Inflation has been a irritant in the side of the authorities for rather a piece a piece now. The lifting monetary values of indispensable trade goods particularly nutrient trade goods, has affected the common adult male particularly the hapless. Knowing the fact that 32 % of the entire population still lives below poorness line in the state, makes this a graving tool job. The paper tries to make analysis of pecuniary factors impacting the rate of rising prices. It tries to research assorted options in forepart of Reserve Bank of India as the cardinal pecuniary authorization. The paper besides tries to get at best solution from assorted options and gives out their supportive and opposing statements. The paper besides provides suggestions in undertaking the job in a similar scenario in the hereafter.


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Table of Contentss


Page No.

Title Page






Table of Content




Problem Statement


Purpose of Study




Reappraisal of Literature


Inflation- Emperor of Economic maladies


Causes of Inflation


Reserve Bank of India ( RBI )


Inflation and Monetary Policies


Rate of Inflation in India


Measure of Inflation in India









Inflation is one of the most outstanding and misinterpreted economic phenomenon. It is a sustained addition in monetary values of all goods across the board. Due to this ground, it erodes the cost buying power in the economic system and raises the cost of life. It is a phenomenon that has been faced by states all over the universe and is invariably germinating over the class of history. Cardinal Banks, fiscal establishments, and analysts track the degree of rising prices due to its criticalness in twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours life of every individual. More significantly, the hapless are the most vulnerable to rising prices in the society. As, JM Keynes said, “ Inflation is the signifier of revenue enhancement which the populace find hardest to hedge ” ; it has received a broad attending from media late.

India ‘s growing narrative depends critically on rising prices in the state. India has faced two periods i.e. 2006-08 and 2009-11 of terrible inflationary force per unit areas. These periods have caused a terrible load on the buying power of a normal citizen in the state. RBI has tried to undertake this state of affairs by increasing the increasing the repo rate and contrary repo rates nine clip by 25 footing points ( bits per second ) from April 2010 to May 2011 ; whereas in May 2011, the hiking of both rates was by 50 bits per second. This has badly affected the growing of the economic system and India ‘s GDP consequences have taken a whipping. But in order to keep a sustainable degree of inflationary rate, growing in the short tally needs to be compromised. Hence keeping the balance between an optimum rising prices rate and relentless growing is a really delicate policy.

Problem Statement

To analyze and analyze the impact of assorted pecuniary policy options available to the Reserve Bank of India to incorporate the inflationary tendencies in India.

Purpose of the Study

India ‘s individuality as an emerging economic giant depends mostly on the mode in which it tackles the rising prices in the state. In the short term, growing may be compromised to acquire out of this morass but there is a demand to understate this period of lag in growing. This survey looks to gives solutions and suggestions to battle the state of affairs and assist me in understanding the circulation of money and its efficaciousness in contending rising prices.


The research undertaking shall two phases. In the first phase, secondary informations will be collected associated with the research. The secondary information in this research will be the recent rates of rising prices and policy steps undertaken by the Reserve Bank of India ( RBI ) and other Numberss from other statistical databanks.

Further, the research will besides analyze the assorted research documents that have explained the successful execution of different pecuniary methods in other states and seek to pull up on their findings.

Literature Review

Inflation- Emperor of Economic Malaise

Whenever demand for a good is more than the supply for the good the monetary value for that good additions. But if monetary values of trade goods across all sectors increase so this state of affairs is called rising prices. In this state of affairs there is really small that a authorities or a cardinal bank can make because of its immense range.

Inflation is a phenomenon of relentless rise in monetary values of trade goods and factors of production. It is non the addition in monetary value of a individual good but a important and a sustained rise in general monetary value degrees. Inflation nevertheless is non the addition in monetary values of all trade goods instead it is a rise in monetary values of certain goods and services in such a manner the overall monetary values additions.

Inflation reduces the rating of money where a certain sum of money would now purchase smaller sum of a good than it did before the phenomenon.

Macro-economically talking Inflation arises due to a spread in aggregative demand and aggregative supply.

Kaushik Basu ( 2011 ) has said that Inflation has been ancient phenomenon by saying that it has been experienced by world since the clip of the terminal of swap system and the usage of mediums of exchange like paper money, cherished metals or any other beginning of exchange.

