
The research reported in this thesis was on “ Incidence of Poverty in Pakistan and impact of Socio economic variables ” . The intent of research was to analyze the Poverty state of affairs in Pakistan and the impact of different socioeconomic variables on poorness. The secondary information was collected by audience of literature in the libraries and Internet and besides from the stuff printed by different governmental organisations. SPSS package was applied to analyse informations for frequences arrested development parametric quantities. The findings suggested that poorness is at its extremum in Pakistan and socioeconomic variables such as unemployment, GDP per capita, literacy rate, male/female ratio and demographic age bracket has important impact on poorness. Furthermore the attempts made by the authorities have failed to command the lifting degree of poorness in Pakistan.



Poverty, defined comprehensively as absence of options to determine one ‘s life harmonizing to one ‘s ain penchants, comes closer to the construct of human development as presented in UNDP ‘s Human Development Reports. Poverty is farther divided into two elements, income poorness and human poorness.

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Income poorness is defined as the deficiency of handiness of basic necessities required for minimal stuff well-being determined by the national poorness line. Human poorness means the absence of picks and chances for a tolerable life in all economic and societal facets.

There are three poorness steps use to estimate the degree of poorness in any state which are head count ratio, poorness spread ratio and badness of poorness step. Over the past half century, poorness remains widespread in the underdeveloped universe, More than 1.2 billion people live on less than $ 1 per twenty-four hours at buying power para, and more than 2.8 billion which is about the half of the universe ‘s population live on less than $ 2 a twenty-four hours.

Harmonizing to the United Nations development study more than 80 per centum of the universe ‘s population lives in states in which high degree of income spread persists. The poorest 40 per centum of the universe ‘s population history for merely 5 per centum of planetary income. Whereas, the richest 20 per centum history for 75 per centum of universe income.

Poverty is a root cause for a figure of other issues in a state which include offense, anarchy, illiteracy, wellness issues and other unethical patterns. There are figure of micro every bit good as macro economic variables which play a important function in poorness. If we look at macroeconomic factor, they include foreign direct investing, external debt, remittals, political stableness, geo political relations, international market conditions unemployment, GDP per capita, rising prices etc. all these macroeconomic variables play a critical function in addition or lessening of poorness in a state. Along with these macroeconomic variables, the micro economic variables besides play of import function in poorness are instruction, wellness, instruction, mental or physical inability. A figure of policies were made to command the job of poorness but so far all policies were failed to eliminate poorness in the state.

The basic purpose of the research is to measure the impact of 6 macroeconomic variables which include GDP per capita, unemployment, demographic age, primary instruction attainment, male/female ratio and rising prices on poorness in Pakistan.


Poverty is a important job that is predominating in most of the development and under developed states of the universe.

Pakistan is a underdeveloped state with a entire population of about 17 billion. Since independency, the job of mass poorness in Pakistan has been significant and its degree is increasing on mundane footing. It is observed that the job of poorness in Pakistan is now looks to be beyond control. The huge multitudes of the people, peculiarly those populating in the rural countries are adversely affected by poorness. The authorities and the governments have failed to command the increasing poorness in the state. The policies formulated to eliminate it hold failed to accomplish their aims. Poverty is non merely about supplying nutrient, shelter and H2O to people. The issue of poorness in Pakistan has its significance for sustainable development. Long tally development is non possible without protecting the rights of the vulnerable groups and the engagement of the full population in the development procedure. Although Pakistan has achieved a respectable economic growing since the independency but still the job of poorness is prevailing in the state. One of the major ground for poorness is that the growing and developments were non distributed among all groups every bit, as a consequence of which state is face a important income spread between different sections. Therefore the income spread between different categories is really high. The major ground behind this income spread is the deficiency of justness. Because of which merely the top 10 % of the state is acquiring richer twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours whereas the low income category is acquiring poorer twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours. As a consequence of this the in-between income category which is the anchor of any state is eliminating.

