Humanity has been in changeless battle between power and greed in order to accomplish justness and societal order. These two trials have affected the ethical motives of society and, more significantly, the gatekeepers of the jurisprudence. This damage of judgement inquiries the ability of constabulary officers to keep order. Both power and greed have the ability to alter an person ‘s moral behaviour and for that ground, their beliefs have changed from the overall benefit of society to their ain single strategy. ( Martin, 1993 ) Police officers have been given a power that no other profession has in order to protect society. However, if officers become involved within the activities they have a responsibility to protect society from, society no longer feels safe. The corruptness of authorization and maltreatment of power becomes possible when officers lose sight of their profession and concentrate more towards the additions by pretermiting the populace. ( Bernard, Snipes, Vold, 2002 ) Consequently, society becomes the victim when officers realize their authorization and misconduct occurs.

Finally, the public became defeated and fed up with the changeless maltreatment of the system and the sum of corruptness. Events such as the New York City Police corruptness dirt have become a accelerator of alteration when the public battles back to keep officers accountable. Actions by persons such as Frank Sepico have shown that misconduct should non be tolerated and that something should be done to forestall it. Furthermore, Ontario is no exclusion to the issue of corruptness through the two illustrated incidents of corruptness within the Toronto Police Service. These highlighted state of affairss and more, resulted in the extremist alteration throughout the old ages in an effort to discourage misconduct and corruptness. For Ontario, the Police Service Boards, Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services and the Particular Investigations Unit are task forces put in topographic point by the swearing populace in order to guarantee the answerability of all constabulary officers. Society will no longer digest maltreatment towards the system and for that ground these legislative organic structures were designed to penalize anyone who was.

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Maltreatment OF THE SYSTEM

Mistreating authorization has been systematically uncontrolled in society of all time since power was introduced to jurisprudence functionaries. As society changed and developed over the old ages, so did the powers of constabulary officers that guarded that societal organic structure. Numerous counts of constabulary corruptness and maltreatment began to come to light during the station war epoch of the 1950 ‘s and 1960 ‘s. ( Perez, Berg, Myers ; 2003 ) The addition in police ailments and documented instances began to lift as the outlook of society began to alter. Society no longer tolerated the deficiency of answerability towards constabulary officers. Additionally, the United States was besides witnessing a significant rise in constabulary corruptness and public violences were get downing to take topographic point because of this issue. Social alteration and action so took topographic point during the 1970 ‘s as society began to exemplify no more tolerance towards misguided actions and maltreatment of authorization by the constabulary. ( Perez, Berg, Myers ; 2003 ) The emerging political orientations and alteration in ethical motives created an chance, for those in a place to make alteration within the system, to recognize their possible.

New York City in the 70 ‘s was in a broken down province both literally and morally and the differentiation between constabularies and felons was hardly seeable. A committee to supervise police corruptness did non be and superior officers refused to cover with the issue of corruptness within the constabulary organisation. ( Braziller, 1972 ) Consequently, corruptness and condemnable activity within the constabulary force went uncontrolled. The profession of a constabulary officer was no longer that of person who upheld the jurisprudence but instead a place that thrived on greed and power. Without any preventive legal organic structure to discourage felons from perpetrating offense, merely increasing it, the metropolis of New York fell deeper into a province of desperation. ( Sherman, 1974 ) Furthermore, even honest officers were powerless to describe or take action against the corruptness within the constabulary force without the fright of ridicule, isolation or worse. Thus the ambiance of the constabulary section was a province of offense, corruptness and dishonesty, inside and outside of the constabulary organisation. ( Sherman, 1974 )

Honest constabularies officers were a seldom seen and for those who were, they were shunned or threatened. Most officers in the constabulary section were corrupt and graft was a common pattern. ( Hindriks, 1999 ) Superiors would usually look the other manner which allowed the pattern to go on. ( Champion, 2001 ) As mentioned before, any officer that wished to stop this corruptness would be faced with ridicule and isolation, as was the instance with Frank Serpico. In his efforts to halt corruptness within the force, he was faced with menaces and isolated so that the constabulary organisation could stay corrupt. ( Champion, 2001 ) This was the manner many constabularies organisations were and wished to go on being. Military officers were comfy with this life style and did non desire it to alter. Police would frequently make anything possible to forestall this alteration from go oning. Many officers who wished to describe the corrupt actions of other officers were deterred by the effects they would confront if they did so. ( Guyout, 1991 ) For this ground, corruptness remained to travel on, uncontrolled, within constabulary organisations and non be reported.

