The Enlightenment. besides named the Age of ground. was an epoch for the period of the seventeenth and 18th centuries. The term “Enlightenment” besides specifically negotiations about a rational motion. Furthermore. this motion provided a footing for the American and Gallic Revolutions. During this period. philosophers started to recognize that by utilizing ground they can happen replies to their inquiries and solutions to their jobs. Enlightenment philosophers believed that all human existences should hold freedom of faith and address.

Furthermore. they wanted to hold a authorities of their ain and a right to vote. John Locke and Thomas Hobbes were two really of import philosophical minds of their clip. John Locke was a outstanding mind from England. and Thomas Hobbes is possibly the most complete materialist philosopher of the seventeenth century. John Locke believed that people are good. and they should hold natural rights such as “life. autonomy. and property” but Thomas Hobbs chief focal point was how human existences can populate together in peace and hedge the danger and fright of civil war. John Locke ( 1634-1704 ) was one of the most important and powerful philosophers during the Enlightenment epoch.

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Both the Gallic Enlightenment and Establishing Fathers of the American Revolution drew on his ideas. John Locke suggested that the human head was a tabula rasa ( clean slate ) . There were no “innate ideas” known from birth by all people and society signifiers people’s head. Since all people portion the same undeveloped usual characteristics. people are all equal and they determine their autonomy. Locke said all human existences are equal expect adult females and Negroes because they are closer to the province of nature therefore they are less civilised and this led to the American Revolution. Locke’s most of import work of political doctrine was the Two Treatises on Government.

He argued that the power of the male monarch is derived from the people. each individual has a right to keep belongings. and if swayer takes this belongings from people without their ain permission. people can force out and defy him. . Thomas Hobbes is another philosopher in seventeenth century who argued that people were of course wicked and could non be trusted to regulate. Thomas Hobbes ( 1588-1679 ) was born in London. He finished his college instruction at Oxford University in England. where he studied classics.

Hobbes was English philosopher. scientist. and historian. best known for his political doctrine. particularly as expressed in his chef-d’oeuvre Leviathan. In his hoot he described the “state of nature” where all individuals were of course equal. He said that people are frightened of violent decease. and every individual homo on the planet has a right to protect him/herself in any manner possible. He assumed that it’s in people’s best involvement to avoid war. Furthermore. he believed that life in the province of nature is “solitary. hapless. awful. brutish. and short. ” Although John Locke and Thomas Hobbes do hold some similarities. they have different sentiments about most of their political statements.

Thomas Hobbes and John Locke were two of the great political theoreticians of their clip. Both created great philosophical texts that aid to depict their sentiments about man’s province of nature in add-on to the function of authorities in man’s life. Both of them believed in individuality. Two old ages after the terminal of the English Civil War. Thomas Hobbes published Leviathan. He believed people had a good personality. if they were left to their ain programs. life would go “a lone. hapless. awful. brutish. and short. ”

He said if people give some of their freedom. they can hold a harmless life. He believed people are ever in competition with each other for the best nutrient. shelter. money. and so on. Hobbes supposed the best manner to protect citizens would be to hold a crowned head that is endangering and supreme. . Locke’s position of the province of nature says that worlds have bounds as to what people should or should non make. In contrast to Hobbes. Locke believed that worlds are by and large nice to one another. and we will non trouble oneself one another.

Therefore. in Locke’s province of nature. worlds are peaceable. Locke believed that people had the basic rules needed for a civilised society. so they were allowed to hold natural rights such as life. autonomy. and belongings. Locke believed instead than each individual being every bit at hazard of decease. each individual was every bit free and crowned head.

The Enlightenment was an epoch of free thought and individuality. Different philosophers had tremendous function in this epoch. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke were philosophers from the seventeenth and 18th centuries. Both philosophers had really strong positions on freedom and how a state should be governed.

Hobbes had more of a negative position on freedom while Locke’s sentiments are more positive.

Work Cited
Ferna?ndez Armesto. Felipe. “The Exchange Of Enlightenments: Eighteenth Century Thought. ” The World: A History. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. 2010. 738-65. Print. SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on John Locke ( 1634–1704 ) . ” SparkNotes. com. SparkNotes LLC. 2005. Web. 14 Mar. 2013 SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on Thomas Hobbes ( 1588–1679 ) . ” SparkNotes. com. SparkNotes LLC. 2005. Web. 14 Mar. 2013.