If the proposal is accepted, each member would prefer to accept it and each public-service corporation assumed to be 1. If the proposal is rejected, each member would prefer to hold rejected it and each public-service corporation assumed to be 1.


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1, 1

0, 0



0, 0

1, 1





0, 0

Therefore, the two Nash equilibriums in this game are:

( Accept, Accept ) -The proposal is accepted as more than 16 members choose to accept the proposal.

( Reject, Reject ) – The proposal is rejected as more than 16 members choose to reject the proposal

I predicted that the result will be rejecting the proposal. Because 31 members face three picks: accept, cull, or abstain. Their picks are single pick and make non be affected by the other ‘s determinations. In add-on, the chance of each of these three picks is the same 1/3. Therefore, for each member, the chance of taking accepts the proposal is 1/3, and the chance of taking reject the proposal ( culls and abstains ) is 2/3. As a consequence, the result will be rejecting the proposal.

2 Suppose that the Numberss participants written down are N1, N2, N3, aˆ¦ , Nn.

In add-on, if participant I ( i=1,2,3, .. , N ) wishes to win this game, his/her figure should come closest to the half the norms of the figure submitted by the other participants as follow expression: F ( Ni ) = [ ( 1/2 ) * ( N1+N2+N3+aˆ¦+Nn-Ni ) ] / ( N-1 )

Two premises:

Assumed that all the other participants choose the same figure 10, so the figure participant I should take is F ( Ni ) = ( 1/2 ) * [ 10 ( N-1 ) / ( N-1 ) ] =5.

Assumed that all the other participants choose the same figure 1, so the figure participant I should take is F ( Ni ) = ( 1/2 ) * [ 1 ( N-1 ) / ( N-1 ) ] =0.5

Two hypotheses:

If the participants are all rational.

Because participant I realize that non all the other participants will take the same figure 10, the first thing he/she can corroborate that rational participant must take Numberss which is below 5.

Furthermore, because each of the N participants chooses an whole number between 1 and 10, harmonizing to the two premises above rational participants will take integer Numberss from 1 to 5. This is the requirement for rational participants to play this game in the undermentioned stairss:

Measure 1: Player I understand that there are N rational participants participated in this game and the chance of taking each of these five Numberss ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ) is the same. So the most possible figure for N participants to take is half of the 5 that is 2.5.

Measure 2: However, if each participants consider this game with a strategic thought, they will all choose 2.5. Under this status, the best optimum figure for participant I to take is 0.5*2.5=1.25.

Measure 3: In add-on, if participant I know that all the other participants will besides did what he/she did in measure 2, to take 1.25. Therefore, the best optimum figure for participant I to take is 0.5*1.25=0.625.


N measure: the best optimum choose for participant I is 2.5* . As the participants think progressively rational, n become space, 2.5* becomes smaller and smaller, until it reaches the smallest figure in this game, which is 1.

As a consequence, on the premiss that all participants are rational, the Nash equilibrium in this game is 1.

If the participants are non all rational

The first method is based on that we assume all the participants are rational, nevertheless, in the existent universe, non all the participants can be rational, or some might non be rational plenty.

So participant I should let a specified sum of divergence that the other participants might take some truly large figure to increase half the norm of the figure submitted by the other participants.

As a consequence, in order to win this game. The most reasonable method is to take a small greater figure, for illustration 2 or 3.

3. ( a ) Harmonizing to the information from the inquiry that “ Lauren chooses A, Dad observes A, and so decides whether or non to take Lauren to the game. “ -It means Lauren move foremost, so Dad moves. So we could specify that this is a dynamic game with complete and perfect information.

In this game, Lauren and Dad could take their ain action. A is the part an hr that Lauren spends raging Emily. She could either take annoy Emily for 0.5 or 0.25 of an hr. ( A=0.5 or 0.25 ) . Dad observes A, and so decides whether or non to take Lauren to the game. ( =0.2 or O, =1/3 or A/2 )