Now if we look at the poorness from the historical position, right after the independency Pakistan face a important job of poorness because of deficiency of resources and substructure. Since the independency the degree of poorness is increasing every twelvemonth. The poorness caput count index was 24.47 in 1985 whereas it was 40.91 in 2009. It shows that it is about doubled from the figure of 1985. Both internal as good external factors are responsible for this addition in poorness. Numerous programs were implemented by the authorities every bit good as international organisations to eliminate poorness but still the conditions are so dismaying. One of the major measure was millenary development ends. The major end of millenary development end is to diminish the degree of poorness. So far the mark of diminishing poorness to a certain degree is non fulfilled and it has a really little opportunities of accomplishing the mark in future.

Importance of the survey with regard to the universe

Poverty has plagued many developing states to impact their socio economic conditions really adversely. Pakistan is a developing state and the premier hinderance to its growing is high degrees of poorness and big income spreads as a consequence of utmost poorness.

Elimination of poorness would finally take to the riddance of a figure of nucleus jobs for the state, nevertheless, in order to extinguish poverty the assorted scope of factors that are interdependently working together towards high degrees of poorness demand to be examined.

Organizations like the World Bank, IMF and WHO are all concerned about the deteriorating province of Pakistan. Analysis of statistics shows that in the past decennary poorness is instead on the rise after sing a diminution. The World Bank has extended legion loans to Pakistan but with small consequences in topographic point. After giving out one million millions of dollars to Pakistan, these organisations are really concerned about the root cause of poorness in Pakistan that is holding the growing of the economic system. Therefore, this survey is of great significance as it unravels the assorted grounds for poorness.

In the universe that we are populating in today, the construct of selflessness in its true sense in hardly present. Any loan, assistance or assist that comes your manner comes with a monetary value. There is an subterranean motivation that is about ever involved and hence, whenever any state in the universe extends a manus for relationship to Pakistan it necessarily evaluates the economic conditions and degree of poorness within the state. The grounds that are finally taking to this status are besides of import to understand as finally the grounds are the 1s taking to the current state of affairs.

Besides, it is of import to understand that the universe is in passage from being international to planetary. Now it ‘s non about a peculiar province but the degree of interconnection between different states. Many states are aligned with Pakistan for trade and political intents. When such alliance takes topographic point, automatically issues of Pakistan becomes issues of all those related, therefore, the remainder of the universe. These states can mostly be affected by the poorness in Pakistan and in order to map at an interrelated degree even they need to be concerned about the province of personal businesss in Pakistan, the degree of poorness and the grounds which are taking to poorness.

The economic experts of the universe are working towards riddance of poorness in the developing economic systems Pakistan being one of them. In order to relieve poorness what ‘s of import to understand is that what is doing or what are the factors taking to this province. Therefore, the grounds defined in this research are of importance.

Therefore, poorness in Pakistan may be straight impacting Pakistan but at an indirect degree there are many other stakeholders affected by the status in Pakistan due to which this survey is of utmost significance. Understanding poorness is of no value until or unless the factors taking to it and the grade of its earnestness are non understood.

Although this survey is specific to Pakistan, in world, there are many planetary participants concerned about the degree of poorness, province of personal businesss and grounds for it.

Importance of the survey with regard to Pakistan

This research is chiefly measuring the status within Pakistan because of the biggest job in the economic system which is poverty therefore in every which manner this research is of significance to all Pakistanis whether a layperson or a policy shaper.

The Pakistani economic experts, policy shapers and leaders are all concerned about what to make and how to extinguish poorness. Poverty itself can non be eliminated without a thorough apprehension of the factors taking up to it and it is these factors that need to be defined and studied to come to a productive point where something can be done to bring forth consequences. Therefore, this survey is of value to all those straight involved in Pakistan in the development of economic and public policy.

This analysis is of a batch of significance for NGO ‘s and non-profit-making organisations that are seeking to do a Pakistan a more balanced economic system and seeking to relieve the hungriness and poorness that prevails at every nook and corner. The factors taking to poorness are understood and so targeted to come to the concluding point of poorness riddance. The societal public assistance organisations of Pakistan therefore might be working towards proviso of instruction and bettering literacy rate but what is in due class being targeted is poverty and betterment of poorness.

