The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson and four other authors. It was written in June 1776. The Second Continental Congress appointed these work forces to do a papers declaring the settlements independent from Britain. They were foremost called the Articles of Confederation and after the Revolution. the papers was questioned. With the oppugning the Constitutional Congress made some major alterations. These alterations although meant to beef up. in fact. weakened the authorities farther. The value of The Declaration of Independence depended on the strengths Jefferson gave it by his logical/emotional entreaties and correspondence and the failing that the Congress gave it.

Jefferson strengthens the papers by utilizing logical entreaties. But when a long train of maltreatments and trespasss. prosecuting constantly the same Object evinces a design to cut down them under absolute Despotism. it is their right. … to throw off such Government. and to supply new Guards for their hereafter security… such is now the necessity which constrains them to change their former Systems of Government.

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Jefferson is saying that the Colonist right to hold a unafraid hereafter in which there is no autocrat. This is logical because the male monarch has become a tyrant and is forcing his will on the people. So it is the right of the settler to subvert the male monarch and do a new authorities in which the people are ruled by themselves. The Declaration of Independence is besides strengthened by emotional entreaties. “… dangers of invasion from without. and paroxysms within. ” Jefferson uses words such as “tyrant and invasions” to do a image of how the settlers were ruled. This hits the emotion because it shows how angry and upset the Colonist was about the British authorities. These two entreaties strengthened the Declaration of Independence by demoing how the settlers saw the British authorities.

Thomas Jefferson’s usage of correspondence strengthened the Declaration of Independence. “He has refused… . He has dissolved…He has forbidden…He has made our Judgess dependent on his ain will entirely for the term of office of their offices. the sum and payment of their wages …” Britain’s authorities was so corrupt that even the Judgess were supposed to be a aid to the people weren’t. Using correspondence. Jefferson has made the papers easier to follow and when necessary. alteration.

The Declaration of Independence was weakened by the alterations that Congress made to the papers. “He has waged barbarous war against human nature itself…” the passion that Thomas Jefferson had in the fundamental law made in stronger. Taking out these sorts of entreaties made the papers weaker. Congress took out these sorts of statements because it showed a more hateful past people had in Britain. Congress wanted the papers to hold more neutrality and be more about new beginnings. Having these points taken out caused the papers to be largely of facts and non hold the passion Thomas wanted to hold in it.

The Declaration of Independence was strengthened by his logical and emotional entreaties and his usage of correspondence but the papers was weakened by the alterations that Congress made. These two entreaties strengthened the Declaration of Independence by demoing how the settlers saw the British authorities. Using correspondence. Jefferson has made the papers easier to follow and when necessary. alteration. Congress changed this papers so it was about neutrality and new beginnings ; they took out the passion that Jefferson had put in.