The Global Financial Crisis ( GFC ) was caused by assorted factors which impacted the Western universe ‘s economic systems. It resulted from supplying excessively many loans to people who could non afford to refund the loan and the packaging up of loans to on-sell ( securitisation in the USA ) . The greed of consumers, bad investings, lifting belongings monetary values, the broad spread distribution of income, and the overall hapless ordinance of monies besides contributed. The Australian authorities takes recognition for avoiding this recession by implementing Keynesian theory of financial and pecuniary stimulation by step ining early and a willingness to excite the economic system. This stimulation was aimed to excite aggregative demand through increased ingestion and investing outgo the minority of this stimulation being pecuniary policy and the bulk being financial stimulation. However this stimulation when compared to other parts to alter in GDP outgo was non the major subscriber to avoiding the recession. Net exports were the most important subscriber during the GFC. This means that the stimulation did non salvage Australia from the recession. The net exports contributed greatly but when a consideration is made of all the National Income Measures ( NIM ) non merely the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) , Australia did hold a mild recession. It is clear that the Global Financial Crisis ( GFC ) has created a recession non merely wholly over the western universe, but in Australia every bit good and the chief subscriber to its clemency was Australia ‘s net exports.

The Australian authorities has used financial policies to smooth out the economic fluctuations caused by the GFC and to cut down its impact on consumers. Fiscal policy uses alterations in authorities disbursement and/or reduces revenue enhancements to act upon the degree of aggregative demand to impact the general way of the economic system. When Australia was threatened by the planetary fiscal crisis, the authorities took the action of implementing the largest financial stimulation in the universe ( Makin 2010:5 ) . The authorities disbursement was used for substructure undertakings for the intent of exciting the work force during the GFC recession particularly when the building industry is peculiarly down. In add-on, the authorities is passing on transportation payments to people under the Employment Insurance and Welfare plans increase during a recession and thereby supplying more support to the degree of aggregative demand. These stimulus bundles ( Government disbursement ) include the Economic Security Strategy, A the Nation Building Economic Stimulus, the Nation Building and Jobs Plan and a State Building Infrastructure measures which have reached a more than $ 55.6 billion ( Makin 2010:5 ) . Most of this support was targeted to back up local occupations throughout Australia by constructing new undertakings and installations that will hold enduring benefits across the state including ( ALP 2011 ) . Australia went through the GFC economically with the strongest growing of any advanced economic system through 2009 ( ALP 2011 ) .A With the authorities exciting the economic system ensuing in a multiplier consequence, the planned aggregative outgo additions.

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The Australian authorities besides stimulated the economic system with the assistance of the Reserve Bank of Australia ( RBA ) to increase the planned aggregative outgo by the usage of pecuniary policy. The RBA sets the involvement rate on nightlong loans in the money market which affects other involvement rates in the economic system to changing grades, so that the behavior of borrowers and loaners in the fiscal markets are affected by pecuniary policy ( though non merely by pecuniary policy ) . This can be seen in the figure 1below as the supply curve displacements to the right which meant that the RBA ‘s influence could be used to cut down the load of the GFC. This could be done by three steps ; the first step was to supply drawn-out chances for the Bankss to borrow from the RBA. This provided sufficient liquidness for Bankss to back up them through the GFC. The 2nd step was to supply loans or do direct purchases to back up certain markets. This allowed for mortgage-securities to be bought back and supply short-run stablenesss. The 3rd step was the usage of warrants to brace markets, support Bankss in raising debt and to avoid a tally on the banking system. This helped to increase the willingness to impart, since loaners were merely willing to impart at short adulthoods. The ability to modify rates at any clip provided the RBA with the flexibleness to excite the economic system in a downswing and prevent an overheating roar. Therefore in the GFC the lessening in involvement rates reduces the cost in borrowing ensuing in increased planned aggIt regate outgo.

Figure 1: A Monetary Injection and How It Will Affect the Supply and Demand of Money.

The Australian authorities increased authorities disbursement to increase private and public ingestion by the usage of pecuniary and financial policy to counter the negative parts from public and private investing. The recorded part from direct Australian authorities ingestion to a alteration in GDP ( E ) in the December 2008 one-fourth wasA really negativeA ( -0.1 per cent ) , followed by nil part in the March one-fourth. These were offset by negligible positive parts from State and Local ingestion disbursement. This was due to the consequence of administrative holds in implementing substructure disbursement doing the entire public disbursement non to increase until the terminal of 2009, but merely after the worst of the GFC had passed. During the clip of the GFC from the September 2008 to the March 2009 quarters, the chief subscribers to expenditure were non private and public ingestion but net exports which detracted from existent outgo growing in quarters before and after the GFC struck. The strong net export consequence can be explained by a sustained existent exchange-rate depreciation of over 25 per cent in trade-weighted footings during the December 2008 and March 2009 quarters, which made exports well cheaper for foreign purchasers and imports more expensive for domestic purchasers. There was besides sustained demand for trade goods from cardinal Asiatic trading spouses, including China, over this clip. The Australian strong economic system can be credited to its net exports instead than authorities disbursement, to keep a positive GDP during the GFC.

