Carlos Carmona MBA 683 – Project Management May 15, 2011 Abstract A work breakdown structure is a tool used by project managers and groups to help define a projects major tasks and discrete work elements. The work breakdown structure also helps us to better understand costs associated with the project by providing the necessary framework and guidance tools. Additionally the WBS is a dynamic tool and can be revised and updated as needed by the project manager (Booz, Allen & Hamilton). In this assignment we will examine the different elements associated with building a bicycle.

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There are three different levels associated with the framework of building the bicycle and creating a WBS that is easy and ready to use. WBS Level 1 is showing the first level of building the bicycle. Here we will start to group together the two additional levels necessary to build the framework. The next level is level 2; here we start to identify the major components of the bike. There are seven different components in level 2: 1. Shifting System 2. Frame Set 3. Braking System 4. Wheels 5. Project Management 6. Crank Set 7. Integration Within the second level there are three major components that are required to build the bicycle.

The wheels, frame set, and integration all have separate parts that make up the three components as a whole. On level three there are we put together all the major parts and sub parts that make up the bicycle. Attached is a WBS structure for review. Frame Set 1. 1 Wheels 1. 3 Integration 1. 6 100 References Larson, E. W. , & Gray, C. F. (2011). Project Management:  The Managerial Process (5th ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Booz, Allen & Hamilton Earned Value Management Tutorial Module 2: Work Breakdown Structure, Office of Project Assessment, doe. gov. Accessed 01. Dec 2008.