Furthermore, this survey is a reasonably simple analysis of the variables impacting poorness and grounds for poorness and it can be used for analysis and as a proviso of information by the multitudes to be better informed and be socially more responsible to alter the province of personal businesss within the state. Poverty is the biggest issue faced by Pakistan and with the degree of corruptness in topographic point, merely if the multitudes become socially responsible and concerned about what causes poorness and what can be done to alter this province can the place within Pakistan be improved.

At a micro degree or macro, direct degree or indirect all Pakistani ‘s are affected by the degree of poorness in Pakistan. The grounds taking up to this are the 1s that first demand to be understood and so targeted to better the deteriorating status of the economic system. This survey is an oculus opener for everyone in the state as it brinks down to decisions after statistical analysis and arrested development analysis of the assorted variables exemplifying the inauspicious status that we are in.

Research Question

What is the impact of Economic variables like unemployment, deficiency of instruction, rising prices, male/female ratio, demographic age and GDP ( LCU ) on poorness?

Literature Review

R.Amjad and A. R.Kemal ( 1997 ) wrote the instance Macroeconomic Policies and their Impact on Poverty Alleviation in Pakistan. The chief purpose of this survey is to place those economic policies, particularly at the macro degree, which can play an of import portion in guaranting that the procedure of economic growing and development translates itself into existent betterments in peoples ‘ lives-not merely in cut downing poorness as measured in run intoing the minimal nutritionary demands but besides in guaranting equal entree to instruction and wellness services so as to battle early mortality, high rate of disease, and really high degrees of illiteracy.

Harmonizing to the instance survey for those seeking to research the relationship between economic growing and poorness relief, Pakistan makes a absorbing case-study. The slow advancement in betterments in instruction degrees, particularly of adult females, and the high baby and child mortality rates, reflected in the really high rate of population growing, has hindered the accomplishment of a higher sustained rate of growing of per capita income and of a much faster decrease in nutritionary poorness degrees. Pakistan ‘s economic public presentation in contending poorness can non, hence, be divorced from its meager attempts, so far, at bettering the overall human development indexs, even though a more conjunct effort is now being made to better the state of affairs.

There are terrible informations restrictions ; besides the correlatives themselves are non ever open to easy and distinct reading. It is of import, hence, to stress the exploratory and, Indeed, probationary nature of the survey, and to exert utmost cautiousness in construing some of its chief findings.

M.Shaukat Ali ( 1995 ) wrote the instance Poverty Assesment: Pakistan ‘s Case. The survey focuses on the incidence of poorness in Pakistan and the ground for poorness in Pakistan. The methodological analysis used in this instance is of “ BASIC NEEDS ” , which defines the poorness line in footings of minimal outgo on all the basic demands. The findings from the instance are that incidence of poorness is rather important in Pakistan and there is a demand to redefine the poorness on the basisof needs. Furthermore the deficit is more marked in non nutrient points. The major restriction that the author faced during he was composing this instance was that there was n’t any relevant monetary value indices available.

S.MALIK ( 1996 ) wrote a instance survey named Determinants of Rural Poverty in Pakistan: A Micro Study. The survey was conducted to look into the grounds as to how some of the landless families managed to get away poorness whereas some cultivating families failed to make so. Harmonizing to the instance the chief factors responsible for this result were found to be favorable/unfavorable distribution by size of landholding, family size, educational attainment, dependence ratio, engagement rates, female-male ratio, and age of the family caput. The survey is based on a small town study conducted in Pakistani Punjab incorporating 100 families. Per capita rural income is considered to be an of import step of the degree of life and, therefore, is used as the cardinal dependant variable here.

Ehtasham. A and Steven.L ( 1989 ) conducted a research “ Poverty, inequality and Growth in Pakistan ” . The major purpose of the survey was to happen out the impact of growing on poorness and inequality. Harmonizing to article there are figure of factor which play a important function in increasing poorness and inequality. For Pakistan as a whole, the writer found that the Gini coefficient for both income and outgo has deteriorated over clip. What this survey shows is that both income inequality and poorness have worsened over clip and growing has failed to administer income every bit. The author used Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient to mensurate the impact of growing on poorness and in equality.

