clime, with certain features, which manifest as elements of sub-humid and micro-thermal clime, which is one of primary demands of raspberry, in order to recognize regular and abundant birthrate. In alleviation construction dominate hilly terrains and cragged country with height of 75-980 m. Various kinds of raspberry can be grown on height of 1.200 m, but the highest harvest realizes on height between 300 and 800 metres. Except mentioned features of natural environment, the territory is characteristic besides by assorted types of dirts with different production – bonitet values, which straight reflects to a method of land usage. Highly favorable alleviation and pedological land features, every bit good as climatic-hydrological conditions, were provided that the raspberry grows successfully in close by-mountainous belt of Kolubara territory.

Table 2. Structure of agricultural land usage in Kolubara territory – construction in % –

Entire agricultural land

Cultivated land





Kolubara territory















































Beginning: Municipal yearbook for 2008 and computation of the writers

Opposite to old averments about conditions ‘ advantages for raspberry growth, the tabular array shows that presence of groves in entire agricultural country is comparatively low. On territory degree, harmonizing to relative presence of countries under fruits, stands out the municipality Osecina, than follows Valjevo, Ljig and Mionica, while in Ub and Lajkovac, the presence of groves is significantly lower. The production of raspberry in Kolubara territory is practiced on 2.000 hour angle, or 11 % of countries under groves of the territory and 14 % of entire countries under raspberry in Serbia. There was observed that there is diminishing tendency of entire seedlings under raspberry in primary agricultural manufacturers on district of Kolubara territory, while experts on terrain evaluate that the lessening amounts around 250-300 hour angle [ 5 ] . Sing that raspberry is in great demand on foreign market, there can non be allowed lessening of production.

Sing kind construction between 90 and 95 % of adult raspberries in Serbia, and Kolubara territory, excessively, are „North American Willamette“ ( major country out of entire 1.600 hour angle of Valjevo raspberry-yards is planted with this kind ) , and other turning kinds are Meeker, Promise and Gradina. The kinds of raspberry beginning from assorted kinds and distinguish by assorted economically-technological and biological features. Harmonizing to economic significance, particularly of import are kinds of ruddy raspberry, where belongs Willamette kind. This kind is really fertile, which gives yield up to 20 T in intensive turning. In the universe have appeared new and better kinds, which show that alteration of mixture is premise of farther development of this production and its accommodation with demands of foreign demand.

The production of raspberry in Kolubara territory and possibility of arrangement on Istra territory market

Kolubara territory is on 2nd topographic point sing raspberry production in Serbia. On the first topographic point is Zlatibor territory. The production of raspberry in Kolubara territory shows mild oscillations with about changeless outputs per hectare ( Table 2 ) . Harmonizing to informations of Regional Chamber of Commerce Valjevo in 2008, on district of Kolubara territory was realized entire raspberry production of 7.782 T with mean output of 3.907 t/ha. The production in 2008 was 16 % higher in respect to 2007 and for about 10 % higher in respect to 2006. Realized production of raspberry in 2008 in the territory was about 10 % of entire raspberry production in Serbia. The mean outputs are lower in respect to the republic norm, because of deficiency of assets, cognition and experience in using modern engineerings for turning this coroneted fruit.

Table 3. Production of raspberry on the Republic and Kolubara territory degree, in period 2006-2008.


Republic / District

Area in hour angle

Production in T

Average output in t/ha


Republic Serbia




Kolubara territory





Republic Serbia




Kolubara territory





Republic Serbia




Kolubara territory




Neither agribusiness, nor fruit production are traditionally present in Istra territory. The touristry has been prevailing activity and beginning of income for major population. Harmonizing to informations published within the undertaking under title „Strategic plan of Istra territory rural development ( 2008-2013 ) “ , in the territory is under assorted kinds of fruits around 300 hour angle, where under Prunus persica seedlings – 100ha ; under plum seedlings 65ha ; apple – 35ha ; pear – 35ha ; red 25ha ; nut around 15ha and other fruits around 25ha. It is obvious that raspberry seedlings, if even exist, occupy really little country within that country of 25ha ( other fruits ) . The agricultural manufacturers of Kolubara territory should utilize advantages they have ( tradition and more available resources for making assorted agricultural activities, and hence better possibility for doing excesss ) for incursion into Istrian market and supply safe arrangement of its merchandises and do it competitory in respect to other similar merchandises, which import for the demands of catering in the territory.