The public-service corporation map of Lauren is: =+

If Lauren annoys Emily for 0.25 hr and pa allow her travel: U=0.2+=0.7

If Lauren annoys Emily for 0.25 hr and pa punish her: U=0+=0.5

If Lauren annoys Emily for 0.5 hr and pa allow her travel: U=0.2+=0.907

If Lauren annoys Emily for 0.5 hr and pa punish her: U=0+=0.707

The public-service corporation map of Dad is: =-

If Lauren annoys Emily for 0.25 hr and pa allow her travel: U=1/3-=0.2708

If Lauren annoys Emily for 0.25 hr and pa punish her: U=0.125-=0.0625

If Lauren annoys Emily for 0.5 hr and pa allow her travel: U=1/3-=0.0833

If Lauren annoys Emily for 0.5 hr and pa punish her: U=0.25-=0

The game tree with the final payments:

( B ) In this dynamic ( or sequential-move ) games of complete information, after dad observes Lauren ‘s public presentation Angstrom, he make a determination whether return Lauren to the game or non. In add-on, Lauren understands that her public presentation will straight impact pa ‘s determination. Lauren could believe over the consequence of her action on her pa ‘s action before she chooses scheme A ( 0.5 or 0.25 ) .

Table 1 below illustrates the public-service corporation of Lauren and Dad: Lauren act foremost and so she predict pa ‘s scheme.


Travel the game




0.7, 0.2708

0.5, 0.0625


0.907, 0.0833

0.707, 0

Dad observes the information shown in the tabular array above, and so be after four schemes.

1. ( Go, Go ) Dad will take Lauren to the game, whatever the part an hr that Lauren spends raging Emily.

2. ( Punish, Punish ) Dad will penalize Lauren and non convey her to the game, whatever part an hr that Lauren spends raging Emily.

3. ( Go, Punish ) Dad will take Lauren to the game if she annoys Emily for 0.25 hours, but Dad will penalize Lauren and non convey her to the game if she annoys Emily for 0.5 hours.

4. ( Punish, Go ) Dad will take Lauren to the game if she annoys Emily for 0.5 hours, but Dad will penalize Lauren and non convey her to the game if she annoys Emily for 0.25 hours.

The tabular array below show how dad responses to the Lauren ‘s schemes


Go, Go

Go, Punish

Punish, Travel

Punish, Punish



0.7, 0.2708

0.7, 0.2708

0.5, 0.0625

0.5, 0.0625



0.707, 0


0.707, 0

In table 1, the Nash equilibrium is ( 0.5, Go ) , which means that if Lauren annoys Emily for 0.5 hr, pa will convey her to the game. In table 2, there are two Nash equilibriums: ( Travel, Go ) and ( Punish, Go ) . For ( Go, Go ) , it means non count A is equal to 0.5 or 0.25, pa will convey Lauren to the game. While for ( Punish, Go ) , it means pa will take Lauren to the game if she annoys Emily for 0.5 hours, but pa will penalize Lauren and non convey her to the game if she annoys Emily for 0.25 hours.

In add-on, we besides realize that no affair A is, pa ‘s public-service corporation is ever bigger if he conveying Lauren to the game. Because both of them know the two public-service corporation maps, Lauren knows that pa will ever convey her to the game instead than penalize her as he would wish to maximise his public-service corporation, so Lauren can take either 0.5 or 0.25 hours. While for Lauren, the public-service corporation of 0.5 hr is greater than that of 0.25 hr. Therefore, Lauren ‘s optimum solution is to take annoys Emily for 0.5 hr.

The sub-game perfect Nash equilibrium schemes are Lauren spends 0.5 hr annoys Emily, and Dad bring Lauren to the game.

( degree Celsius ) In this inquiry, as the sub-game perfect Nash equilibrium schemes are Lauren spends 0.5 hr annoys Emily and Dad bring Lauren to the game, pa ‘s menace is non believable.

( a ) Assumed that participant 1 plays the trigger scheme. Player 1 and participant 2

cooperate to deny everlastingly, and both get R. However, if one participant darnels, he/ she will acquire T which is great than R, and the other participant get S which will smaller than 0. After one time cheating, both participants will acquire 0 everlastingly.

If participant 1 continues to play the trigger scheme at phase T and after, so he/she will acquire a sequence of final payments R, R, R, aˆ¦ , from phase T to the phase boundlessly. Dismissing these final payments to present t, gives us:

R+R+R+R+aˆ¦+ R= R/ ( 1- ) .