SALMAN.S.A and S.TAHIR ( 1999 ) conducted a survey “ Dynamics of growing, poorness and inequality in Pakistan ” . Harmonizing to the article growing is considered cardinal or the best class to cut down poorness ( e.g. World Development Report 1990 ) with the stipulations that entree to

instruction, wellness, and societal services are available to all by agencies of other policies. On the other manus, there is a realisation that growing, inequality, and poorness dealingss are non-linear, complex, and way dependant in their kineticss. Institutional factors do non alter in a few old ages while they matter in the decrease of poorness every bit good as in prolonging it at low degrees. Hence these

Relationships are likely to be non-linearity and path dependant, i.e. , history affairs in the finding of the impact of growing on poorness, of growing on inequality, of inequality on poorness. This paper relies on the consistent information series on family count index and caput count

index developed in Tahir and Ali ( 1999 ) . The poorness estimates in this survey are based on both nutrient and non-food poorness.

T.ANWAR and SARFRAZ K.Q conducted a research on tendencies in absolute poorness in Pakistan. The focal point of the survey was to analyze alterations in poorness, the extent of poorness in 1990-91, 1998-99 and 2001.The primary informations of Household Income and Expenditure Survey ( HIES ) for the twelvemonth 1990-91 and Pakistan Integrated Household Survey ( PIHS ) for the twelvemonth 1998-99 and 2001 have been used to analyze the poorness tendencies in Pakistan. These studies provide complete information on measure and outgo of all nutrient and non-food items.5 To supply consistent poorness estimations, HIES 1990-91 has been used to gauge the ‘base twelvemonth poorness line ‘ . To mensurate the poorness, the Foster, Greer and Thorbecke ( 1984 ) category of poorness steps PI± , have been used. Harmonizing to instance the absolute poorness has increased during the clip between 1990 to 2001.

G. M. ARIF ( 2000 ) conducted a survey on Rise in Poverty and Its Deductions for Poor Households in Pakistan. This paper examines recent tendencies in poorness and their impact on primary school registration, wellness position and lodging conditions in Pakistan. The survey has used informations sets generated by the Pakistan Integrated Households Surveys ( PIHS ) carried out in 1991, 1995-96, 1996-97, and 1998-99 by the Federal Bureau of Statistics. The 1998-99 Pakistan Socioeconomic Survey ( PSES ) , carried out by the Pakistan Institute of Development Economic, has besides been used extensively. Harmonizing to instance the rise in poorness in the 1990s has adversely affected the hapless households of the state. Primary school registration has declined ; wellness and lodging conditions have besides deteriorated. There is a big spread in these indexs between the hapless and non hapless families every bit good as between rural and urban countries.

S.K. Qureshi and G. M. Arif ( 1999 ) conducted a survey on profile of poorness in Pakistan. The chief purpose of this undertaking is to analyse the impact of structural accommodation policies on income distribution and poorness in Pakistan. The writer used the calorie consumption and ingestion outgo method to mensurate the tendencies of poorness in Paksitan. Harmonizing to the article macro-level factors such as demographic kineticss that affect the labour force and dependence ratio, employment degrees, existent pay rates, workers ‘ remittals, assets ownership and entree, and

Inflationary impact on nutrient handiness. The factors which have important impact on poorness are Age of the Head of Households, Sex of the Head of Household, Education of the Head of Household, Farm Status of Households, Place of Residence and Number of Earners in a Family.

T. Anwar, S.K..Qureshi, and H. Ali ( 2004 ) conducted a research on landlessness and poorness. The paper examined the landlessness and rural poorness in Pakistan. The consequences indicate that prevalence of rural poorness based on official poorness line is far greater than the urban poverty-42.9 per centum of rural population compared to 26 per centum of urban population was hapless in 2001-02. The consequences showed that poorness is strongly correlated with deficiency of land which is the chief plus in the rural economic system of Pakistan. Prevalence of poorness was found to be the highest among landless at 54.89 per centum across rural countries in the state. Not merely the poorness spread but besides the

grade of inequality among the landless family was well high. A extremely unequal landownership form is reflected by the fact that simply 1.0 per centum families own greater than 35 estates and above land in Pakistan. This consequence is besides supported by the Gini Coefficient of land keeping which was well high at 0.6151 in 2001-02. It therefore appears that extremely unequal land distribution is the chief manifestations of poorness in rural Pakistan.

