
One of the most dramatic developments of recent decennaries has been the globalisation of concern. The growing of universe trade requires more information about foreign markets and companies which expand into new and unknown markets must possess the information about the demand and conditions of these markets. Companies invade non merely into such developed markets as Europe, US and Japan, but besides into the unstable but turning markets of Latin America, the politically unsure markets of the Middle East and Russia, and the quickly altering markets of South East Asia and the rising African markets [ 1 ] .

The development of new communicating and information engineerings change the life style, ingestion behaviour and buying forms of different states. All this indicates that the selling research in planetary environment has become indispensable.

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The intent of this paper is to give definition of the international selling research and depict the factors which influence the selling research in different states. The paper besides deals with the stairss of international selling research procedure and its chief classs. The advantages and disadvantages of roll uping secondary and primary informations and study methods of international selling research are presented in the paper. Finally, the jobs which may happen in the international selling research are summed up.

1. Marketing Research in a Global Environment

Marketing research patterns and techniques have become genuinely planetary. For illustration, the universe ‘s largest research house, Nielsen, is headquartered in the U.S. but derives about two-thirds of its gross from outside the U.S. It is standardising much of the information it routinely collects in 27 different states.

International selling directors make the same basic types of determinations as do those who operate in merely one state. Of class, they make these determinations in a more complicated environment. As with selling determinations, the basic map of marketing research and the research procedure does non differ between domestic and transnational research. However, the procedure is complicated about exponentially as more and more states are involved in the same determination.

The chief factors which influence the selling research in different states are

1. Cultural differences. Culture refers to widely shared norms or forms of behaviour of a big group of people [ 2 ] . It is the values, attitudes, beliefs, artefacts and other meaningful symbols represented in the form of life adopted by people that help them construe, measure and pass on as members of society [ 3 ] . A company which works on the international market is in demand of transverse cultural consciousness. Cross cultural differences ( linguistic communication, non-verbal communicating, different norms and values ) may do transverse cultural bloopers. There are illustrations of cultural bloopers in the selling mix.

Merchandise. When a soft drink was launched in Arab states, it has a label with six-pointed stars. The gross revenues were really low as the stars were associated with Israel.

Price. An American house was willing to put a sensible monetary value for the merchandise they intended to sell to the Japanese. A elaborate presentation was made to the Nipponese business communities, but it was followed by a deep silence. The Americans thought that the Japanese were traveling to reject the monetary value and offered a lower monetary value. The Nipponese kept silence once more. After that the Americans lowered the monetary value once more stating that it was the lowest they could sell at. After a brief silence the offer was accepted. Subsequently the Nipponeses confessed that the first offered monetary value was rather acceptable, but they had a tradition to believe over the offer mutely. An American company suffered great losingss in this instance.

Topographic point. A company wanted to come in the Spanish market with two-liter drinks bottles and failed. Soon they found out that Spaniards prefer little door electric refrigerators and they could non set big bottles into them.

Promotion. Pepsico came to Taiwan with the ad ‘Come Alive with Pepsi ‘ . They could non conceive of that is it translated ‘Pepsi will convey your relations back from the dead ‘ into Chinese.

2. Racial Differences. This refers to the differences in physical characteristics of people in different states [ 4 ] . For illustration, types of hair cut and decorative merchandises differ greatly in assorted states.

3. Climatic Differences. These are the meteoric conditions such as temperature scope or grade of rain. For illustration, Bosch-Siemens adapted their washing machines to the markets they sell. In Scandinavia, where there are really few cheery yearss, they sell rinsing machines with a minimal spin rhythm of 1,000 revolutions per minute and a upper limit of 1,600 revolutions per minute, whereas in Italy and Spain a spin rhythm of 500 revolutions per minute is adequate.

4. Economic Differences. Economic development of assorted states is different and when a company introduces a new merchandise it adapts it to that new market. There are factors which show the degree of economic development

Buying power and gross of the market. In developed states with higher income of gross people prefer complicated merchandise with advanced maps, while in hapless states simple merchandise are preferred.

