The purpose of this work is to specify the function factors such as gender, category, familial construction and anterior victimization have in the awarding of justness to the female wrongdoer. It was found that the condemnable justness system has traditionally been more indulgent to the female wrongdoer based on two factors: gender and category and household construction. However, the condemnable justness system finds itself in a legal and moral bind when it comes to anterior victimization of the wrongdoer, and in distinguishing between true victimization taking to a violent offense and the deceit of such a old province by the supporting lawyer. These findings should give an overall apprehension of the condemnable justness system with respects to female wrongdoers and should organize a model within which such inequalities and disagreements can be discussed.


To better understand the condemnable wrongdoer, it is necessary to understand the function the backgrounds of the wrongdoers play in their way towards offense. The per centum of female wrongdoers has increased in the recent yesteryear, and sociologists, condemnable experts and the bench have grappled with the cursing statistics. Assorted theories have been put Forth to better understand the function race, category, household construction and victimization of the female wrongdoer have to play in the rise in offenses by the female gender. While a batch of work had gone into research into these subjects separately, a deeper apprehension of all these factors and the function they play in the intervention of adult females by the condemnable justness system remains to be analyzed. This essay aims to explicate these factors and the function the condemnable justness system has to play in offering justness, and support to the female wrongdoer.

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The condemnable justness system and the female wrongdoer

“ Harmonizing to condemning statistics, about a 3rd of adult females sentenced for chargeable offenses in 2000 received a community sentence compared with merely under a one-fourth of work forces ” . It can be seen that the condemnable justness system has traditionally been lenient on the female wrongdoer. In presenting justness, the background of the suspect, the function factors outside the horizon of the offense that have contributed to the psycho-social development of the suspect are considered. However, assorted societal and developmental factors besides contribute to the low rates of serious offenses by adult females. While work forces are non socially connected and do non traditionally worry about kids, adult females are bound to their place and fireplace and therefore desist from violent offenses. This difference is of import to the jury, who consider old offenses and delinquent history when sing their judicial stance on the wrongdoer. Therefore, adult females tend to hold less terrible judicial results in the condemnable justness system.

The function of race and the female wrongdoer

Harmonizing to Koons-Witt and Schram: Two findings are noteworthy in footings of piquing differences among females: ( a ) race conditioned the relationship between piquing group and victim ( s ) sex for robbery incidents and ( B ) race conditioned the relationship between piquing group and the societal distance between victim ( s ) and culprit ( s ) for aggravated assaults. The race of a individual has a major function to play in the psycho-social development of the female wrongdoer. Racial features such as societal conditioning, rearing manner, chances for instruction and societal development and interaction with other races have ever played a major function in the development of the wrongdoer. The condemnable justness system has besides traditionally, non merely discriminated on the footing of gender, but besides on the footing of race when presenting penalty for offenses, both non-lethal, and lethal. However, in the context of the female wrongdoer, unlike gender, race has non played a function in the badness of sentence for a offense, which remains a factor merely for the male wrongdoer. The consequence of race is conditioned by gender while the consequence of gender is non conditioned by race. However, the harsher intervention of racial minorities by the condemnable justness system is confined more to work forces, and the indulgent intervention of adult females is found for minorities and Whites likewise.

Class and household construction and the female wrongdoer

Womans from the lower and working category have been a priori been excluded from the in-between category in their outlooks and anterior societal scheduling. While the adult females from the socially backward categories have ne’er been placed in the ‘good miss ‘ class, dissimilar to their in-between category opposite numbers, the condemnable justness system considers the category of the adult females while make up one’s minding penalty for a offense. Like race, societal conditioning of adult females wrongdoers depends mostly on their societal category and bing household construction. Social scientists have long associated category and life-expectations of adult females in work, at place and in the societal context. Delinquency and offense are besides associated closely with the category of the wrongdoer. The condemnable justness system has ever considered the category of the female suspect to present penalty.

Victimization and the female wrongdoer

Vieraitis, Kovandzic and Britto province: ..women ‘s absolute position is significantly correlated with female homicide victimization rates by intimate partners.. . The function of victimization taking to offense by the female wrongdoer can non be overemphasized. In many instances, the victim turns condemnable and the psychological effects of the offense of the adult female are an of import parametric quantity in understanding the development of the condemnable mentality. In many violent offenses committed by adult females, the victim is largely the confidant spouse who has, in the yesteryear, been violent towards their spouse. This patterned advance of offense has a major function to play in the psychological and condemnable development of the wrongdoer and makes it a tough instance for the supporting lawyer and the condemnable justness system. The all right word picture between preexisting conditions that lead to the offense and the absence thereof makes the awarding of justness hard and at clip, morally disputing.


The female wrongdoer is shaped by her gender, category, familial background and anterior victimization. These factors have a major function to play in the psycho-social development of the wrongdoer. While the condemnable justness system has traditionally been indulgent to the female wrongdoer, the rise in offense by adult females has brought to illume these differences and how justness is served to these wrongdoers. A larger meta-analysis of the job would give sociological and psychological concepts that may assist streamline the justness system to acknowledge and extinguish mistakes in law.