Sohail.J.Malik ( 2003 ) conducted a research on agricultural growing and rural poorness in Pakistan. This paper explores the seemingly “ self-contradictory ” relationship between the moderately high reported agricultural growing and increasing rural poorness in Pakistan since 1990. The relationship between agricultural growing and poorness decrease is by and large assumed to be much more distinct. Study indicates that because of extremely skewed distribution of land ownership the incidence of sharecropping has increased in recent old ages. The incidence of poorness among sharecrop farmers has been found to be well higher. Besides the development of renters besides leads to unequal footings of trade between the renters and the non-tenants and contributes to the higher poorness faced by the renters. Secondary information is used in instance survey to foreground the relation between agricultural growing and poorness.


Research type

The research is based on quantitative secondary informations. The chief purpose of the research is to analyse and analyze the variables which have caused poorness to increase in Pakistan. The variables which are incorporated for transporting out research are unemployment, deficiency of instruction, rising prices, male/female ratio, demographic age and figure of dependants on family. The primary purpose in this state of affairs is to size up that these variables have caused poorness to increase. The research will be conducted by analysing secondary informations.

Data type and research period

Secondary informations will be used to analyse the ground for poorness in Pakistan. In secondary informations clip series method is used to detect the tendencies and understand the nucleus grounds for poorness in Pakistan. The selected clip period for clip series analysis is 2000 to 2010. The information collected will be quantitative because this information aggregation technique is more helpful in understanding the overall tendencies of poorness.

Population, Working population and planned sample

Poverty is a countrywide issue which needs to be dealt. So the research is traveling to be held on entire population of Pakistan. Since I am mensurating the impact of different factors on poorness therefore the sample for this research will be the entire population of Pakistan. Similarly the working population is besides traveling to be the entire population of Pakistan.

Beginnings of informations

The informations used for analysis would be taken from universe development index, economic study of Pakistan and World Fact Book. Data for all the variables would be clip series informations of last 10 old ages get downing from 2000 boulder clay 2009. The rising prices informations used in the research is based on consumer monetary value index. The unemployment rate used in the research is gathered from universe development index. The values for literacy rate in Pakistan is taken from World Fact book. The information on unemployment is gathered from economic study of Pakistan. Last the informations on poorness in Pakistan is besides gathered from a chapter from economic study of Pakistan of 2009.

Research hypothesis

Holmium: There is a important impact of rising prices on poorness.

H1: There is no relationship between rising prices and poorness

Holmium: Unemployment has a important impact on poorness.

H1: Unemployment has no impact on poorness.

Holmium: Literacy rate has a important impact on poorness.

H1: Literacy rate has no impact on poorness.

Holmium: Male/Female ratio has a important impact on poorness.

H1: Male/Female ratio has no impact on poorness.

Holmium: the demographic age has a important impact on poorness.

H1: The demographic age has no impact on poorness.

Holmium: GDP per capita has important impact on poorness.

H1: GDP per capita has no impact on poorness


The information collected will be quantitative because this information aggregation technique is more helpful in understanding the overall tendencies of poorness. So maintaining in position this factor, the informations will be analyzed from package such as Minitab and arrested development will be done through Statgraphics.

Datas analysis

Since the research is based on quantitative informations. There for arrested development analysis will be used to happen the impact of different independent variables on poorness. For accomplishing a more accurate consequence of arrested development analysis, two packages Mini and Statsgraphic will be used.

Data reading

One ‘s the information will be collected and analyzed, it will be interpreted from different angles. The information will be interpreted both in the signifier of equations every bit good as in elaborate analysis of equations, tabular arraies and graphs.

Theoretical model and variables under consideration

Dependent Variable: Poverty

Independent Variables


Lack of instruction


Male/female ratio

Demographic age


Operational Definitions

Literacy Rate

Percentage of the population of 15 old ages and older that is able to read, compose and therefore to the full take part in the wider society.