The substructure of the market. Such elements of the substructure of the state as conveyance, communicating system and others influence the merchandise. When Suzuki come ining the Indian market the suspension was reinforced as the province of roads in India is really hapless.

5. Religious Differences. Religion affects the merchandise greatly and makes companies adapt their merchandise to spiritual norms. If a company exports food market merchandises to Islamic states it must hold a particular certification indicating that the animate being was slaughtered harmonizing to ‘Halal ‘ methods.

6. Historical Differences. Historical differences affect the consumer behaviour. For case, Scotch whisky is considered stylish in Italy and non really voguish in Scotland.

7. Language Differences. The right interlingual rendition and linguistic communication version is really of import. For illustration, when Proctor & A ; Gamble entered the Polish markets it translated decently its labels but failed. Later they found out that imperfect linguistic communication must hold been used in order to demo that the company fits in.

Besides the differences mentioned supra, there may be differences in the manner that merchandises or services are used, differences in the standards for measuring merchandises or services across assorted markets and differences in market research installations and capablenesss [ 5 ] .

2. International Marketing Research Process

a. International Marketing Research Categories

International selling research is the systematic design, aggregation, entering, analysis, reading, and coverage of information pertinent to a peculiar selling determination confronting a company runing internationally. International selling directors need to constantly supervise the different forces impacting their international operations [ 6 ] .

There are three general classs of research based on the type of information required.

Exploratory research trades with detecting the general nature of the job and the variables that relate to it. Exploratory research is characterized by a high grade of flexibleness, and it tends to trust on secondary informations, convenience or judgement samples, small-scale studies or simple experiments, instance analyses, and subjective rating of the consequences.

Descriptive research is focused on the accurate description of the variables in the job theoretical account. Consumer profile surveies, market-potential surveies, product-usage surveies, attitude studies, gross revenues analyses, media research, and monetary value studies are illustrations of descriptive research. Any beginning of information can be used in a descriptive survey, although most surveies of this nature rely to a great extent on secondary informations beginnings and study research.

Causal research efforts to stipulate the nature of the functional relationship between two or more variables in the job theoretical account. For illustration, surveies on the effectivity of advertisement by and large attempt to detect the extent to which advertisement causes gross revenues or attitude alteration.

There are three types of grounds to do illations about causing: ( 1 ) accompaniment fluctuation, ( 2 ) sequence of happening, and ( 3 ) absence of other possible insouciant factors.

Attendant fluctuation, or invariant association, is a common footing for ascrib­ing cause. For illustration, the advertisement expenditures vary across a figure of geographic countries and step gross revenues in each country. To the extent that high gross revenues occur in countries with big advertisement outgos and low gross revenues occur in countries with limited advertisement outgos, it is inferred that advertisement is a cause of gross revenues. It must be stressed that this have been merely inferred, it is non proved that increased advertisement causes increased gross revenues.

Sequence of happening can besides supply grounds of causing. For one event to do another, it must ever predate it. An event that occurs after another event can non be said to do the first event. The importance of sequence can be demonstrated in the last illustration of advertisement doing gross revenues. It is supposed that farther probe showed that the advertisement allotment to the geo­graphic parts had been based on the last period ‘s gross revenues such that the degree of advertisement was straight related to past gross revenues. Suddenly, the nature of our causal relationship is reversed. Now, because of the sequence of events, it can be inferred that alterations in gross revenues degrees cause alterations in advertisement degrees.

A concluding type of grounds that is used to deduce causality is the absence of other possible causal factors. That is, if one could logically or through our research design extinguish all possible causative factors except the one he/she is interested in, he/she would hold established that the variable he/she is concerned with was the causative factor. Unfortunately, it is ne’er possible to command wholly or to extinguish all possible causes for any peculiar event. Always there is a possibility that some factor of which 1 is non cognizant has influenced the consequences. However, if all sensible options are eliminated except one, one can hold a high grade of assurance in the staying variable.