Despite the degree of corruptness, the menaces of isolation and the ridicule, one adult male courageously stepped up to take action against the corruptness. Frank Serpico joined the New York City Police on September 11th, 1959 and served as a constabulary officer for 12 old ages. ( Champion, 2001 ) Through Frank ‘s experience, on several occasions he has tried to describe maltreatment towards the system by fellow officers merely to hold it silenced by superior officers. Frustrated on his supplications traveling nowhere, Frank took his narrative to the New York Times. ( Champion, 2001 ) There, Frank provided all the information he had and later the New York Times published an article exposing the corruptness within the New York City Police. As a consequence, the Mayor of New York, John Lindsay, took action and appointed Judge Whittman Knap to head the Knapp Commission in order to look into the corruptness job within constabulary organisations. ( Guyout, 1991 ) The probe was launched on June 1970 and as a consequence, several officers were charged in connexion to corruptness within the constabulary force. ( Braziller, 1972 ) The Knapp Commission issued its concluding study on December 27th, 1972, saying its findings and recommendations. In the article, the Knapp Commission stated that officers were classified as either “ grass or meat feeders. ” ( Braziller, 1972 ) Harmonizing the Knapp Commission, those who were “ grass feeders ” were officers that acted corrupt when an chance to make so was presented. ( Braziller, 1972 ) These officers believed that it was appropriate to accept payoffs and act corrupt because of influence by veteran officers. However, “ meat-eaters ” would look for any chance in which extortion could be possible and act corrupt ( Braziller, 1972 ) The Knapp Commission, as a consequence, issued the undermentioned recommendations:

Supervisors should be held accountable for officers actions

Supervisors should register studies where corruptness may happen

Field offices of Internal Affairs should be created at every precinct

Under screen sources need to be placed in every division

Police attitude needs to be changed

( Braziller, 1972 )

These recommendations were put into action within the New York City Police and as a consequence, the figure of experiences affecting corruptness with the populace reduced. Although, corruptness still persists within constabulary organisations, Frank Serpico acted as a accelerator towards making a modern twenty-four hours corruptness committee. Since so, other constabulary forces have adopted the recommendations of the Knapp Commission or formed committees of their ain in order to look into misconduct within their constabulary organisations. ( Braziller, 1972 ) The New York City Police, nevertheless, were non the lone organisation to see corruptness and misconduct. When looking more close to place, incidents of misconduct were besides experienced within the Toronto Police Service during 2003 and 2004.

In August of 2003, Constable Roy Preston was charged and convicted with assault on a suspect and was sentenced to thirty yearss in prison. His ordeal, took topographic point after the constable was recorded on camera, assailing a fishy outside a Rexdale store. ( Pron, 2007 ) Officers had arrived on scene and witnessed one adult male on the land and the fishy standing by him. Constable Preston believed that the suspect was traveling to assail the adult male on the land and, for that ground, ordered the suspect to travel. Harmonizing to Preston, when the suspect refused a lawful order, Constable Preston punched the suspect in the face in order “ to convey him under control to guarantee officer safety. ” ( Pron, 2007 ) However, when the recording of the incident was brought to visible radiation, it besides brought along a different side of the narrative. In the picture, the constable was seen nearing the suspect at a fleet rate while the suspect was traveling back demoing no opposition to the officer before the officer struck the suspect in the face. ( Pron, 2007 ) This flooring recording showed that non merely was the suspect a victim to a barbarous assault by constabularies but he was besides falsely charged with assault. Along with that false charge, the suspect besides had 15 other allegations presented against him. Constable Preston deemed it necessary to manufacture grounds in order to cover up his ain condemnable behaviour. ( Pron, 2007 )

This signifier of force committed by constabulary officers towards guiltless persons is frequently the hot subject of media for the populace. It ‘s the most illustratable signifier of corruptness and a hapless criterion of constabulary ethical motives. However, what the populace frequently do non see is that constabulary officers frequently fall victim to another signifier of corruptness which is non-violent such as the credence of payoffs and kickbacks.