In order to beef up production and fight, the Regional Chamber of Commerce Valjevo has started the plan of support to import of nutrient merchandises, which produce on district of Kolubara – Macva – Podrinje. In conformity to this plan, on the first topographic point on the list of „the merchandises which realize the highest export value in the region“ are the raspberries. Entire value of exported raspberry from the district of RCC Valjevo in 2007 was over 274 million USD [ 6 ] . Except separately frozen raspberries, there was realized besides export of other frozen raspberry merchandises, such as semolina ( frozen, than grinded raspberry ) , original ( frozen raspberries without categorization ) and block ( frozen pasted and residues of raspberry – C category ) . The most of import export finishs for frozen raspberry of this part are: Austria, Germany, France and Great Britain, but there are besides attempts to put these merchandises on neighbouring market of Istra territory.

Except fresh and frozen raspberry should non pretermit neither other traditional merchandises of Kolubara territory, such as prunes, rakijas, juices, jams, conserves, blackberry vinos, home-made bars with plums and apples. Dried fruits and other traditional and reliable merchandises would be certainly competitory on Istrian market. Numerous drying-rooms trade with production of dried fruits on district of Kolubara territory. One of the most celebrated is „Agranela“ , located in Valjevo. This drying-room has got in 2007 HACCP quality certification and dealed successfully in fruits treating and drying engineering. They have new seedlings and basic fruit kinds that can be found in supply are prune, dried rancid cherry, dried apple, and dried pear. In modern subdivision realizes production capacity of 600-700 T of prune yearly, while programs even 1000 T, which is the drying-room capacity. The important export this house realizes on EU market, Russian, Egyptian and Sudanese market. Except „Agranela“ in Valjevo, „Plemic-komerc ” , „Podgorina fruit“ in Osecina and many other little houses deal with sale of healthy nutrient.

It has been already classified in the group of merchandises which realized the highest export value from the part Kolubara – Macva – Podrinje, by increasing fight through investings in cognition and equipment can progress profitableness of raspberry production, as of import economic subdivision of the province and the territory.


Taking into consideration that Istra is well-known tourer finish and it has great demands for healthy and qualitative nutrient and Kolubara territory has sufficient measures of qualitative raspberry, every bit good as many other agricultural merchandises ( dairy merchandises and healed meat ) , there is necessary to set down barriers and upsets in trade to simplify the goods exchange in both waies. In this manner would supply, non merely certain arrangement of agricultural merchandises from Kolubara territory, but to lend to their avowal and safe supply with healthy merchandises of Istrian caterers. Close cooperation of Kolubara territory and Istra territory can hold its full effects through development of common supply, which must be alone, extremely differentiated and competitory on sophisticated EU market. In malice of all that, it is necessary to back up raspberry turning of Kolubara territory desperately, in order to do the production standardized, and fulfill all consumers, as in measure, every bit good as in quality sense.


  • Konkurentnost privrede Srbije 2006: Dijagnoza Rastafarian, Jefferson Institute, Beograd 2006 ;
  • Opstinski godisnjak za 2008. godinu, Republicki zavod za statistiku, Beograd
  • Petrovic, S. – Ekonomski aspekti proizvodnje maline u Republici Srbiji, casopis Jugoslovensko vocarstvo, Naucno vocarsko drustvo Srbije, Vol. 38. Br. 145-146. ( 1-2 ) , pp. 49-58, Cacak, 2004 ;
  • Proizvodnja I izvoz voca u 2008. godini, Regionalna privredna komora Valjevo, Valjevo 2009 ;
  • Strateski plan ruralnog razvoja Istarske zupanije ( 2008.-2013. ) , Studija, Sveuciliste u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet Zagreb, 2008.
  • Sveze voce I povrce 2006: Konkurentnost privrede Srbije, Jefferson Institute, Beograd 2006 ;
  • hypertext transfer protocol: //
  • hypertext transfer protocol: //
  • hypertext transfer protocol: // option=com_content & A ; task=view & A ; id=95 & A ; Itemid=81 clanak „Kako napraviti nacionalni brend“
  • hypertext transfer protocol: // – Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management

[ 1 ] This article represents a portion of the Project no. 149007 D research consequences – Multifunctional Agriculture and Rural Development Aimed at EU Integration of Serbia, financed by the Serbian Ministry of Science and and undertaking “Competitiveness and Comparative sustainable rural development of Istra and Kolubara region” , within the plan of scientific-technical cooperation of R.Serbia and R.Croatia. Both undertakings are financed by the Ministry of Science and Tecnological Development of the Republic of Serbia.

[ 2 ]

[ 3 ] hypertext transfer protocol: //

[ 4 ] hypertext transfer protocol: // option=com_content & A ; task=view & A ; id=95 & A ; Itemid=81, article „How to do national brand“

[ 5 ] Bulletin 7/09, Agricultural professional service Valjevo

[ 6 ] hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Data that was given by Regional Chamber of Commerce Valjevo are working and will be susceptible to farther controls )