B. Stairss of International Marketing Research Process

The international selling research procedure every bit good as domestic one is a serious of separate stairss. However, the international selling research procedure has some distinctive features such as the national differences between states originating out of political, legal, economic, societal and cultural differences and, the comparison of research consequences due to these differences [ 7 ] .

Measure 1. Research Problem Definition.

Problem definition is the most critical portion of the research procedure. Research job definition involves stipulating the information needed by manage­ment. Unless the job is decently defined, the information produced by the research procedure is improbable to hold any value.

Measure 2. Information Value Estimation.

Information has value merely to the extent that it improves determinations. The value of information additions as

( 1 ) the cost of a incorrect de­cision additions,

( 2 ) our degree of cognition as to the right determination de­creases, and

( 3 ) the truth of the information the research will supply additions.

The rule involved in make up one’s minding whether to make more research is that research should be conducted merely when the value of the information to be obtained is expected to be greater than the cost of obtaining it.

Measure 3. Choice of the Data Collection Approach.

There are three basic informations aggregation attacks in international selling research: ( 1 ) secondary informations, ( 2 ) study informations, and ( 3 ) experimental informations. Secondary informations were collected for other intent than assisting to work out the current job. Primary informations are collected expressly to assist work out the job at manus. Survey and experimental informations are hence secondary informations if they were collected earlier for another survey ; they are primary informations if they were collected for the present 1. Secondary informations are virtually ever collected foremost because of their clip and cost advantages.

Measure 4. Measurement Technique Selection.

Four basic measuring techniques are used in marketing research: ( 1 ) questionnaires, ( 2 ) attitude graduated tables, ( 3 ) observation, and ( 4 ) deepness interviews and projec­ts techniques. As with choosing the information aggregation method, choice of a measuring technique is influenced chiefly by the nature of the information required and secondarily by the value of the information.

Measure 5. Sample Selection.

Most selling surveies involve a sample or subgroup of the entire population relevant to the job, instead than a nose count of the full group. The popu­lation is by and large specified as a portion of the job definition procedure.

Measure 6. Choice of Methods of Analyses.

Datas are utile merely after analysis. Data analysis involves change overing a series of recorded observations into descriptive statements and/or illations about relationships. The types of analyses, which can be conducted, depend on the nature of the sampling procedure, measuring instrument, and the informations aggregation method.

Measure 7. Evaluation of the Ethical motives of the Research.

It is indispensable that marketing research workers restrict their research activities to patterns that are ethically sound. Ethically sound research considers the involvements of the general populace, the respondents, the client, and the research profession every bit good as those of the research worker.

Measure 8. Appraisal of Time and Financial Requirements.

Time refers to the clip needed to finish the undertaking. The fiscal demand is the pecuniary representation of forces clip, computing machine clip, and mate­rials demands. The clip and finance demands are non independent.

Measure 9. Preparation of Research Proposal.

The research design procedure provides the research worker with a design, or usher, for carry oning and commanding the research undertaking. This design is written in the signifier of a research proposal. A written research proposal should predate any research undertaking. The re­search proposal helps guarantee that the determination shaper and the research worker are still in understanding on the basic direction job, the information re­quired, and the research attack.

3. International Secondary Data Beginnings

1. The Nature of International Secondary Data

Secondary informations for international selling determinations are capable to some disadvantages. Unfortunately, many of the disadvantages are multiplied when the informations involve more states. An extra job is that most secondary informations are available merely in the host state ‘s linguistic communication. Therefore, multi-country hunts require using specialising houses or keeping a multilingual staff.

Data handiness, recentness, handiness, and truth vary widely from state to state. Until late, there were few commercial databases in Japan because of the trouble of utilizing Nipponese characters on computing machines. Now the job is resolved. The Nipponese authorities prepares many potentially utile studies, but even Nipponese houses seldom utilize them because they are ill organized and indexed. Secondary informations in many non-democracies frequently reflect political involvements more closely than world. In general, the sum of secondary informations available in a state varies straight with its degree of economic development.

