The Hegemony, that causes Anomie and Strain in the Nigerian household.

Marriages are brotherhoods to be celebrated in the African society particularly in Nigeria, in which a adult male and adult female, come together to go one, thereby conveying their differences and similarities together as one organic structure, whereby kids are given by God as a beginning of blessing to the place. But today in the Nigerian society we hear of matrimonies sing tenseness and other negative features that can take to a broken matrimony or even more injury, many bookmans and diverse research workers have pointed out assorted factors that lead to a broken relationship and matrimony in the African society, some of these could be seen as criminal conversation, lies, deficiency of finance or the factor of spouses non been compactable physically or spiritually.

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Rather in this paper I would be analysing the issues that conveying anomy and strain which I see as a major factor that consequences to interrupt matrimonies or even self injury. Thereby explicating these factors of influence that leads to interrupt matrimonies in Nigeria, with the thought of hegemony, an thought developed by Antonio Gramsci’s an Italian philosopher whose work can be used to explicate diverse issues of involvement in our modern-day society, and bridging it with the construct of “anomie and strain” which is an thought foremost developed by American philosopher Robert Merton, which is the thought of tenseness and depression, that I see as a agency to interrupt household in Nigeria.

Hegemony in a ballad mans point of position is an thought of control or laterality, In which one party or group of party, exercising over another, it could be in the domains of political relations, economic system, athleticss, civilization etc, in this write up am traveling to be utilizing this thought of control or laterality, in the relationship between the hubby and the married woman in the context of matrimony. In the African society the hubby is regarded as the caput of the household therefore the married woman and the kids see him as the beginning of authorization in the place, but with the coming of socialisation, whereby socialisation goes beyond the household sphere, and persons in the place Begin to pick one or two behaviours form other secondary beginning of socialisation, like the equal group, in the context of kids and even the instructors, kids in this phase are easy interested in picking up new thoughts, when the kid at this phase sees a behaviour that seems acceptable by his or her equal group he or she would be eager to pattern such behaviours, most instances in our modern-day African society kids are more likely to pick up or pattern negative behaviour due to the debut of engineering, like the telecasting, cyberspace, nomadic phone and other appliances there is more force per unit area for the kid to larn or pattern a behaviour in other to derive some sort of regard from the parents. I personal believe to the thought of “the beauty of deviance” , this thought means kids at a certain age love to indulge in a negative behaviour, so that he or she would experience accepted by equals or subculture group that he or she belongs to that besides express this negative behaviour, when this is done the kid feels accomplish about what he or she has done despite of the fact that it was a negative behaviour exhibited, he or she so sees the act of aberrance as an thought to be appreciated, merely as a adult male would appreciate a diamond, because of the beauty of it, that’s how the kid that has modeled the aberrant act now see aberrance as something of beauty.

Furthermore when the kid learns and maestro this negative behaviour he or she is likely to present this behaviour foremost to the place before showing it to the wider society, the negative behavioural form is experienced by other members of the household as a signifier of “hegemony” or control in which the kid tries to do the male parent, female parent and in some instances siblings see ground to accept the negative behaviour, which is a signifier of control or laterality, this in most instances, if non managed decently leads to anomie and strive, this is characterized by the refusal of that kid to accept the household norms and values, which he or she was chiefly socialized at the early stage of life. Therefore there is the presence of clash between accepting the stipulated household norms and values in regard to maintaining the norms and values of the new sculptural behaviour, this leads to relational spouses, here the parent and kid, exerting some kind of “hegemony” , which is control or laterality over whose norms and values to adhere to, this makes both spouses, that is the parent and the kid to get down sing tensenesss and depression which is the thought of “anomie and strain” , if this experience is non decently managed it may take to the kid turning up to detest the household which he was born into or first had contact with socialisation, or the kid may ensue to harming himself or herself as a manner of acquiring back at the household, even some instances the kid may non be able to incorporate this hegemonic province therefore he or she, may ensue to running off from place as a beginning of last resort.

After researching the construct of hegemony in relation to the causes of anomy and strain in the African kid, let’s expression at the hegemonic factor that plays between the hubby and married woman in the African matrimony that affects the household.

The hubby and married woman are seeing as one and both portion authorization in the place, but major portion of that authorization goes to the hubby, he is seen as the caput of the place, in some matrimonies today we see cases whereby a adult male leaves his married woman or frailty versa, and get down to oppugn ourselves why? I would be exemplifying the factor of “hegemony” which is control or laterality in the context of matrimony, which has lead to the factors of both hubby and married woman to see “anomie and strain” which are tenseness and depression.

Many African matrimonies experience jobs today because of the context of power between the hubby and married woman, we can pull cases in signifier the Nigerian civilization in which the adult female is expected to cook, clean and acquire the kids ready for school and besides socialise them, in contrast to the adult male who is seen as the figure caput of the household and his primary assignment is to travel out and labour for the household in other for them to last, but in modern-day times the mean Nigerian adult female has besides join into the twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours running, of traveling out to fight for herself and the remainder of her household, thereby happening it hard in some instances to run into up with the domestic responsibilities which the civilization of the people has assigned her to execute. The inception of hegemony returns from this case in the sense that, the adult male tires to do the adult female understand that he does non like the “independent woman” she has become, which is now a menace to the well being and growing of the household, while the married woman on the other tyres to do the hubby understand the fact that she loves what she is making and would lief go on, both parties here may be encouraged to go on showing this hegemonic thought, by their friends, household or even from the electronic media.

If this is non accurately tackled it now leads to the hubby and married woman sing some kind of tenseness and depression among them, which is the thought of “anomie and stain” when this stage kicks in, the hubby feels some sort of tenseness we he encounters his married woman, and subsequently experience the depression ensuing from the battle of laterality between them, which is similar to the married woman, and research show that adult females are biologically subjected to see more tenseness, if this phase is non tackled instantly, it leads to both party attesting these depression in their physical visual aspect, whereby they look older and haggard physically, besides they may now pay less attending to the kids at this phase, and giving the kid a new behaviour to mode, this can besides be manifested in their work topographic point, thereby paying less attending to the responsibilities he or she has do in order to acquire paid. This may ensue to loss of occupation or suspension from responsibility and can take to disassociate as last resort or solution.

This subject is of relevancy, because the household is the basic unit of the society, and the first point of socialisation for a kid, we can state if this type of state of affairs is experienced in bulk of household establishment in Nigeria, the growing of the Nigerian society is at hazard, and we as bookmans have to happen a manner to convey about alteration in this context, the male parent is the caput of the place, the female parent is the keeper of the place, while the kids are the seed of the place in which there are to be nourished on a regular basis, in order to turn decently and be able to accept duty in the nearest hereafter.