If he/she deviates from the trigger scheme at phase T so he/she will trip noncooperation. At phase T, participant 1 confess and acquire T ( T & gt ; R ) , but participant 2 still deny and acquire S ( S & lt ; 0 ) . Their entire public-service corporation of one cheating is smaller than that of both cooperate ( 2R & gt ; S+T ) . When participant 2 realize participant 1 is rip offing, participant 2 will squeal after phase T forever. Player 1 ‘s best response to this is besides to squeal after province T everlastingly. Therefore participant 1 will acquire a sequence of final payment 0. Dismissing these final payments to present t gives us:

T+ 0+0+0+aˆ¦+ 0=T

R/ ( 1- ) .T 1- ( R/T )

So, if ‘1- ( R/T ) ‘ , participant 1 can non be better off is she deviates from the trigger scheme. This implies that if participant 2 plays the trigger scheme the participant 1 ‘s best response is the trigger scheme for1- ( R/T ) . By symmetricalness, if participant 1 dramas trigger scheme, so participant 2 ‘s best response is the trigger scheme. As a consequence, there is a Nash equilibrium in which both participants play the trigger scheme if1- ( R/T ) .

Let ‘s look into whether the Nash equilibrium induces Nash equilibrium in every sub game of the boundlessly perennial game. Remember that every sub game of the boundlessly perennial game is indistinguishable to the boundlessly.

We have two categories of sub games:

Sub game following a history in which the phase results are all ( R, R )

Sub game following a history in which at least on phase results is non

( R, R )

The Nash equilibrium of the boundlessly perennial game induces a Nash equilibrium in which each participant still plays trigger scheme for the first category of sub games.

The Nash equilibrium of the boundlessly perennial game induces a Nash equilibrium in which ( 0, 0 ) is played everlastingly for the 2nd category of sub games.

A type of trigger scheme normally applied to the repeated Prisoner ‘s Dilemma in which a participant responds in one period with the same action his/her opposition used in the last period.

( B ) If participant 1 follows Tit-for-Tat, participant 2 does non hold an inducement to squeal foremost, as if participant 2 cooperates she will go on to have the high ( Deny, Deny ) final payment, nevertheless, if she confesses and so returns to Tit-for-tat, the participants change ( confess, Deny ) to ( Deny, Confess ) forever. Player 2 ‘s mean final payment from this alteration would be lower than if she had stuck to ( Deny, Deny ) , and would drench the erstwhile addition.

But Tit-for-Tat is about ne’er perfect in the boundlessly perennial Prisoner ‘s Dilemma without discounting, because it is non rational for participant 1 to penalize participant 2 ‘s initial confess. Harmonizing to Tit-for-Tat ‘s penalties, which leads to a suffering alteration of confess and deny, therefore participant 1 would instead disregard participant 2 ‘s first confess. The divergence is non from the equilibrium way action of Deny, but from the off-equilibrium action regulation of confess in response to confess. Unlike the trigger scheme, Tit-for-Tat can non implement cooperation.

5. ( a ) Iterated laterality equilibrium must be Nash equilibrium. However, non all Nash equilibriums are generated by iterated laterality. Battle of the sexes game is a good counter illustration. It is a struggle between a married woman who prefer to travel to a concert and a hubby who prefer to travel to see a NBA. Even though people are selfish, they deeply love each other and are more willing to give their penchants. The tabular array of their final payments is as follows:


NBA Concert

NBA ( 3, 2 ) a†? ( 0, 0 )

Husband a†‘ a†“

Concert ( 0, 0 ) a†’ ( 2, 3 )

There is no iterated laterality equilibrium is the conflict of the sexes. This game has two Nash equilibriums: ( NBA, NBA ) and ( Concert, Concert ) . In this game, because there is no laterality scheme, the Nash equilibriums are non generated by iterated laterality.

( B ) The response to this inquiry is ‘Yes ‘ , so each iterated laterality equilibrium is made up of non-weekly laterality scheme.

The definition of the weakly dominated scheme provinces that: if scheme B ‘ final payment is purely higher than scheme A ‘ final payment in some scheme profile, scheme B, which does non lower than any final payment in any scheme profile, will weakly rule scheme A.

