Herbert Packer ‘s Crime – Control Model and Due Process Model

Herbert Packer ‘s Crime – Control Model of Criminal Justice is More Needed Today Than the Due Process Model of Deterring Crime.

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In modern-day society, condemnable justness is defined as authorities ‘s policy and legal duties to guarantee the accused and the victim are treated rightly by the jurisprudence enforcement bureaus. Criminal justness system, nevertheless, varies from authorities to authorities depending on the disposition taken by the jurisprudence hatchet mans in discouraging offense. Indeed the major work of condemnable justness is making justness, commanding offense and forestalling offense ( Cole, Smith, DeJong, 2012, pg, 126 ) . It is achieved through regulations and ordinances of justness establishments, collaring, prosecuting and penalizing wrongdoers and integrating the attempts of the citizens in offense bar. For condemnable justness to efficaciously accomplish its ends, the system adopts a theoretical account which is constitutionally and procedurally applicable. The most common theoretical account is Herbert Packer ‘s crime-control theoretical account and due procedure theoretical account.

Crime – Control Model

Harmonizing to Bibas ( 2012, pg, 30 ) , crime-control theoretical account is based on the demand to convict the guilty and do so accurately without hold, and at the same breath guarantee efficiency. Law hatchet mans have a responsibility to avoid to be seen traveling against the jurisprudence, since they excessively can non get away examination from the legal representatives of the victims. It is aimed at cut downing incidence of offense within the society without sing or restricting accused person ‘s rights. It increases the prosecutorial powers of jurisprudence enforcement bureaus and believes that offense can be reduced by collaring and penalizing the wrongdoer. Jaishankar ( 2009, pg, 261 ) explains the offense control theoretical account as the suppression of condemnable activities without any holds, it allows for extrajudicial procedures so long as the wrongdoer is convicted. In this theoretical account, social comfort overrides single rights and, hence, the authorities is obliged to make anything to protect the society. The failure of the jurisprudence enforcement bureaus to extinguish the happening of condemnable behaviors is viewed as a oversight in public order and impairment in human freedom ( Jaishankar, 2009, pg, 261 ) . In order for the offense –control theoretical account to accomplish its purposes, efficiency must be paramount within the condemnable justness system. The system should hold the capacity to grok, seek, inmate and dispose of felon of wrongdoers. Unlike the due procedure theoretical account, the offense control theoretical account is fleet, since it works prior to an existent offense ( Purpura, 2011, pg, 164 ) ; the authorities ‘s load of cogent evidence is minimum compared to other theoretical accounts ( Hall, 2014, pg, 337 ) .

The Due Process Model

The due procedure theoretical account topographic points accent on the unity of human rights, factual guilt and the equity of the procedure ( Hall, 2014, pg, 336 ) . It combines the broad criminology and the general procedural equity for the accused, since his apprehension, through the prosecution ( Siegel, 2008, pg, 478 ) . By and large, this theoretical account is founded on the demand to adhere to single justness, intervention and rehabilitation of the guilty. Whenever discretion in the condemnable justness exists, so the accused civil rights should be protected in all fortunes ( Siegel, 2008, pg, 478 ) . The most of import consideration in the due procedure theoretical account is the supreme protection of single rights ; other efficiency factors like cost, velocity, placing and penalizing wrongdoers are a secondary consideration. Compared to the offense control theoretical account, due procedure theoretical account has a cumbrous procedure with low efficiency ; the strong belief criterion is legal and factual and, hence, the load of cogent evidence must be convinced beyond uncertainty. ( Hall, 2014, pg, 337 ) . Although the authorities has a high load of cogent evidence, it has a leeway to invasions ; for case, it requires minimum grounds to establish a hunt for a belongings than adhere a suspect over to test ( Hall, 2014, pg, 337 ) .

Advocates for this theoretical account are defenders of civil rights and frequently view jurisprudence enforcement officers as lawbreakers of constitutional rights ( Siegel, 2008, pg, 478 ) . There is a impression that the minority and the hapless are subjected to unjust intervention by the jurisprudence. This perceptual experience is triggered by statistical informations that indicate the hapless and the marginalized groups are the most maltreated in the condemnable justness system. It aims at protecting citizens from those who punish and treat them without sing their constitutional rights. Many state of affairss have been documented demoing suspects who lacked resources enduring a incorrect strong belief merely to be exonerated subsequently when Deoxyribonucleic acid is done ( Siegel, 2008, pg, 478 ) . In drumhead the due procedure theoretical account centres on truth in liberating the inexperienced person, equity and rights ( Bibas, 2012, pg, 30 ) .

Parker ‘s offense – control theoretical account and the due procedure theoretical account are valuable and enable civil forfeiture to be understood and analyzed ( Jaishankar, 2009, pg, 261 ) . However, the two theoretical accounts have teething jobs noted, foremost, offense control is the ultimate end of condemnable justness and, hence, anything contrary to that piques with this end ( Jaishankar, 2009, pg, 262 ) . Second, the due procedure theoretical account should non be compared with offense –control theoretical account because the former facilitates the accomplishment of the latter ( Jaishankar, 2009, pg, 262 ) . In the due procedure model the accused is perceived guiltless until proven in a tribunal of jurisprudence, unlike the offense control theoretical account where the arrested should be punished.