In February 2004, Constable Paul Stone pulled a vehicle over for rushing. ( CBC, 2006 ) When the officer approached the vehicle and began his enquiry into why the suspect was rushing, the officer noticed that the suspect had appeared to hold been imbibing. Upon the intuition, Officer Stone asked the suspect for a breath sample from the driver, who refused. For this ground, the suspect was placed under apprehension and was placed in the dorsum of the officers ‘ auto. ( CBC, 2006 ) As it turns out, the suspect was a good known proprietor of a Yorkville eating house. The suspect besides showed an honorary Toronto Police Association badge with his name inscribed on it and mentioned to the officer that the Director of the Police Union was a friend of his. ( CBC, 2006 ) The officer so released the suspect without documenting any happening. It was subsequently discovered that the officer agreed to allow the suspect go in return for hockey tickets. ( CBC, 2006 ) Officer Stone was shortly after found guilty of constabulary misconduct under the Police Services Act. He received a penalty of a demotion to 3rd category constable for 15 months which would ensue in a lessening in wage. ( CBC, 2006 ) This presentation of constabulary inadvertence shows that officers are held accountable in order to guarantee the unity of the force from officers who abuse the system.

Soon there are legion fact-finding units in active service which serve to forestall patterns of corruptness. Many people realized that the issue of corruptness was a big job which needed a solution and as a response, fact-finding organic structures were founded to look into and penalize those who were mistreating the system. As mentioned earlier, in the 70 ‘s, constabulary organisations did non hold a 3rd party fact-finding organic structure to supervise the actions of constabulary. For this ground, probes by the constabulary for misconduct were corrupt and bias within themselves. ( Marin, 1997 ) In current criterions of jurisprudence enforcement, there are many independent civilian governed groups which investigate the constabulary for issues sing corruptness and misconduct. ( McKenna, 2005 ) Groups such as the SIU and OCCOPS, now known as the OIPRD, have been established to cover with these issues. Although corruptness and misconduct will probably go on, these able bodied commissions are designed to cut down the figure in order to discourage condemnable activity within the constabulary organisation. This attempt is to guarantee that the battle against offense is focused more towards the street so it is within the constabulary force. The following are legislative organic structures put into topographic point for that exact ground.


By making a system through which affairs sing constabularies misconduct can be investigated through a civilian inadvertence, the more effectual a constabulary organisation can be towards patroling. This system of civilian administration can assist to discourage corruptness within the constabulary organisation. The current system in topographic point utilized in Ontario subdivisions from its historical administration of civilian inadvertence. In 1858, the Municipal Institutions of Upper Canada Act was introduced which “ ” helped supply authorization for local authoritiess to run constabulary sections. ” ( McKenna, 2005 ) This statute law ensured that all patroling organic structures were overseen by a board of commissioners which consisted of three members: a major in legal power, a recording equipment and a constabulary magistrate. ( Goff, 2004 ) The important note about this statute law was that the recording equipment and the magistrate were chosen by the Crown and were non members of the constabulary force. The board was to dwell of members of the populace for the intent of extinguishing any prejudice or bias there may be towards a ailment or administration issue generated by the populace. However, as clip went on, the theoretical account continued to germinate through altering societies. ( McKenna, 2005 ) This alteration happened in order to guarantee that the signifier of administration was capable of observing and extinguishing any misconduct. In 1997, the Police Services Act was amended one time more in order to run into the demands of the altering society and created the boards which govern constabularies today.

Part III of the Police Services Act is responsible for the civilian inadvertence function of the constabulary services boards. In it, it states that the constabulary service board is responsible for the effectivity of its policing organic structure and:

Appoint members of the constabulary force.

Determine precedences of constabulary services

Establish policies

Monitor public presentation of constabulary

Review ailments and issues of misconduct and corruptness

( McKenna, 2005 )

The size of the board depends on the population within its legal power. Harmonizing to the Police Services Act, a constabulary force which has a population of 25,000 or less must hold three members. If a constabulary service has a population over 25,000, so there must be five members and any service which has over 300,000 must hold seven members. ( Mckenna, 2005 ) The alterations that were made to the Police Services Act in 1997 besides included that “ a justice, justness of the peace, police officer, or individual practising jurisprudence could non sit on the board. ” ( McKenna, 2005 ) The constabulary service board helps to extinguish corruptness and misconduct by covering with ailments of a constabulary officer by the public and any other member of the constabulary service. They are entitled to carry on probes, tests and even lay charges against those who are convicted of misconduct. ( McKenna, 2005 ) The board ‘s civilian inadvertence Acts of the Apostless as a 3rd party organic structure which, in itself, helps to extinguish any guilty party that seeks to make unfairness within the system.