Causes of Inflation

There are two major causes of rising prices

Demand Pull Inflation: When monetary value degrees addition due to excess of disbursement i.e. aggregative demand. This means that people have excessively much money to pass for a few sums of good. It occurs when the economic system spends beyond the production capableness and hence aggregative demand additions which causes rise in monetary values of assorted merchandises.

Cost-Push Inflation: Cost-push rising prices arises due to increase in cost of production at each monetary value degree. This is majorly contributed to increase in direct costs of production which reduces the aggregative supply. A lessening in aggregative supply as compared to a changeless aggregative demand normally leads non merely to higher monetary value degree. This state of affairs can be compounded by autumn in entire degree of end product besides and is termed as stagflation.

Prasanna and Gopakumar ( 2011 ) province the importance of control of inflationary force per unit areas by stating that macroeconomic stableness and necessary substructure are requirements of continual growing. Macroeconomic stableness can therefore be achieved through affectional control of rising prices. A survey of consequences of assorted states proves that there exists an opposite relationship between rising prices and long-run growing. States with high rising prices rates have performed much inferior as compared to states with low or moderate rates of rising prices.

Kaushik Basu ( 2011 ) in his paper Understanding Inflation and commanding it explains the outrageousness of the job of Inflation and says that aggregative demand in the economic system is affected by assorted agents and each agent can undo the actions of the other. He besides names Inflation as the “ Emperor of Economic Maladies ”

He besides mentions that the current state of affairs which the state is confronting is non the worst that India has faced. And says that the state faced it worst state of affairs of rising prices during the period of November 1973 to December 1974 where rising prices rate ne’er dropped below 20 % and was above 30 % from June-Sep 1974.

Amol Agrawal ( 2011 ) does a comparative analysis of the two recent inflationary periods suffered by the state and references that factors act uponing rising prices in 2009-11 are different than the factors act uponing 2006-08, where in the former it is a combination of supply and demand dazes whereas the latter was due to the lag caused by the planetary fiscal crisis.

Reserve Bank of India ( RBI )

The Reserve Bank of India ( RBI ) was established on April 1, 1935 in conformity with the the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. The Central Office was shifted to Mumbai from Kolkata in 1937 where it is presently located.

RBI is responsible for several maps as a cardinal bank and has evolved and gained liberty bit by bit through versions and alterations.

Along with the basic maps of a cardinal bank i.e. the exclusive authorization of publishing bank notes of all denominations it has maps of pull offing exchange rates, modulating fiscal system and the banker of other Bankss. It is besides the chief policy shaper of pecuniary policies in India. In 1998, the RBI officially adopted aims of pecuniary policies which are stated as:

To keep a stable rising prices.

To back up appropriate liquidness to back up higher economic growing.

To guarantee smooth dealingss with exchange market.

To keep stable involvement rates.

However there is no directing about the monetary value stableness. This it can be attributed to the fact that the pecuniary policy of RBI has evolved over clip and has tried to keep a balance between monetary value stableness and growing through equal recognition installation.

Inflation and Monetary Policies

Frederic Mishkin ( 2010 ) lineations nine basic rules of the scientific discipline of pecuniary policy which are:

Inflation is ever a pecuniary phenomenon: Assorted researches conducted by monetarist like Friedman and others have flatly proved that money supply is a cardinal determiner of macro-economic activity peculiarly rising prices. It has been agreed that an excessively expansive pecuniary policy is the cardinal beginning of rising prices.

Price stableness has of import benefits: High rising prices reduces the value of money as a medium of exchange. This leads to uncertainness about current and future monetary value degrees doing it hard to do proper determinations. This state of affairs leads to volatility in the economic system and high costs of rising prices causes to increase in the improper deployment of resources in the state.

No long-term tradeoff between unemployment and rising prices: Phillips Curve suggests that in short term there is a unequivocal opposite relation between the rate of unemployment and the rate of rising prices in an economic system. But in the long-run there is no such tradeoff. In the long-term the economic system gravitated towards a natural and a stable rate of unemployment without any correlativity with rate of rising prices.