The purely dominant scheme equilibrium is the lone Nash equilibrium. However, if merely the iterative procedure leads to a alone scheme profile in the concluding consequence, there do hold iterated laterality equilibrium. Assumed that we would wish B to be the concluding existing scheme profile for the participant, B should weakly rule the following scheme to the concluding scheme

In the iterated laterality equilibrium scheme, purely dominated scheme required to be get rid of by participants. While in hebdomadal laterality equilibrium, it can non be get rid of. For illustration, from the tabular array in ( a ) , we could cognize that because the Nash equilibrium is ( NBA, NBA ) and ( Concert, Concert ) , no scheme can be taken off and these are non iterated laterality equilibriums.

However, the response might be different if we define “ quasi-weakly dominates ” as a scheme, which is better than other schemes. Take the Iteration Path Game as an illustration:


U1 U2 U3

Down D1 ( 2, 13 ) ( 1, 11 ) ( 1, 13 )

D2 ( 1, 8 ) ( 0, 11 ) ( 0, 13 )

D3 ( 0, 12 ) ( 1, 11 ) ( 0, 12 )

The iterated quasi-dominance equilibrium is ( U1, D1 ) . Delete the D2, D1 weakly dominate D2 ( 2,1,1 round 1,0,0 ) . Afterwards delete U3, as U1 now quasi-weakly dominate U3 ( 13, 12 is equal to 13,12 ) . Afterwards, delete D3, as D1 weakly dominate D3 ( 2, 1 round 0,1 ) . Afterwards, delete U2, as U1 dominate U2 ( 13 round 11 )

For some schemes which iterated delete the quasi-dominated schemes so take off from the former tabular array, the scheme which is in the equilibrium profile possibly a negative response to them.

( degree Celsius ) In the game theory construct, a rationalizable scheme is an attack of work outing or foretelling Nash equilibrium. But it does hold advantages and disadvantages:


The indispensable requirement of rationalizable schemes is that all the participants evolved in this game must be rational. However, such rationalizable schemes are excessively idealised. In most of the state of affairss, this can non be existed in the existent universe. Even though you are a rational individual, you can non corroborate that you are evolved into a game which is complete rational competitions. Therefore, this rationalizable scheme might hold negative impact on work outing or foretelling the results of the game.

If the participant is germinating in a game, he/her purpose are to maximise his/her personal public-service corporation when he/she make a determination. Therefore, on occasion, because participants merely concentrate on their ain public-service corporation and disregard the other participants ‘ public-service corporations, the Nash equilibrium will be a ‘zero-sum game ‘ or ‘negative-sum game ‘ .

Future tendency is with uncertainness information, nevertheless, participants frequently make a rational scheme determination on the footing of the past public presentations and actions. Therefore, this would be a restriction of rationalizable schemes.


Rationalizable schemes benefit participant from rational analysing the game and their ain state of affairs.

Help participant to do determination which could maximise his/her public-service corporation

A rationalizable scheme is a utile method to assist participant recognize the regulation of cooperation and competition.

6. ( a ) In a Second-price, the bidder win the auction with the highest rating, and pay the sum of money which is the same with rating of the 2nd highest bidder. The English auction on occasion regarded as an unfastened second-price auction, which has a modesty monetary value. The bidder wins the auction with the highest rating and pays the sum of money which is a spot higher than the rating of the 2nd highest bidder.

It is given that English auctions and Second-price auctions produce the tantamount gross. Both are dominant schemes as because bidders will offer their true ratings during the auction.

English auction is largely seeing being used as it is a just and unfastened procedure. Information acquisition is an advantage of this auction. The multiple enables monetary value find. The bidder can detect her challengers ‘ behaviour such as they abstain from command, and bygone highest commands.

From this, the bidder can alter her rating by discover challenger ‘ ratings. This is a dominant scheme, in English auction, bidders with single values will maintain biding until the highest command run into their rating. However, the nest -to-last bidder will abstain from the auction as his rating is met. Therefore, the bidder command with the highest rating, will crush others at a merchandising rate which is tantamount to the second-highest value.

( B ) This is a common value auction because the jar will be worth the same sum to all the people in the category. But every bidder has a distinguishable command about the sum of pennies in the jar. As the definition of common value auction: ‘the same value for everyone, but different bidders has different information about the underlying value. ‘

The victor with the highest commands obtain the jar and maintain the pennies inside after paying her command. Because the bidders are all hazard averse, the mean command will less than the value of the pennies in the jar. However, the winning command will greater than the value of the jar. Thus, I do non believe that winning bidder will normally do a net income.