Even when the accurate informations are accessible, it may non be possible to do transnational comparings. Datas from several states may non be comparable because the informations were collected at different times, use different units of measuring, cover somewhat different subjects, or specify the categories ( such as age groups ) otherwise. This has become a major job in the European Community as houses begin to analyse the market as a whole instead than as a aggregation of single states. To decide portion of the job, ESOMAR has proposed a standardised set of inquiries to garner demographic informations in both authorities and private studies. Similar work is underway in Brazil, India, and the Middle East.

2. Internal Sources of International Secondary Data

The internal beginnings of information for international determinations can be classified into four wide classs – accounting records, gross revenues force studies, assorted records and internal experts. However, using international internal informations can be hard. Different accounting systems, decentralized ( frequently on a state footing ) direction and information systems, gross revenues forces organized by state or part, and so forth, all this increases the trouble of geting and utilizing internal informations in a timely mode. To cover with these jobs planetary houses implement international information systems and necessitate some standardisation across states in footings of internal recordkeeping and coverage.

3. External Beginnings of International Secondary Data

For a illustration, when a company starts an external hunt for international secondary informations it consults general ushers to this type of informations, such as International Marketing Handbook of the US Department of Commerce ‘s International Trade Administration, The World of Information ( Africa Guide ) , or it contacts Euromonitor, the taking supplier of universe concern information and market analysis. An alternate to carry oning such a hunt “ in house ” is to utilize a specialist house such as PricewaterhouseCoopers and McKinsey.

a ) Databases

Both ABI ( Abstract Business Information ) /Inform, which contains 150-word abstracts of articles published in approximately 1,300 concern publications worldwide, and Predicasts, which provides 11 online databases, have important international content in their bibliographic databases. Predicasts coverage is peculiarly good and it is turning quickly. In fact, half its information is on companies and industries from outside the U.S. Its major bibliographic database, PROMPT, contains stuff from all over the universe. Both Infomat International Business and Worldcasts are focused on compa­nies, merchandises, industries, economic systems, and so forth outside the U.S. Predi­casts besides has separate F & A ; S Indexes for Europe and for the remainder of the universe excepting Europe and the U.S. A major advantage of these abstracts is that they are all in English. Transcripts of the full articles are gen­erally available in the original linguistic communication.

( Table 1, Appendix )

B ) Foreign Government Beginnings

All developed states provide census-type informations on their populations. However, the frequence of informations aggregation and the type and sum of informations collected vary widely from state to state. Germany went 17 old ages be­tween its last two nose counts, and Holland has non conducted a nose count in 20 old ages. The U.S. collects income informations in its nose count and sellers make extended usage of it. Most other states, including Japan, Britain, France, Spain, and Italy, do non. ( Australia, Mexico, Sweden, and Finland do. ) While the Scan­dinavian states, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand print English-language versions of their chief nose count studies, most states report them merely in their place linguistic communication.

degree Celsius ) International Political Organizations

Three major international political organisations provide important sums of informations relevant to international selling activities. The United Nations and its related organisation, the United Nation ‘s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, provide 100s of publications covering with the population, economic, and societal conditions of over 200 states.

The World Bank lends financess, provides advice, and serves as a accelerator to excite investings in developing states. To transport out its missions, it collects significant sums of utile informations which can be purchased inexpen­sively.

The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD ) con­sists of 24 economically developed states with the mission of advancing the members ‘ economic and societal public assistance by organizing national policies. As portion of this mission, it publishes studies on a wide scope of socioeconomic subjects affecting its members and the underdeveloped states.

4. Issues in International Primary Data Collection

Primary informations are the informations collected to assist work out a job or take advantage of an chance on which a determination is pending [ 8 ] .