The major map of the constabulary service board is to guarantee that constabulary officers are governed. However, when it comes to ailments sing constabulary, OCCOPS major map is to look into them and go through the information frontward to the service boards for farther action. ( OCCOPS, 2002 ) OCCOPS is responsible for the answerability of constabulary while besides playing a critical function with constabularies subject and public ailments. The group was originally formed in 1962 and was officially known as the Ontario Police Commission. This committee had the same basic responsibilities and duties as it does today. ( McKenna, 2005 ) However, certain countries were changed as society evolved in order to run into criterions and supply better service to the community. In 1997, the Police Services Act created a alteration which made it easier for the populace to publish ailments. Part II of the Police Services Act outlines the duties of OCCOPS:

Behavior probes into constabulary affairs affecting ailments or misconduct

Behavior inquires into affairs associating to offense and jurisprudence enforcement affecting ailments or misconduct.

Conduct inquires on ain gesture in regard of ailment ( s ) made about police service/officer.

Hearing and disposing of entreaties made by members of constabulary forces and ailments.

( Mckenna, 2005 )

Furthermore, in relation to OCCOPS duties is if an officer is found guilty to be moving corruptedly or in disregard of responsibility, the committee has the power to enforce punishments upon the members. Punishments such as dismissal, remotion and demotion are all possible effects. ( OCCOPS, 2002 ) However, as of October 19, 2009, the Government of Ontario established a new organisation to take over the ailment system of constabulary officers. The new inadvertence commission, titled the Office of the Independent Police Review Director ( OIPRD ) , has the same overall responsibility and duty. The exclusion is that the OIPRD is to supply increased transparence in order to hold increased sum of outside engagement within its instance burden. The OIPRD is accountable to the Attorney General but the twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours determinations are carried out by the commission. This ensures that the determinations made by the OIPRD are independent and are separate from the authorities, the constabulary and community. ( About the OIPRD, 2009 ) OCCOPS, now known as the OIPRD, is a valuable facet in discouraging police misconduct as the populace can rest assured that all affairs of corruptness will be investigated by this commission or a commission designated by the OIPRD.


The Particular Investigations Unit helps to regulate the answerability of constabularies although its primary map is to look into happenings affecting constabulary officers where a serious hurt or decease has occurred. ( Mckenna, 2005 ) All probes that the SIU behavior are happenings within the state of Ontario, whether it is provincial, regional or municipal constabulary officers. ( Mckenna, 2005 ) The Director of the SIU can originate an probe at any clip when a state of affairs has occurred within its legislative authorization, such as serious hurt or decease. Historically, the Particular Investigations Unit was formed in 1988 and was known as the Ontario Race Relations and Policing Task Force. It chiefly concerned itself with issues “ associating to the unity of the procedure by which constabulary conducted probes. ” ( Mckenna, 2005 ) Although the debut of the undertaking force was welcomed, unfavorable judgment still dawned on the undertaking force due to members of society still experiencing uneasy about the manner probes were conducted sing constabulary shots. These concerns prompted the undertaking force to do recommendations in its 1989 study to the Solicitor General which stated that an fact-finding organic structure should be created for the intent of look intoing police shots. ( Mckenna, 2005 ) For this ground, on August 18, 1990, the Particular Investigations Unit was created through alterations made in the Police Services Act. ( Goff, 2004 ) The SIU was governed through portion VII of the Police Services Act and was required to describe to the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General. The laying of charges against an officer was at the discretion of the research workers. Although more serious signifiers of misconduct is investigated by the SIU, the unit plays a function to assist maintain society safe from violent corruptness of constabulary officers.


Police misconduct and corruptness will go on to happen as constabulary work to take down offense. However, with civilian organic structures in topographic point to supervise the actions of officers, it is apparent that these civilian inadvertence commissions are discouraging corrupt activities. Ultimately police officers are merely human and at the terminal of the twenty-four hours, they are no different from doing errors so the remainder of society is. They are held up to higher criterions and for that ground ; boards and commissions will keep them accountable to their determinations and actions. The maltreatment of the system is unacceptable to society and to the criterions of policing. The maltreatment of the system is a disrespectful act towards society and the importance of responsibility. This so leads to a “ perceptual experience that the constabulary are non to be trusted and regard for the constabulary and Torahs they enforce diminishes. ” ( JHSA, 2007 ) Through the Police Service Boards, OIPRD and the SIU, society can be rest assured that answerability and duty is taken for all constabulary actions. As Martin Luther King stated “ unfairness anyplace is a menace to justness everyplace. ” ( Champion, 2001 ) For that ground, Ontario will go on to play its portion to guarantee that unfairness is non here.