Table 2: Contributions to GDP Growth ( per centum points per one-fourth, seasonally adjusted )

Federal Government Consumption

State and Local Govt Consumption

FederalA GovernmentA Investment

State and Local Govt Investment

Statistical Discrepancy

Real GDP


















































Beginning: Makin, A 2010, “ Did Australia ‘s Fiscal Stimulus Counter Recession? : Evidence from National Accounts, ” pg. 10, A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2010.

A recession can be determined when there are two back-to-back negative quarters of GDP and besides when there is a 1.5 % rise in unemployment within 12 months. The nominal GDP fell in the March 2009 and June 2009 quarters connoting at that place was a contraction in national income. The ground the norm volume step of GDP remained positive in the March one-fourth, while the current monetary value value step shrank, is that there was a crisp autumn in the inexplicit monetary value deflator ( or overall monetary value degree ) , due in no little portion to heavy retail discounting of goods for sale at this clip. Meanwhile, existent GDP per caput, the individual most of import index of recession, fell in turn over three quarters by a sum of 1.3 per cent. The existent GDP ( E ) step in Table 1 is the lone conventional GDP series that did non record at least two back-to-back negative results. Average existent GDP was non negative for two consecutive quarters because the GDP ( E ) steps were sufficiently positive to do GDP ( A ) positive. Hence, the claim that financial stimulation enabled Australia to avoid recession harmonizing to the media definition of recession, in the terminal depends on the nature and hardiness of the existent GDP ( E ) step for the March 2009 one-fourth. But Australia did hold over 1.5 % rise in unemployment, 1.1 per cent in the September 2008 and 1.5 per cent in the June 2009, intending unemployment had a 1.5 % rise in unemployment within 12 months intending Australia had a recession.

Table 1: Conventional Measures of Gross Domestic Product ( per centum growing per one-fourth, tendency footing )

Real GDP-Expenditure

Real GDP-Income

Real GDP -Production

Real GDP-Average

Real GDP –

per capita

Nominal GDP


















































Beginning: Makin, A 2010, “ Did Australia ‘s Fiscal Stimulus Counter Recession? : Evidence from National Accounts, ” pg. 8, A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2010.

The claim that Australia avoided a recession rests on the definition of recession as two back-to-back quarters of falling GDP. This definition is popular with media observers and market economic experts and is tacitly approved by the Australian Treasury and the Reserve Bank of Australia. However, it lacks support from academic economic experts and policymakers abroad because it is excessively narrow. If a consideration is made to all the National Income Measures ( NIM ) non merely the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) indexs of macroeconomic activity can broaden the border for mistake that is ever subjected to the economy-wide informations particularly in the face of a major daze such as the GFC, as evidenced by big statistical disagreements in the national histories. As shown above in Table 1, two consecutive quarters of negative growthA wereA recorded in nominal GDP, the existent production and income-based steps of GDP, and existent GDP per caput. The existent GDP ( E ) step was the lone series that did non fall over two consecutive quarters. Alternate national income series for Australia gleaned from the most recent set of national histories are included in Table 3, all of which reveal at least two consecutive negative quarterly results. Though routinely ignored in economic commentary, the existent gross and net domestic and national income series are particularly of import steps of Australia ‘s international macroeconomic public presentation because they reflect the impact of the footings of trade ( or ratio of monetary values received for exports to monetary values paid for imports ) on the economic system. Derived by seting the volume step of GDP for alterations in the international buying power of national income which, in Australia ‘s instance, occurs due to fluctuating export trade good monetary values, these series are broader steps of national economic well-being than the standard existent GDP step used in the media definition of recession, which can help in a more accurate determination whether Australia is in a recession or not.A

Table 3: Other National Income Measures ( per centum growing per one-fourth, tendency footing )

Real Net Domestic Merchandise

Real Gross Domestic Income

Real Gross National Income

Real Net National Disposable Income

Real Net National Disposable Income per Capita











































Beginning: Makin, A 2010, “ Did Australia ‘s Fiscal Stimulus Counter Recession? : Evidence from National Accounts, ” pg. 13, A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2010.

Fiscal policy uses alterations in authorities disbursement and/or reduces revenue enhancements to act upon the degree of aggregative demand to impact the general way of the economic system. This resulted in a multiplier consequence which increased the planned aggregative outgo that pecuniary policy besides contributed excessively. But the chief subscribers to expenditure were non private and public ingestion but net exports which detracted from existent outgo growing in quarters before and after the GFC struck. A recession can be determined when there are two back-to-back negative quarters of GDP and besides when there is a 1.5 % rise in unemployment within 12 months. Average existent GDP was non negative for two consecutive quarters because the GDP ( E ) steps were sufficiently positive to do GDP ( A ) positive. Hence, the claim that financial stimulation enabled Australia to avoid recession harmonizing to the media definition of recession. If a consideration is made to all the National Income Measures ( NIM ) non merely the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) indexs of macroeconomic activity, all of which reveal at least two consecutive negative quarterly results, Australia did hold a recession. It than becomes clear that the Global Financial Crisis ( GFC ) has created a recession non merely wholly over the western universe, but in Australia every bit good. Thereby in the short-term, additions in family ‘s discretional income and increase in disbursement consequences in a sudden addition of disposable income to assist contend the downswing. The Australian strong economic system can be credited to its net exports instead than authorities disbursement but authorities disbursement did assist keep investing and devouring assurance that aid to keep the flow of monies.