This essay will discourse the Constitutional rule of Checks and Balances. It will explicate the construct and effectivity of the separation of power. As an illustration. the instance of Brown v. The Board of Education will be used to explicate the construct and effectivity of the separation of power. Brown v. The Board of Education is a celebrated instance that ended segregation in schools in 1954 during the Civil Rights Movement. First. Lashkar-e-Taibas start with what the definition of Checks and Balances is as it pertains to the Constitution.

The definition harmonizing to Merriam-Webster is: “a system that allows each subdivision of a authorities to amend or blackball Acts of the Apostless of another subdivision so as to forestall any one subdivision from exercising excessively much power. ” . The legislative power is vested in the Congress. the executive power remainders with the President and the judicial power is granted to the Supreme Court and other federal tribunals. Each subdivision of authorities has separate and peculiar powers as listed in the Constitution. each subdivision is besides given the power. responsibility and ability to command and equilibrate the other ( s ) in a system of cheques and balances.

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The Constitution grants all legislative power to the Congress. The Congress is bicameral and a measure has to go through both houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate. In this manner the houses check and equilibrate each other. Both the executive and the judicial subdivision cheque and equilibrate the Congress’ legislative power. Although merely the Congress can do Torahs. the President has the power to veto measures. in which instance the measure can merely go through with a 2/3 bulk in both houses.

Finally. if the Congress and the President agree on a jurisprudence. the Supreme Court has the power of construing the Torahs and a power of reappraisal. i. . the Supreme Court can declare a jurisprudence unconstitutional and hence null. As main decision maker the President is required to see that Torahs are carried out. to implement bing political relations and to pull offing the bureaucratism. The president nominates the caputs of the executive branch’s sections. but these assignments are capable to the Congress’ blessing. The fundamental law makes the president and Congress portion powers in affairs such as foreign policy and the US armed forces.

In the instance of Brown v. The Board of Education. the legal defence of Oliver L. Brown stated. “the prejudiced nature of racial segregation … “violates the 14th amendment to the U. S. Constitution. which guarantees all citizens equal protection of the Torahs. ” . Because of this Brown v. The Board of Education laid the foundation for determining future national and international policies sing human rights. At the clip. the province of Kansas had segregated schools. intending that black and white kids could non travel to school at the same topographic point.

At the terminal of the instance. Brown and his legal defence had argued that it was non just to the kids because they may or may non acquire the best instruction if they were segregated. The United States Supreme Court ruled that no province should segregate any kid in public schools. White and Black kids would travel to school together and be offered the same rights. Anything less would be unconstitutional. This is a perfect illustration of how the province legislative assembly was overturned by the Supreme Court and they were able to maintain a cheque and balance on each other.

The province of Kansas did non hold a jurisprudence saying that the schools must be segregated. but they besides did non hold a jurisprudence stating that they couldn’t be segregated. The Browns foremost took their instance to the province in 1951. After the instance was dismissed. Brown and four other cases made an entreaty to the United States Supreme Court were the province opinion was overruled. The Supreme Court had checked and agreed that it was a misdemeanor of the Constitution to segregate schools. To this twenty-four hours. a public school can non know apart against any kid. black or white. male or female. smart or particular erectile dysfunction.

The determination made by the Supreme Court was a consentaneous opinion that was issued on May 17. 1954. At that clip Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote that “segregated schools are non equal and can non be made equal. and hence they are deprived of the equal protection of the Torahs. ” He continued. “We conclude that in the field of public instruction the philosophy of ‘separate but equal’ has no topographic point. ” . Thank goodness for cheques and balances. without them. the state would be a much different topographic point to populate.