Landslides are a major menace to human life, belongings and constructed facilitates substructure and natural environment in massy mountain parts of the universe. As a effect of climatic alterations and possible Earth heating, an addition of land slide activity is expected in some portion of the universe in the hereafter. Climate is a dynamic constituent of the environment, which has a direct and indirect influence on adult male and his activities. Climate has ne’er been the same over clip and infinite. Most scientists agree that the planetary clime is altering. It has changed during the past century. The universe agribusiness is chiefly influenced by rainfall than by other climatic elements. Harmonizing to the common construct Mass cachexia or mass motion of the dirt is normally known as the Earth faux pass.

The motion of multitudes of stone bowlder, Earth or collected debris down a swill is known as a land slide.when a incline has no proper drainage, the rain H2O is retained within the mass of dirt. This causes the dirt beds to be separated and the surface bed of dirt which is heavy with the maintained rain H2O tends to skid down the incline due to the gravitative pull. The skiding many be slow or fast defending on the steep muss of the incline. During heavy rain or ramp these landslides can happen with small warning or without any warning at all.

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The entire land country of Sri Lanka is about 6.5 million hectare or 16 million estates ; of this about one tierce has been utilized for plantations and agricultural retentions. A small over 20 per cent is under wood land, and about 6.4 per cent grass and scrublands. The Patten of the land usage has been altering quickly. In the past the population was little and forest covered most of the land. In the nineteenth century the population increased, and the forest decreased. A larger cleared country was necessitated by the of all time increasing population for their life and agribusiness. Large multipurpose strategies affecting the building of

reservoirs for irrigation agribusiness, power coevals and settling people in these countries by uncluttering the forest are other land use that have occurred during this period. It besides had an consequence on the climatic alteration. A catastrophe is an event, natural or semisynthetic, sudden or quickly progressive. Continued impairment of the environment, peculiarly through deforestation and land abuse is lending to the frequence of natural catastrophe such as inundations, drouths, and so on. Overcrowding of metropoliss is increasing the exposure to catastrophe. In the development high tech universe catastrophes are manmade. Land slide is one of the most detrimental catastrophes in Sri Lanka.


4. Extensive loses of life and belongings due to uninterrupted rain have been reported from the Highlandss of Sri Lanka during the past 30 old ages. In the Rathnapura District more than 100 individuals died in May 2003 due to inundations and land slides.the hill incline in this country are really unstanabal so that during the rainy season land slide shave become a common characteristic. The principle natural jeopardy in Sri Lanka in the yesteryear was inundations but today it has been replaced by landslides.Most of the inclines are steep and unstable as such they are subjected to travel down during the rainy sea season Landslides have been reported with increasing frequent from the undermentioned territories in Sri Lanka, Badulla, Galle, Hambantota, Kandy, Kegalle, Matara, Monaragala, NuwaraEleya and Kandy.

5. Climate of Sri Lanka can be divided in to four seasons. First inter monsoon ( March- April ) , South west monsoon ( May-September ) , 2nd inter monsoon ( October-November ) and North East monsoon ( December- February ) .According to the rainfalls form. Highest entire country rainfalls having during the South West monsoon and 2nd inter monsoon periods about 60 per cent of the entire rainfall is received during these two monsoon periods.

6. Most of the land slides are caused by the rain H2O into the breaks of weather-beaten stone. The land slides are associated with roll uping and fluxing H2O on or below the surface in cragged terrains. Newly formed landslides and reactivated antediluvian landslides have been monitored in Sri Lanka highlands. Landslides can be identified thousand along the hill inclines of many a location in the Highlandss. These old landslides are in many cases stable under present status.

7. Deforestation is one of the most effectual environmental issues in Sri Lanka.Forest have been cut down to spread out agricultural country and development.Defrorestion has led to landslide and inundations. This is the most of effectual grounds landslides in the cardinal state of Sri Lanka.It may non be possible to forestall landslides good land direction a decrease in their extent frequence can be achieved. Improve drainage system by deviating surface H2O and guarantee safe disposal of extra H2O to good vegetated sites to forestall farther erosin.This research is an effort to analyze the clime alteration and human activates that have a direct bearing on land slides in Sri Lanka.


8. Analysis have shown that the upper limit and minimal temperatures in all metrological Stationss in Sri Lanka have clearly been increasing, with the highest addition of minimal temperature being about 2.0 C at Nuwara Eliya. Analysis of rainfall informations reveals that the variableness has been increasing in the yesteryear in most parts of the island ensuing in H2O scarcenesss in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. The Initial National Communication on Climate Change ( INC ) prepared in 2000, by so Ministry of Forestry and Environment has identified that agribusiness, H2O resources and human wellness services would be more vulnerable to climate alteration in Sri Lanka, this indicates that really few sectors agriculture, plantation and land usage have developed suited version schemes to confront this job. The human colonies, public public-service corporations such as H2O supply, route and other substructure would be earnestly affected due to climate alteration.

9. The intent of this research is to discourse the nexus between land slide and clime alteration and human activities. The entire land country of Sri Lanka is about 6.5 million hectare or 16 million estates of this about one tierce has been utilized for plantations and agricultural retention. A small over 20 per cent is under wood land, and about 6.4 per cent grass and scrublands. The Patten of the land usage has been altering quickly. In the yesteryear, the population was little and forest covered most of the land. In the nineteenth century the population increased the forest screen country decreased. The country covered by colony has expanded with population. Large multipurpose strategies affecting the building of reservoir for irrigation agribusiness, power coevals and settling people in these countries by uncluttering the forest are other land use alterations that have occurred during this clip. The same has happened to climate alteration. A catastrophe is an event, natural or manmade, sudden or quickly progressive. Continuing impairment of the environment, peculiarly through deforestation and land abuse is lending to the frequence of natural catastrophe such as inundations, drouths, and so on. Overcrowding of metropoliss, increase the exposure to catastrophe in the development high tech universe semisynthetic catastrophe. Land slide is one of the most vulnerably catastrophes in Sri Lanka.


10. Climate alteration and urbanisation developments result in increasing landslides in the cardinal state of Sri Lanka. Can the consequence of human activities be controlled and thereby cut down the happening of land slide in the cardinal state.

Significance OF THE STUDY

11. Land slide represent a major menace to human life, belongings, constructed facilitates substructure and the natural environment in many mountain parts of the universe. Therefore it is deserving analyzing to cognize as to why and how these slides occur and besides to happen possible ways and agencies of forestalling landslides.


12. Since the job at manus is non inactive this research attemfot has its ain restrictions but yet, all attempts are taken within the given clip frame to travel through the maximal available literature, facts and informations sing seasonal timing, magnitude are often of landslides under new clime alterations to identity the connexion between alteration of clime and landslides. The necessary informations aggregation and designation are at the state degree.