Supporting Crime – Control Model to Deter Crime Today

In the two theoretical accounts, offense control theoretical account is more needful now that due procedure theoretical account in discouraging offense. Research has indicated that condemnable activities are on the rise globally than of all time recorded in the history of adult male. Lynch ( 2004, pg, 59 ) indicates an increased incidence of offense reported in the incorporate offense studies in the United States of America. These statistics can be used to give a planetary projection of offense rate ; increasing rate of offense in the USA can be extrapolated to bespeak an addition in offense rates in the universe. This is exemplified by the different engineering oriented offenses like cyber- intimidation, larceny of information from the cyberspace, individuality larceny, recognition card fraud, bank fraud, telemarketing fraud, forging and terrorist act all are new types of offense bein experienced globally. In add-on, multinational offenses have increased due to comparative free motion of people across states. This scenario indicates a clear demand to hold efficient and dependable mechanisms of covering with this tendency ; such mechanism can be employed by the condemnable justness system by following crime- control theoretical account.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime ( UNODC ) reports that due to increase in offense the office was established ; it helps in capacity edifice of policy shapers, practicians in the country of offense bar, experts, civil society and media in contending the new moving ridge. Indeed, certain single rights must be sacrificed for the interest of the greater good. Since the origin of the term ‘War on Crime ” many offense control schemes which include increased patrols in high offense countries, traffic Michigans, clandestine biting operations, aggressive foraies and wiretapping surveillance has been employed. All these activities have minimum consideration of single foraies, but finally the society benefits more by peaceable being. Like any other war, the battle against offense has causalities ; nevertheless, the society finally lives in peace.

The advocates of due procedure theoretical account ignore the fact that the society is greater than an person is. In any society, the guilty should non be protected at the disbursal of the inexperienced person. For illustration, in America after the September 11th terrorist onslaught, many lives were lost and enduring caused due to the terrorist programs, the authorities had to do a determination whether it is prudent to protect the rights of a few persons or to guarantee the safety of all Americans. It is of import to acknowledge that on legion occasions people are faced with ideological challenges to do determinations about. One such issue occurred after September 11th when it was compulsory to place, hunt and extinguish terrorists.

The society due to increasing offense rates has complained about the constabulary ‘s gait of carry oning probes. This is a failing of the due procedure theoretical account, peculiarly if the constabulary are non certain whether a offense was committed ( Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2004, pg 78 ) . Sometimes prosecuting officers face challenges were significant grounds against the suspect is missing, but the accused committed the offense ; under due procedure theoretical account, such accused should be exonerated ( Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2004, pg 78 ) . Most of the accused released due to miss of believable grounds continue commiting offense in the society, nevertheless, some of them are threatened and intimidated.

In the old proverb, ‘two wrongs do non do a right ‘ one would reason that denial of the accused single rights is non right even if he so has done incorrect. Importantly, schemes, offense culprits engage in are dynamic ( Braga, Flynn, Kelling and Cole, 2011, pg, 22 ) , this requires the condemnable justness to be dynamic in its attack including being inhuman in some facets. The latest offense control mechanism, which involved listen ining on Germany ‘s Chancellor of the Exchequer conversations, was an violation on her single rights and freedom of association. It led to an international call, nevertheless, that was portion of the modern-day scheme to command offense in an epoch when condemnable activities have evolved.

Around the universe, there is a condemnable justness displacement towards offense control theoretical account ( Braga, et. Al. 2011, pg, 29 ) . This is a proactive attack where suspects prior to perpetrating a offense are arrested, prosecuted to insulate them from the society. Modern twenty-four hours concentration cantonments exist in many states, including but non to America ‘s Gautama Bay, the kernel is insulating offense culprits and allowing the society continue with normal lives.


Apparently, compared to due procedure theoretical account, which is more sympathetic to the inexperienced person ; crime- control theoretical account is dynamic, proactive and helps keep order in the society. It is of import as it is used in modern-day condemnable justness systems to discourage many people who may hold purposes of perpetrating a offense. The schemes employed will enable many authoritiess to expeditiously and affordably discourage the happening of offense in their countries of legal power. Multinational motion of people influenced by the globalisation consequence to many wrongdoers hedging justness where they perpetrated. The Crime – control theoretical account is suited in guaranting fast dispensation of justness.


Bibas, S. ( 2012 ) . The Machinery in Criminal Justice. Web. Accessed on 15.5.2014.

Braga, A. A. , Flynn, E. , Kelling, G. and Cole, C. ( 2011 ) . New Perceptive in Policing: Traveling the work of Condemnable Research workers Towards Crime Control. Web. Accessed on 15.5.2014.

Cole, G. , Smith, C. and DeJong C. ( 2012 ) . The American System of Criminal Justice. Web. Accessed on 15.5.2014

Hall, D.E. ( 2014 ) . Condemnable Law and Procedure. Web. Accessed on 15.5.2014.

Jainshankar, K. ( 2009 ) . International Perspectives on Crime and Justice. Web. Accessed on 15.5.2014.

Jones and Bartlett Publishers. ( 2004 ) . ( UCR ) and National Crime Victimization Survey. Web. Accessed on 15.5.2014.

Lynch, A. ( 2004 ) . Understanding Crime Statisticss. Web. Accessed on 14.5.2015

Purpura, P. ( 2011 ) . Terrorism and Homeland Security: An Introduction with Applications. Web. Accessed on 15.5.2014

Siegel, L. ( 2008 ) . Criminology. Web. Accessed on 15.5.2014.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. ( Ned ) Crime Congress. Web. Accessed on 15.5.2014