The Crucial Role of Expectations: In the long tally the outlook of the rising prices plays a important function. The principle behind its importance is that economic activities depend a batch on the future pecuniary policies and market conditions hence actions of policymakers play a important function in overall market sentiments and accordingly to the puting the policies.

Patra and Ray ( 2010 ) as a portion of IMF working paper reference that right rising prices outlook can besides play a cardinal function in puting and carry oning the pecuniary policy for the state. Over a fixed clip period, if rising prices outlook remains anchored the effectivity of the pecuniary policy additions over the clip and its truth besides reflects the credibleness of the pecuniary authorization.

Taylor Principle: Taylor rule implies that nominal short-run involvement rates should be set in such a manner that it responds to divergence of existent rising prices rates from mark rising prices rates and of existent GDP from possible GDP. This means that rising prices will merely stay under control of existent involvement rates rise in response to the hiking in rising prices.

The time-inconsistency job: If the policies are based on short-run ends i.e. determinations are made based on daily footing or discretional footing than it can take to even worse state of affairs. Monetary Policy shapers may happen it hard to keep their scheme over an optimum period of clip ; this would do it time-inconsistent.

Independence of cardinal bank: This is the most cardinal facet for a cardinal bank in any state. A cardinal bank is the best located establishment to undertake the proficient issue of rising prices. By leting the cardinal Bankss to run independently allows them to implement their purposes without being concerned about the short term force per unit areas and other external force per unit areas. Bank of England ‘s independency in puting pecuniary policies in 1997 and attendant diminution of breakeven rising prices is a dramatic illustration at best.

Strong nominal ground tackle: A long tally committedness to monetary value stableness through puting up a nominal ground tackle helps in get bying with the job of time-inconsistencies. It shows the clear focal point of the cardinal bank for its close hereafter and helps it to abstain from the enticement of short-run expansionary additions. It besides makes the authorities much more responsible and promotes monetary value stableness and the likeliness of rising prices panics.

Fiscal clashs and the Business Cycle: Fiscal breaks due to concern rhythm of roar and depression could be really detrimental to the economic system and this position was further amalgamate after the depression of 2007-09. The most terrible concern rhythm downswings are typically the results of fiscal instability hence dazes to fiscal system adversely affects fiscal stableness and hence rising prices.

Rate of Inflation in India

Kaushik Basu ( 2012 ) illustrates the recent tendencies of rising prices rate throw a disputing quandary to the policy shapers. The all trade good rising prices rate has hovered around 10 % whereas the nutrient rising prices has even crossed the 20 % grade for Dec-09 and Feb-10. ( Refer to the Table 1 in Appendixs )

With still 32 % of the population life below the poorness line this steep addition is unacceptable for the state.

Beginning: The Rise of the Indian Economy: Fiscal, Monetary and other Policy Challenges by Kaushik Basu ( 2012 )

Measure of Inflation in India

There can be assorted steps for measuring of rising prices in a state.

In most states CPI ( Consumer Price index ) is the most widely used step of rising prices. The overall CPI represents the cost of a representative basket of goods and services consumed by a rural/urban family.

In some states, PPI ( Producer Price Index ) is besides used as a step of rising prices. The singularity of PPI is that it cipher monetary value rise from the position of the manufacturer or the marketer. The difference between PPI and CPI may originate due to authorities subsidies, gross revenues and excise revenue enhancements, and distribution costs.

Ila Patnaik ( 2011 ) et al references in their article that India is one of the few states in the universe where the WPI is considered as the headline rising prices step by the cardinal bank. This can be attributed to three grounds:

Holistic coverage of the state

Seasonableness of release

Handiness in disaggregated format

They argue that WPI even though being a valuable beginning of informations, should be de-emphasized in the rising prices measuring, because basically it is non ciphering the monetary value that a client is paying for the good.