The province of holding no occupation ; joblessness ; The phenomenon of joblessness in an economic system ; The degree of joblessness in an economic system, frequently measured as a per centum of the work force ; A type of joblessness due to a peculiar economic mechanism ; An case or period of joblessness

Inflation ( CPI )

Inflation is relentless addition in the monetary value degree of goods and services. Consumer Price Index. An inflationary index that measures the alteration in the cost of a fixed basket of merchandises and services, including lodging, electricity, nutrient, and transit.

Male/Female ratio

The male-female ratio is the ratio between male and female in entire population. It is measured by spliting entire figure of male population in a state with the female population of that state.

Demographic age

Aging of population ( besides known as demographic ripening, and population aging ) is a drumhead term for displacements in the age distribution ( i.e. , age construction ) of a population toward older ages. Demographic ageing designates an addition in the proportion of old people in a population.

GDP per capita

GDP at buyer ‘s monetary values is the amount of gross value added by all resident manufacturers in the economic system plus any merchandise revenue enhancements and minus any subsidies non included in the value of the merchandises. It is calculated without doing tax write-offs for depreciation of fancied assets or for depletion and debasement of natural resources. Datas are in current local currency.

Statistical Analysis

Multiple Regression Analysis

Dependent variable: poorness caput count

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — –

Standard T

Parameter Estimate Error Statistic P-Value

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

CONSTANT 1.95789E9 4.54508E7 43.0771 0.0148

gross domestic products per capita -1089.24 240.297 -4.5329 0.1382

rising prices 515079.0 30895.7 16.6715 0.0381

male ratio -103.555 2.34155 -44.2251 0.0144

primary -3.39274 0.277366 -12.232 0.0519

unemployment 100.727 2.7215 37.0116 0.0172

working age popul 72.2375 1.64988 43.7835 0.0145

Analysis of Discrepancy

Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — –

Model 1.52982E15 6 2.5497E14 4333.44 0.0115

Residual 5.88378E10 1 5.88378E10

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — –

Entire ( Corr. ) 1.52988E15 7

R-squared = 99.9962 per centum

R-squared ( adjusted for d.f. ) = 99.9731 per centum

Durbin-Watson statistic = 2.86828

Lag 1 residuary autocorrelation = -0.451829


The end product shows the consequences of suiting a multiple additive arrested development theoretical account to depict the relationship between poorness caput count and 6 independent variables. The equation of the fitted theoretical account is

poorness caput count = 1.95789E9 – 1089.24*gdp per capita +515079.0*inflation – 103.555*male ratio – 3.39274*primary +100.727*unemployment + 72.2375*working age population

Since the P-value in the ANOVA tabular array is less than 0.05, there is a statistically important relationship between the variables at the 95 % assurance degree.

The R-Squared statistic indicates that the theoretical account as fitted explains 99.9962 % of the variableness in poorness caput count. The adjusted R-squared statistic, which is more suited for comparing theoretical accounts with different Numberss of independent variables, is 99.9731 % .

The Durbin-Watson ( DW ) statistic tests the remainders to find if there is any important correlativity based on the order in which they occur in your informations file.

In finding whether the theoretical account can be simplified, notice that the highest P-value on the independent variables is 0.1382, belonging to gdp per capita. Since the P-value is greater or equal to 0.10, that term is non statistically important at the 90 % or higher assurance degree.

Regression equation

The arrested development equation is

POVERTY = 1.96E+09 – 104 Males + 72.2 population 15-64 + 101 Unemployed- 3.40 primary – 1088 GDP/Capita + 514290 rising prices

Statistical Analysis

Dependent Variable: Poverty

Independent Variable: Number of males in entire population

The arrested development equation suggests:

POVERTY = 1.96E+09 – 104 Males + 72.2 population 15-64 + 101 Unemployed- 3.40 primary – 1088 GDP/Capita + 514290 rising prices

Keeping all the variables constant, lessening of 104 ‘Males in the population ‘ additions 1 more individual under poorness caput count. On the other manus, P-Values of the variable semen out to be 0.0144 which is lesser than 0.05. Therefore, it rejects H0, and accepts H1. The Hypothesis is:

