Table of Contentss

EU Funding is managed harmonizing to rigorous regulations to guarantee that there is tight control over how financess are used and that financess are spent in a transparent, accountable mode. Discourse this statement but besides focus on a Fund at EU degree of your pick.

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2EU Support

2.1Rules and Regulations…………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

3Common Agricultural Policy

3.1European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development……………………………………………………… .



Student’s Declaration

EU Funding is managed harmonizing to rigorous regulations to guarantee that there is tight control over how financess are used and that financess are spent in a transparent, accountable mode. Discourse this statement but besides focus on a Fund at EU degree of your pick.

1 Introduction

The European Union ( EU ) is an economic and political association dwelling of 28 European states. The EU purposes at advancing human rights and equality, set uping growing and stableness every bit good as holding transparent and democratic European establishments ( European Union, n.d.b ) .

The European Commission is a organic structure within the EU that works for the involvement of Europe as a whole. In fact, its chief maps are:

  • To propose legislationto the European Parliament and Council,
  • To cover with the EU policies and the budget,
  • To implement European Law and
  • To stand for the EU outside Europe ( European Commission, 2014a ) .

Furthermore the European Commission is that party responsible to apportion a part of the EU budget to European states either in grants, financess or other fiscal programmes ( European Commission, 2014b ) . However it is the duty of the 28 EU Commissioners to do certain that these financess are being used in the most appropriate mode ( European Union, n.d.a ) .Thus, in order to be able to make this, a figure of ordinances have to be in topographic point so that maltreatment or use of financess will non be permitted.

2 EU Funding

Education, wellness, consumer and environmental protection and human-centered assistance are some of the countries that EU provides financess for ( European Union, n.d.a ) .

With Malta’s accession into the EU, the bulk of the Maltese sectors were given the possibility to derive entree to EU support. This is of a benefit to the Maltese economic system because such EU support will supply the necessary support to entities to put, therefore assisting the economic system to be more competitory ( Zammit, 2010 ) . ˆ 83.18 million was the sum in financess allocated to the Maltese private sector between 2008 and 2013. The Head of the European Parliament Information Office, Dr Peter Agius stated how Maltese MEPs demand to be kept informed about the challenges concerns face when seeking EU financess so that they work together in order to assist these concerns to get the necessary financess ( European Parliament / Information Office in Malta, 2014 ) .

The followers is the list of EU Funds and Programmes Malta benefit from:

  • EU Territorial Programmes
  • Agricultural and Fisheries Fund
  • EU Educational Programmes
  • Migration Fundss
  • Bi-Lateral Programs
  • Other Programs like EU Solidarity Fund, EU Centralised Fundss and Programmes etc ( EU financess, n.d.b ) .

The Funds and Programmes Division ( FPD ) is a characteristic of import to Malta which deals with ‘‘the direction of a figure of European brotherhood and other financess … . allocated to Malta’’ . While it is of import to hold regulations that control how financess are utilised, the FPD must see that visibleness and transparence are guaranteed by carry oning activities directed towards the general populace every bit good as to the possible applications for support ( EU financess, n.d.c ) .

2.1Rules and Regulations

“The new EU programmes for 2007-2013 provide a design for economic advancement. For this ambitious end to go world, it is critical to hold fiscal regulations which measure up to existent life state of affairss. Maximum simpleness, with ruddy tape reduced to a minimal – these are the cardinal thoughts behind the new regulations. The consequence – simpler processs, improved transparence and answerability – will guarantee better control over how this public money is spent.”

Dalia GrybauskaitA- : Commissioner for Financial Programming and Budget

( European Commission, 2008: pg 2 )

The European Commission ( 2008 ) highlighted how the EU fiscal direction regulations have made the issue of financess more transparent, easier to be accessed and even better accounted for. It is of import that EU financess are crystalline every bit good as accountable in order to do certain that they are used in the best possible manner nevertheless, how financess are spend ballad in the custodies of the 28 European Commissioners. Each and every caput of the 28 Commission section issues an Annual Activity Report where an analysis of the internal control and fiscal direction systems of every section is given.

Since the bulk of EU financess are dealt with at national degree so, the national authorities must besides demo some duty on how money is spent. National authorities must hold effectual and well-organized internal control systems so as to guarantee that EU financess are being checked on a regular basis ( European Commission, 2008 ) .

Furthermore, equal entree to information implies besides transparency where of import information is published on the European Commission web sites. Transparency is even exercised by compeling Member States to name the donees that are having EU financess ( European Commission, 2008 ) .

Dr Ian Borg, the Parliamentary Secretary for EU financess stated that it is highly of import that concern entities will be witting for any mistreatment of financess. This is done in order to avoid any signifier of maltreatment because if EU financess are non used in the best manner, such abuse of the few will negatively impact the repute of the other donees ( European Parliament / Information Office in Malta, 2014 ) .

With new or amended regulations, the European Commission will be in a place to prevent fraud or corruptness. In fact, from 2009 a database was established where information on people and entities involved in any type of fraud or condemnable activities is held. This is done so as to safeguard the fiscal involvement of the European Member States ( European Commission, 2008 ) .

3 Common Agricultural Policy

The EU is made up of a figure of policy countries, each one with its ain regulations. The Common Agricultural Policy ( CAP ) is one policy applicable to all Member provinces of the EU relating to the agricultural sector. The CAP is directed and funded at European degree from the resources of the EU one-year budget ( European Commission, 2012 ) . To Malta this industry is of import because as stated by the NSO ( 2012 ) , in 2010 the entire figure of people employed within the agribusiness industry amounted to 18,539.