The chief advantage of primary informations prevarications in the fact that it is collected for work outing the exact job and that is why it is characterized by high utility and freshness. The disadvantage is that the costs of roll uping primary informations are much higher in foreign developing markets as there is the deficiency of an appropriate selling research substructure [ 9 ] .

The international primary informations is collected with the aid of qualitative and quantitative research attacks. Qualitative research is peculiarly used as a first measure in analyzing international selling phenomena ( focal point groups, observation ) . However, the chief restraint is that responses can be affected by civilization as persons may move otherwise if they know they are being observed [ 10 ] .

Quantitative researches are more structured. They involve both descriptive research attacks, such as study research, and causal research attacks, such as experiments. More respondents take portion in quantitative research, although it highlights fewer jobs than qualitative research.

International selling research in cross-cultural environment requires the measuring of behaviours and attitudes. A major issue in primary informations aggregation is the being of the alleged EMIC vs. ETIC quandary. The EMIC school provinces that attitudinal and behavioural phenomena are alone to a civilization. The ETIC school is chiefly concerned with identifying and measuring cosmopolitan attitudinal and behavioural constructs, and developing pan-cultural or culture-free steps.

5. Survey Methods of International Marketing Research

The techniques of informations aggregation used in international selling research have both advantages and disadvantages.

1. Personal interviews are considered to be the most popular method of informations aggregation in international selling research. However, there are several restraints for the use of this technique. In the Middle East states personal interviews are treated with great intuition. Furthermore, the forces for the study should be male and they may carry on interviews with homemakers merely when their hubbies are at place. In Latin American states, where revenue enhancement protest motion is being developed, the interviews are thought to be revenue enhancement inspectors.

2. Mall intercept studies may be used in the United States, Canada and the European states. Equally far as the development states are concerned they are non common.

3. Telephone interviews have several advantages over other study methods of international selling research. The clip and costs of international telephone calls are cut downing, the studies may be conducted from one topographic point, the consequences of telephone interviews are considered dependable and it is easier to execute the client and interviewer control. But telephone studies besides have some restrictions because of hapless telecommunication systems in several states. For illustration, in India telephone incursion is merely 1 per cent and telephone studies cut down the study coverage greatly. But even in such developed states as Great Britain telephone incursion comprises merely 80 per cent. That is why a batch of sellers are really disbelieving about telephone studies and presents there is a great decrease in their application.

4. Mailing studies are widely used in industrialised states, where there is a high degree of literacy, good mailing services and handiness of get offing lists. However, the usage of this method in developing states has some restraints. In some states people consider the mailing studies to be the invasion into their private life and the effectivity of these studies is reduced. In such states as Brazil, where merely 30 per cent of mail is delivered, get offing studies can non be used every bit good.

5. Electronic studies become more popular in the United States and Europe and they are used for the merchandises which require technological literacy such as computing machines and computing machine package. E-mail studies begin to replace mail and telephone studies. The confining factors for electronic studies are as follow: there are still many states with low cyberspace entree, the cyberspace versions available in assorted states may non be compatible and there may be a large figure of non-responses because of proficient issues. At the same clip the velocity of acquiring responses and low costs of studies makes this method suitable for international selling research.


International selling research is the systematic design, aggregation, entering, analysis, reading, and coverage of information associating to a peculiar selling determination confronting a company runing internationally. The international selling research procedure has some distinctive features such as the national differences between states originating out of political, legal, economic, societal and cultural differences and, the comparison of research consequences due to these differences.

A company executing the international selling research may see several jobs. First, there is a complexness of research design due to operation in a multi state, multicultural, and multi lingual environment. Second, the handiness of secondary informations varies widely from state to state. On some markets, particularly emerging and unstable, the information is neither available nor dependable. Third, the costs of roll uping primary informations are much higher in foreign developing markets as there is the deficiency of an appropriate selling research substructure. Fourthly,

jobs tie ining with organizing research and informations aggregation in different states may originate. And eventually, there are the troubles of set uping the comparison and equality of informations and research conducted in different context.