H1: Number of males in entire population has important impact on Poverty in Pakistan

H1: I?1a‰ 0

Dependent Variable: Poverty

Independent Variable: Working population in the age bracket of 15-65 old ages

The arrested development equation suggests:

POVERTY = 1.96E+09 – 104 Males + 72.2 population 15-64 + 101 Unemployed- 3.40 primary – 1088 GDP/Capita + 514290 rising prices

Keeping all the variables constant, an addition of 72 individuals in ‘working population in the age bracket of 15-65 old ages ‘ additions 1 more individual under poorness caput count. Here, P-Values of the variable is 0.0145 which is lesser than 0.05. Therefore, it rejects H0, and accepts H1. The Hypothesis is:

H1: Working population in the age bracket of 15-65 old ages has important impact on Poverty in Pakistan

H1: I?2a‰ 0

Dependent Variable: Poverty

Independent Variable: Unemployment

The arrested development equation suggests:

POVERTY = 1.96E+09 – 104 Males + 72.2 population 15-64 + 101 Unemployed- 3.40 primary – 1088 GDP/Capita + 514290 rising prices

Keeping all the variables constant, an addition of 101 individual acquiring unemployed out of the entire on the job population increases 1 more individual under poorness caput count. On the other manus, P-Values of the variable semen out to be 0.0172 which is lesser than 0.05. Therefore, it rejects H0, and accepts H1. The Hypothesis is:

H1: Unemployment has important impact on Poverty in Pakistan

H1: I?3a‰ 0

Dependent Variable: Poverty

Independent Variable: Number of people with at least primary instruction

The arrested development equation suggests:

POVERTY = 1.96E+09 – 104 Males + 72.2 population 15-64 + 101 Unemployed- 3.40 primary – 1088 GDP/Capita + 514290 rising prices

Keeping all the variables constant, one more individuals gets under the line of poorness if there is a lessening of 4 individuals who gets the opportunity to finish at least primary degree of instruction.

P-Values of the variable semen out to be 0.0498 which is lesser than 0.05. Therefore, it rejects H0, and accepts H1. The Hypothesis is:

H1: Number of people with at least primary instruction has important impact on Poverty in Pakistan

H1: I?4a‰ 0

Dependent Variable: Poverty

Independent Variable: Gross Domestic Product per Capita

P-Values of the variable semen out to be 0.1382 which is greater than 0.05. Therefore, it accepts H0. The Hypothesis is:

H0: Gross Domestic Product per Capital has undistinguished impact on Poverty in Pakistan

H0: I?4=0

Dependent Variable: Poverty

Independent Variable: Inflation

P-Values of the variable semen out to be 0.382 which is greater than 0.05. Therefore, it rejects H0. The Hypothesis is:

H0: Inflation has important impact on Poverty in Pakistan

H0: I?5a‰ 0


The primary intent of the research was to happen out the impact of different economic factors on poorness. The economic factors used for this research were rising prices, male/female ratio, primary instruction, demographic age GDP per capita. It is observed from the research that Pakistan is go throughing through worst poorness in its history. The grounds for poorness in Pakistan are figure of internal every bit good as external factors both at micro every bit good as macro degree. Different factors impact at different degree on poorness in Pakistan. The life conditions in Pakistan are worsened but the facts about the poorness provided by the authorities are ever underestimated. Although the information is available in surplus about the poorness and its ground but still it is non accurate because of which its truly hard to estimate the exact degree of poorness in Pakistan.

The basic findings of the research shows that there is a important relationship between the dependant variable which is poorness and the 5 independent variable which are male/female ratio, completion of primary instruction, rising prices, unemployment and demographic age. Whereas the relationship between GDP per capita and Poverty is undistinguished. The ground for undistinguished relation is multicolliniarity, as GDP per capita has economic relation with all other variables.

So maintaining in position all the facts gathered and analyzed. It is rather obvious that Pakistan is confronting the job of utmost poorness and authorities policies have failed to eliminate it. Therefore in order to better the poorness conditions in Pakistan a holistic program is need to be made which address both internal as good external factors to eliminate the poorness in Pakistan.


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