The CAP purposes are:

  • To better agricultural productiveness
  • To allow a sensible life for EU husbandmans
  • To hold a sustainable direction of natural resources where the demands of the future coevals is taken into history and
  • To take attention of the countryside across the EU ( European Commission, 2012 ) .

CAP is considered as the most of import common policy of the EU. In fact a significant sum of EU budget was devoted to this fund throughout the old ages. Such CAP is financed by 2 financess being:

  • The European Agricultural Guarantee Fund ( EAGF ) – makes direct payments to husbandmans and even reacts to any market agricultural perturbations,
  • The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development ( EAFRD ) – financess the rural development program of Member States ( European Commission: Agribusiness and Rural Development 2014b ) .

“ The CAP towards 2020 ” outlines the hereafter of the CAP where future economic challenges will be addressed so that immense benefits to EU citizens will go on to be produced ( European Commission, 2012 ) .

3.1 European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development

The EAFRD is one of the chief five financess at EU degree that work manus in manus so as to prolong economic development throughout the full EU states ( European Commission: Regional Policy, 2014 ) . The EAFRD finances the rural development programmes in conformity with the Council Regulation ( EC ) No 169aˆ‹8/2005. This rural development policy should complement the market and income support policies of the CAP. Holocene reforms in the CAP established some alterations that would likely impact the economic system ‘‘across the whole rural district of the Community in footings of agricultural production forms, land direction methods and employment’’ .

The common strategic attack for the European Structural and Investment Funds and the CAP are legislative Acts of the Apostless that regulate the EU rural development policy. Apart from these the European Commission is authorised to take on ‘‘implementing Acts of the Apostless and delegated acts’’ so that specific characteristics of the policy would be regulated. Besides this, a figure of proficient paperss are given to the Member States in order to steer them in relation to issues emerging from the policy ( European Commission: ENRD, 2014 ) . Since the rural development is an of import facet to the EU, each member province will pull up a national scheme program within the model of the EAFRD. This is executed through the Rural Development Programme established in 4 Axes ( EU financess, n.d.a ) :

  • Enhancing the fight of the agricultural and forestry sector by:
  • Promoting agricultural cognition particularly among immature husbandmans while spread outing human abilities through preparation,
  • Restructuring physical potency through investing for illustration presenting new engineering to better the efficiency of production,
  • Bettering the quality of production by promoting husbandmans to prosecute in strategies so as to advance the quality of nutrient. In bend this will vouch to clients the high quality of a merchandise
  • Developing the environment and the countryside by using agricultural methods that help in safeguarding the natural environment,
  • Bettering the quality of life in rural countries and diversify the rural activities by advancing non- agricultural activities such as touristry,
  • LEADER by presenting local schemes through Local Action Groups

( Europa: Summaries of EU statute law, 2012 ) .

The public support of Malta for the Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 sums to ˆ101,611,140, where ˆ77,653,355 was financed from the EAFRD while the staying was contributed from the local authorities. This sum was distributed to the 4 Axes of the programme ( Pull offing Authority Rural Development, n.d. ) .

It is in the involvement of each European citizen that these financess are being spent in the best possible manner, so those in charge demand to transport out regular cheques in order to guarantee that these financess are being used suitably. Harmonizing the regulations of the CAP, the Commission is that party in charge for the direction of the EAGF and the EAFRD but the regulations of the CAP indicate that the Commission do non pay payments to the entitled donees but it is the Member States that do this occupation ( European Commission: Agribusiness and Rural Development 2014b ) .

If the budget dedicated to the rural development programmes is used wrongly, so funding will be wholly or partly cancelled ( EU financess, n.d.a ) . In order to guarantee that direction of the financess is sound, a two-stage clearance procedure is carried out. This is the clearance of histories and conformance clearance ( Europa: Summaries of EU statute law, 2009 ) .

The clearance of histories takes topographic point to do certain that Member States behavior payments under the CAP in the best possible manner. When the direction and control system of a Member State is uneffective, frequent audit process is an of import tool used. On the other manus the conformance clearance is a manner where the Commission confirms through reviews, whether the financess allocated to the Member States on the EAGF and the EAFRD has been right used ( European Commission: Agribusiness and Rural Development 2014a ) . In fact if some important deficits are identified, so payments made to the EU Member State under the EAGF and EAFRD will be diminished ( Europa: Summaries of EU statute law, 2009 ) .

In add-on, to guarantee that financess are used decently, all information related to the smooth running of the financess has to be provided to the Commission. Furthermore, the names of those donees of the Agricultural Funds together with the sums they obtain must be published to the populace ( Europa: Summaries of EU statute law, 2009 ) .

4 Decision

EU provides financess for a figure of different undertakings for the benefit of the EU citizens and even of the economic system. However, control on how these financess are used has to be present so as to decrease the possibility of maltreatment. This can merely be done if regulations and ordinances are in topographic point and uninterrupted supervising is carried out. Furthermore, betterments to the ordinances are critical because in today’s dynamic universe regulations can easy alter or lose their importance.


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Student’s Declaration

I, the undersigned, hereby declare that this assignment is my original work.

Maria Bonello

55291 ( M )