1. Aaker D. , Kumar V. , Day G. , ( 2007 ) , “ Selling Research ” , 9th edition, John Wiley & A ; Sons.

2. Altstiel T. & A ; Grow J.M. ( 2005 ) , “ Ad Scheme: Creative Tacticss From the Outside/In ” , Sage Publications, Inc.

3. Arnold D. ( 2004 ) , ‘The Mirage of Global Markets: How Globalizing Companies Can Succeed as Markets Localize ” , Pearson Education, Inc.

4. Barnard, P. ( 2007 ) , “ Global developments and future waies in marketing research, ” Globalization and the Millennium: Opportunities and Imperative moods, Marketing Science Institute, June 16-17, Brussels, Belgium.

5. Cateora, P. and Graham, J.L. ( 2009 ) , ” International Marketing ” , 14 Thursday edition, McGraw-Hill Company.

6. Craig, C. S. and Douglas, S. P. ( 2009 ) , “ International Marketing Research ” , 2nd Edition. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & A ; Sons.

7. Douglas, S. P. and Craig, C. S. ( 2005 ) , “ Development of planetary selling scheme: graduated table, range and synergism, ” Columbia Journal of World Business, Vol. 24, No. 3.

8. Kumar, V. ( 2000 ) , “ International Marketing Research ” , Prentice-Hall, Inc.

9. Mahajan V. and Banga K. ( 2006 ) , “ The 86 Percent Solution: How to Succeed in the Biggest Market Opportunity of the twenty-first Century ” , Pearson Education, Inc.

10. Kumar V. & A ; David A. Aaker & A ; George S. Day ( 2009 ) , “ Necessities of Marketing Research, 2nd Edition with SPSS 17.0 ” , John Wiley & A ; Sons.

11. Payne, N. ( 2009 ) , “ Public Relations Across Cultures – Building international communicating Bridgess ” , URL: hypertext transfer protocol: //


Examples of Specialized Bibliographic Databases.

The Information Bank Advertising & A ; Marketing Intelligence Service

Ad and selling articles from over 60 trade and professional diaries are summarized on subjects such as new merchandises, consumer tendencies, and gross revenues publicities.

Bank Marketing Association: Fiscal Industry Information Service

Contains about 50,000 commendations on the selling of fiscal services by Bankss, recognition companies, insurance houses, investing and existent estate houses, thrift operations, and authorities bureaus. Subjects include on advertisement, pricing, gross revenues, selling, and new engineerings.

FINDEX Reports and Surveies

Indexs and describes industry and market research studies, surveies, and studies ( more than 11,000 commendations ) from more than 500 research houses worldwide.

Frost & A ; Sullivan Research Reports Abstracts

Contains commendations and abstracts from about 1,500 market research studies supplying analyses and prognosiss of market size and portion by merchandise and company. Industries represented include chemicals, communications, consumer merchandises, informations processing, electronics, nutrient, wellness, instrumentality, machinery, and transit.

Beginning: Kumar, V. ( 2000 ) , “ International Marketing Research ” , Prentice-Hall, Inc.

[ 1 ] Kumar V. & A ; David A. Aaker & A ; George S. Day ( 2009 ) , p. 345.

[ 2 ] Craig, C. S. and Douglas, S. P. ( 2009 ) , p. 276.

[ 3 ] Kumar V. & A ; David A. Aaker & A ; George S. Day ( 2009 ) , p. 374.

[ 4 ] Mahajan V. and Banga K. ( 2006 ) , p. 213.

[ 5 ] Craig, C. S. and Douglas, S. P. ( 2009 ) , p. 215.

[ 6 ] Kumar, V. ( 2000 ) , p. 24.

[ 7 ] Craig, C. S. and Douglas, S. P. ( 2009 ) , p. 107.

[ 8 ] Kumar, V. ( 2000 ) , p. 67.

[ 9 ] Ibid, p. 69.

[ 10 ] Ibid, p. 73.