
Louis D. Brandeis lived during an of import clip of alteration in American history. His support of the public public assistance led him to do great parts as a attorney, progressive reformist, justness supreme, and leader of the Zionist motion.

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Louis D. Brandeis: History of a Social Reformer

Louis D. Brandeis was born in 1856 in Louisville, Kentucky. In his life he had reoccurring functions in Progressive Era political relations, Supreme Court history, railwaies, turn-of-the-century labor-management differences, nest eggs bank life insurance, antimonopoly policy, and Zionism ( Wittes, 2009 ) . He graduated Harvard Law School in 1877. Early in his life he became a successful Boston attorney. He gained wealth and popularity in Boston because of his representation of the corporate issues. Late, he so turned against those involvements and became the “people’s attorney” . Harmonizing to Kennedy and Cohen ( 2013 ) , at this clip in the beginning of the 20Thursdaycentury, the diverse American people were convulsed by a reform motion. They go on to state, ‘The new reformers, who called themselves “progressives” , waged war on many immoralities, notably monopoly, corruptness, inefficiency, and societal injustice.” ( p.638 ) . Their intent was to beef up the province by utilizing the authorities as an bureau of human public assistance ( Kennedy and Cohen, 2013, p638 ) . Brandeis progressive and broad values where the precursors of his career.’ He served ( 1907–14 ) as advocate for the people in proceedings affecting the constitutionality of rewards and hours Torahs in Oregon, Illinois, Ohio, and California. InMullerV.Beaver state( 1908 ) he persuaded the U.S. Supreme Court that minimum-hours statute law for adult females was reasonable—and non unconstitutional—with a brief chiefly dwelling of statistical, sociological, economic, and physiological information.’ ( Progressive Reform” . n.d ) This set the phase to guarantee Torahs protecting adult females and kids in the workplace.

The effects of the Industrial Revolution was besides taking a toll on the American society at this clip. This lead to a battle against the corrupt street auto franchise. In order to modulate or command big corporations to reconstruct free competition, President Theodore Roosevelt had challenged the most imperial dictators of the industrial nobility, J.P, Morgan and James J. Hill. They sought to accomplish practical monopoly of the railwaies in the Northwest. ( Kennedy and Cohen, p 649 ) . To portion with the imperfects a desire to restrict the power of big and potentially monopolistic corporations, Brandeis participated in the Boston Franchise conference, a citizen anteroom that efficaciously prevented the Boston elevated railroad Company from having particular favours from the metropolis of Boston. ( Progressive Reform” . n.d ) . This promoted Roosevelt’s “monopoly smashing” attitude. “The continuity and asperity of his protagonism and the severe uprightness he bought to it led Franklin Roosevelt to mention to Brandeis dearly as “Isaiah” .

Still an enemy of industrial and fiscal monopoly, he formulated the economic philosophy of the New Freedom that Woodrow Wilson adopted in his 1912 presidential run. Andrew Wilson succeeded Roosevelt in presidential term and Brandeis was involved in the policymaking during the first disposal. The New Freedom plan included the call for stronger antimonopoly statute law, banking reform, and duty decreases. President Wilson declared that the great monopoly in the state was the money monopoly and that the great industrial state is controlled by its system tribunal. This led Brandeis to advance public consciousness with his scholarly bookOthers People’s Money and How the Bankers Use It( 1914 ) . From this point Brandeis went on to do a repute for himself as a public advocator. Having established his desire to asseverate the public involvement against monopolistic corporations, Brandeis continued this committedness in a assortment of ways. The insurance companies so to the full controlled the monetary value of life insurance and kept that monetary value so high that industrial workers could non afford life insurance. To run into this demand, Brandeis developed the thought of life insurance sold at nest eggs Bankss. This insurance could be afforded by workers and Brandeis was able to win credence of the thought in the Massachusetts Legislature. This led to the Federal Reserve Act. This act put in topographic point a Federal Reserve Board, appointed by the president, who oversaw a countrywide system of 12 regional modesty territories, each with its ain cardinal bank and although these regional Bankss were really bankers’ Bankss, owned by member fiscal establishments, the concluding authorization of the Federal Reserve Board guaranteed a significant step of public control. ( Kennedy and Cohen p.665 ) . Brandeis was non merely an advocator of one side, nevertheless ; he besides favored competency and efficiency in companies and on occasion provided them with analyses of their operation that improved their efficiency and permitted a decrease of cost. Harmonizing to Sharfrits, Ott, and Jang 2011 p.11 ) “Louis D. Brandeis, an associate of Fredrick W. Taylor ( and subsequently Supreme Court Justice ) , coins and popularizes the term scientific direction in his Eastern Rate Case testimony before the Interstate Commerce Commission by reasoning that railway rate additions should be denied because the railwaies could salvage “a million dollars a day” by using the scientific direction methods. They besides province that “scientific direction does non be and can non be until there has been a compete mental revolution on the portion of the workingmans working under it, as to their responsibilities toward themselves and toward their employers, and a complete mental revolution in the mentality for the employers, toward their responsibilities, toward themselves, and toward their workmen.” The chief aim was to better economic efficiency and labour productiveness. Once this happen, the coherence amongst the unit will do cheaper end product, and more net income, which is a win win for everyone. Brandeis values similar those to Frederick Taylor. As a self-appointed advocator of the populace, Brandeis non merely pointed out jobs but besides proposed solutions. He was a protagonist of the importance of the function of efficient concern patterns in profiting the worker and society in general. This helped set an terminal to large concerns acquiring “richer” , and smaller concerns acquiring “poorer” . “Unlike Taylor, Brandeis understood that scientific direction could non win without the labourers consent and believed that its engagement in the constitution of public presentation criterions in little houses was the manner to “attain that freedom and development of the worker without which even his greater felicity would non advance the general public assistance. “as stated by Aldestein. ( Adestein, 1989 ) .