Deepak Mohanty ( 2010 ) reference that India presently has five different primary steps of rising prices:

The Wholesale Price Index ( WPI )

The Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers ( CPI-IW )

The CPI for Agricultural Labourers ( CPI-AL )

The CPI for Rural Labourers ( CPI-RL )

The CPI for Urban non-manual employees ( CPI-UNME )

D Subbarao ( 2010 ) in his talk mentioned that the multiplicity of rising prices indices is a job and on-going attempts have been made to cut down the figure of consumer monetary value index, which shall give a much more wholesome position of the rising prices rates. Besides this system does non see the service sector which now presently contributes bulk of the state ‘s GDP.

Deepak Mohanty ( 2010 ) pitches for a more inclusive CPI in the state. He says that CPI measures the degree of outgo that the consumers spend on purchasing selected goods and services at retail monetary values, therefore a wide based CPI for the state as a whole which includes both the fabrication and services sector and provides greater relevancy to future pecuniary policy preparation.

He mentions that RBI is presently sing the usage of CPI ( Urban ) and CPI ( Rural ) indices that would give a more wholesome consequence.

He besides suggests the usage of GDP deflator to mensurate rising prices accurately in the state. GDP deflator is a broader measuring as compared to CPI and WPI. It is calculated from national histories as the ratio of the estimations at the current monetary values to the estimations at changeless monetary values. It is rarely used because of hold in publication of national histories which are available on a quarterly footing with a slowdown of around two months.

Cristadoro and Giovanni Veronese ( 2011 ) give a more critical appraisal of RBI ‘s policies and say that major difference between RBI ‘s scheme and other emerging economic systems is insisting on assorted aims without a formal statement refering their ordination.

They attribute the current job of rising prices in the state to the deficiency of clear aim for the pecuniary policy by the RBI and its insisting to accommodate anti-inflationary stairss harmonizing to the prevalent economic conditions. They call for a more emphasized scheme from the RBI acknowledging its committedness to monetary value stableness as a precedence which is independent from the development of the economic system. This will non merely put a perfect guideline for future class of action but will besides assist in an accurate Taylor Rule computation.

Cristadoro besides give a graduated Taylor Rule for India and other emerging economic systems to cover with monetary value dazes through the pecuniary policies. It has the advantage of being simpler and less complex than ciphering from the normal Taylor regulation.

Vineeth Mohandas ( 2012 ) observes that Reserve Bank of India has been ‘recession averse ‘ i.e. its schemes are focused on debaring the state of affairs of economic lag instead than rising prices which is natural for an emerging economic system like India.

Masson et Al ( 1997 ) pitched for Inflation aiming as a suited pecuniary policy to cut down rising prices and say that states like New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom, Finland, Sweden, Australia, and Spain have implemented pecuniary policies concentrating on cut downing rising prices as the primary motivation and have been able to cut down the rate of rising prices in their several states.

Rakesh Mohan ( 2008 ) points out that rising prices aiming may non be the best solution for India as while accomplishing low rising prices as a cardinal purpose of pecuniary policy and besides maintain the high and continual growing is sometimes counterproductive to each other. Apart from the legitimate concern for keeping high growing as the critical aim for a turning economic system, rising prices aiming is non the most suited solution for India.

Abbas et Al ( 2012 ) besides come to a decision that Inflation aiming is non a large success in emerging economic systems including India because of assortment of grounds. These factors range from deficiency of any pre-conditions and weak relationship between the variables and the their adverse daze to the of import variables in the Taylor equation i.e. Real GDP, Inflation, Exchange Rate, short term involvement rates.


The survey of old literature on Inflation and the subsequent pecuniary policies shows that each method has its virtues and demerits. A individual method in itself will non give the coveted consequences. The RBI has done a applaudable occupation boulder clay now in commanding the inflationary force per unit area in the state, but it needs to germinate continuously to prolong a relentless growing of the economic system.

RBI foremost of all demands to switch from the multiple indices of mensurating rising prices to lesser or if possible individual step of Inflation measuring.

RBI besides needs to put a fixed nominal ground tackle within whose scope it will explicate its pecuniary policies.

RBI besides needs to officially province its aim of remaining close to a certain rising prices figure to reinstate its committedness to fiscal and monetary value stableness.

RBI is the Prima facie authorization ( along with the Government of India ) , plays a important function in explicating the pecuniary policies. It can determine the hereafter of the economic stableness of the state and impel the state towards a booming stage it is destined to.


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