The footings high context and low context were foremost used by Edward Hall and they are used to explicate the implicit in cultural differences between societies. In high context civilizations. a batch of the information is either internalized in an person or it is in the physical context. This means that in this signifier of civilization gestural messages are more of import than the verbal messages. In add-on. the people in high context civilizations portion a signifier of intimacy which is due to their shared experiences. Some of the societies with high context communicating are Korea. China and Japan.

On the other manus. in low context civilizations messages that are verbal are normally extremely specific in add-on to being luxuriant. Verbal messages besides tend to be really elaborate. Some of the societies with low context communicating include Switzerland. United States and Germany. There are several differences between high context and low context communications. One of these is that in low context communicating messages are best passed by words ( verbal ) than by gestural methods. On the other manus. in high context communicating the messages are best passed by nonverbal agencies than by words.

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Another difference is that in low context communicating the verbal message is direct. On the other manus. in high context communicating the verbal message is indirect and communicating is effected by speaking around a point. Another difference is that high context communicating is used in good established relationships particularly where people have been associating for long. On the other manus low context communicating is used among people who have short continuances of contact. 2. Explain how World War II changed women’s labour force engagement.

World War II changed women’s engagement in the work force. To get down with. at that clip most of the adult females stayed at place and held no paying occupations and this is because this was a preserve of work forces. However with the World War II work forces were deployed in the military and this created a deficit of workers particularly at a clip when workers were urgently needed peculiarly for production of war equipments. Womans who could non antecedently be employed as civilization placed work forces in the work force and adult females at place were able to acquire occupations.

This led to an addition in the figure of adult females who were in the work force. Another thing is that adult females who were already in the work force and who had been keeping traditionally female occupations such as clerical occupations were able to exchange to high paying occupations which were antecedently considered a preserve of work forces. Clearly. the World War II was a approval in camouflage to adult females. They were able to get the better of civilization and detect the great potency in them by keeping occupations that were traditionally reserved for work forces.

No uncertainty that this proved to adult females that they have capableness to accomplish merely like work forces and it changed the place of adult females in the work force. 3. Explain Hofstede’s masculinity-femininity dimension and the behavioural outlooks set for each gender. The Hofstede’s dimension of masculinity/femininity focal points on the accent the society topographic points on raising and accomplishment. Harmonizing to the dimension. muliebrity emphasizes gender equality. lovingness and nurturing. and environmental consciousness. On the other manus. maleness emphasizes wealth acquisition. distinguishable gender functions. and aspiration.

Harmonizing to this dimension. there are set behavioural outlooks for each gender. The behavioural outlooks depend on context. For illustration when it comes to political relations and economic sciences. work forces are expected to work out struggle through force every bit good as priotize economic growing. On the other manus. adult females are supposed to priotize environmental protection and work out struggles by dialogue. When it comes to societal norms. work forces are supposed to be ego oriented and so they should concentrate on achieving money and things as these would hike their self-importance.

As for adult females. they should be relationship oriented and so they should concentrate on people and quality of life. When it comes to work. work forces should demo penchant for higher rewards while the adult females should demo penchant for less on the job hours because of their other duties. When it comes to affairs of instruction particularly school public presentation. work forces are expected to see neglecting as a catastrophe while adult females should see neglecting as a minor accident. On affairs of faith. faith should be really of import to work forces while to adult females faith should non be a really of import facet of life.

4. List and depict the 6 similarities across all faiths. Equally much as there are differences across the different faiths in the universe. there exists several similarities. One of these is the belief in deity which is accorded names such as Allah. Krishna. and God. In all faiths there is the belief that there is a being that is Godhead and which is above the adult male. Another similarity is the belief that it is possible for adult male to pass on with deity through actions such as supplications. forfeits and speculation.

Another one of the similarities is the belief that adult male requires help in order for him to pass on with the deity and that is why go-betweens such as Prophetss. apostles. and holy work forces are sent by the deity to work forces. Another similarity is the usage of sacred Bibles which provides sacred wisdom which is transmitted from one coevals to the other for extension of the spiritual beliefs. The faiths believe that the Bibles have a Godhead beginning. Another similarity across faiths is the public presentation of rites and these are meant to convey adult male near to deity.

The last similarity lies in guess where people across all faiths. from their birth to their decease ask similar inquiries and are faced by many similar challenges and uncertainnesss about life. 5. Who are the Mosuo people? How is their manner of populating different from the United States. explicate 3 important contrasts between both societies. Mosuo people are people who belong to a little cultural group that lives in the Sichuan and Yunnan states in China. These people have alone cultural patterns which make their manner of life really different from that of United States.

One of the most important contrasts is that among the Mosuo people line of descent is traced through the female side. This is unlike in United States where people trace their line of descents through their father’s side. This means that if one does non cognize their male parent but knows their female parent they have a belonging and therefore can non confront stigmatisation. Another contrast lies in the fact that unlike in US where the adult male is the caput of the household. among the Mosuo the adult female is the caput of a household. The female senior in a household handles the household affairs such as assignment of responsibilities and direction of money.

She has absolute power. This is unheard of in US where work forces are the caput of their households and would non hold to be headed by a adult female as it would ache their self-importance. Another important contrast is seen when it comes to marriage. Among the Mosuo people. they have what is called walking matrimonies. Unlike in US where people marry. populate together and bear kids which they raise together. among the Mosuo work forces and adult females who are in love and are holding sexual dealingss do non populate together and any kids born out of the relationship belong to the woman’s household.