Wilson nominated Brandeis to the Supreme Court on Jan. 28, 1916. The pick initiated a acrimonious battle. Conservatives strongly opposed and reform groups enthusiastically endorsed the nomination. Six former presidents of the American Bar Association and former president of the United States, William Howard Taft denounced Brandeis for his allegedly extremist political positions. Some antisemitism was involved, for Brandeis was the first Jew of all time nominated for America ‘s highest tribunal. The Senate eventually approved after four months of vigorous argument and Brandeis took his place on June 5, 1916, where he served until Feb. 13, 1939. Long an advocator of societal and economic reforms, he maintained a place of principled judicial liberalism on the bench. The whole while he did conflict with conservative forces. Both he and his co-worker and friend Oliver Wendell Holmes were advocators of “judicial temperateness, ” reasoning that justnesss should non turn over statute law merely because they disagree with a peculiar pattern. Brandeis ‘s onslaught on the aggressive judicial conservativism of his twenty-four hours helped determine modern judicial conservativism ‘s credo of restraint. He opposed puting the constitutional protection of due procedure with substantial rights ; at the clip, that meant resistance to the right of concern to run free of ordinance, though now it would intend, among other things, resistance to constitutionally protected abortion ( Lewis, 2010 ) . Brandeis was a committed truster in the right of provinces to experiment with policies ; he mistrusted largeness in authorities about every bit much as he despised it in concern. And he strongly insisted on the jurisdictional bounds of the federal tribunals — a place normally opposed by today ‘s judicial progressives and embraced by conservativists. Brandeis and Holmes would fall in forces in dissenting against the Court ‘s willingness to present its judgements about economic and societal policy against those of single provinces. Besides with Holmes, Brandeis courageously defended civil autonomies throughout this epoch. If he did uphold broad usage of province powers, it was merely in the service of fostering single self-realization ; he besides rejected incursions of a province upon a citizen ‘s autonomy. Two illustrations are the Olmstead instance, affecting wiretapping, andWhitney v. California,in which Brandeis opposed a California jurisprudence stamp downing free address. Brandeis, nevertheless, tended to follow a dual criterion: He often deferred to legislative assemblies when measuring issues of economic policy, even when he disagreed with a policy, but he did non waver to strike down Torahs or policies that violated single autonomies. ( Lewis, 2010 ) . He thought to be the first outstanding member of the legal community to rede that all attorneies should see it an duty to do pro bono parts to public service or worthy causes. This personified him as the broad dreamer of justness who champions societal justness.

Brandeis parents were Bohemian Jews who had come to America in the wake of those European radical motions of 1848. Part of his personal life was his committedness to fellow Jews. As an arbiter of a work stoppage of New York garment workers, who were chiefly Judaic, Brandeis, became acutely cognizant of Judaic jobs and subsequently became a leader of the Zionist motion. Brandeis foremost embraced the Zionist motion, in big portion because he perceived it as an idealist motion. An improbable campaigner for a Zionist leader, he was raised by secular Jewish, and he often said that he was non “mystically or sacredly inclined.” He agreed with Theodore Roosevelt in opposing the impression of hyphenated Americans, and he ne’er let himself be defined by faith or ethnicity. Unquestionably, he experienced the sting of antisemitism from clip to clip, but he seemingly ne’er perceived of himself as a victim of favoritism. As caput of the American Zionist motion from 1914 to 1921, his matter-of-fact end was “Men! Money! Discipline! ” His end for Palestine was that it become “democratic, classless, and Jewish the latter in footings of the ethical instructions of the Prophetss and non the ritualistic prescriptions of the rabbis.” While on the Court, he did non waver to try to act upon American presidents to back up Judaic in-migration into Palestine, and in the 1930’s he in secret provided over 50 thousand dollars to back up the Judaic military organisation, the Haganah.

In shutting, Louis D. Brandeis’ life and works displayed the highest ideals and most effectual policies of the progressive tradition. His consistent accent on broad values led him to be a really effectual societal reformist and legal expert. His strong support of the “little people” and single fulfillment helped open up the Progressive motion and changed the class of Industrial Revolution. In his attempts to better corporate efficiency and supply protection for the populace, Brandeis learned the value of public sentiment. While besides using the development of scientific direction he was able to accommodate the developing powers of modern authorities and society while keeping single autonomies and chances for their personal development. Brandeis died on October 5, 1941. His committednesss to justness, instruction, and Judaism were commemorated several old ages subsequently in the initiation of Brandeis University.


Adelstein, R. ( 1989 ) . Islands of witting power: Louis D. Brandeis and the modern corporation.Business History Review,63, 614-656.

Brandeis, Louis Dembitz. ( 2013 ) .Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, 1.

Kennedy, David M. , Cohen, Lizabeth. ( 2013 ) .The American Pageant: A History of theAmerican Peoples. Boston, MA: Wadsworth.

Lewis, T. ( 2010 ) . Louis D. Brandeis.Magill’S Literary Annual 2010, 1-4.

Shafritz, Jay M. , Ott, Steven J. , & A ; Jang, Yong Suk. ( 2011 ) .Classicss of Organization Theory:Seventh Edition. Boston, MA: Wadsworth.