Policy Question: How many constabulary officers are needed in the metropolis of Detroit?

Policy Statement: The metropolis of Detroit should keep the figure of constabulary officers which keeps the City ‘s position in line with offense control and community service aims.

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Data and Information Considered:

This constabulary officer force strength policy was developed after a reappraisal of scientific research refering to the effects of officers on offense, analyses of offense tendencies in Detroit, and comparing of the comparative sum of offense in Detroit to similar metropoliss. A comparing of the comparative figure of officers in Detroit to other Midwestern metropoliss was besides conducted along with an analysis of historical tendencies in officer force strength. An appraisal of current and future fiscal and budgetary tendencies was besides included.

Background and Relevant Facts:

Police Force Impacts on Crime

Among the primary grounds for a constabulary force in any metropolis is the demand for service to the community through offense control and the care of civil order. As a consequence, this analysis of constabulary force strength in Detroit began by inquiring the inquiry, “ To what extent does alter in the figure of police officers impact offense? ” A reappraisal of scientific literature on this subject indicated that support from the US Department of Justice, Community Oriented Policing Services indicates that an addition in support does impact offense, i.e. , there is a decrease, nevertheless, the analysis shows merely the decrease tendencies in metropoliss that received a grant, so the analysis does non accurately give an overall estimation on the decrease of offense in the United States as a whole, and hence, an addition in police size does non does hold a important impact on offense decrease in mid-western metropoliss ( Scheider, Thurman, & A ; Zhao, 2002 ) . For illustration, in metropoliss with a population of over 10,000 merely showed a decrease of 34 % in violent offense and a 24 % decrease in belongings offense rates over a five twelvemonth period – 1994 to 1999, the lowest statistics during the last 20 old ages.

These research surveies suggest that comparatively little accommodations to patrol force size are improbable to ensue in significant offense additions or lessenings.

Detroit Crime versus Similar Cities

When the comparative sum or rate of offense in Detroit was compared with that of similar metropoliss, it was discovered that Detroit was similar in violent and belongings offense rates. For illustration, the violent offense rate in Detroit compared to Cleveland, Indianapolis, and Pittsburgh was about 1 – 2 % higher and the belongings offense rate in Detroit compared to the same metropoliss was besides about 2 – 2 A? % higher. Overall, during the period of 1989 – 2009 Detroit has systematically been higher in Part I crimes as reported by the UCR.

When offense rates during recent old ages are compared with rates from anterior old ages, Detroit has seen a decrease in violent offenses ; nevertheless, the information suggest that the figure of officers per 10,000 population in Detroit may necessitate to be higher than in most comparison metropoliss.

Analysis of Historical Crime Trends

To supply some historical context into the current rates of offense in Detroit, an analysis of violent and belongings offense tendencies was besides conducted. Research has been compiled and completed on the offense tendency in Detroit over a period of 20 old ages ( see chart ) , and Detroit compared to other similar metropoliss – Cleveland, Indianapolis, and Pittsburgh – have similar statistics based on the Uniform Crime Report Statistics website, i.e. , violent and belongings offenses ; nevertheless, overall, Detroit was about dual in violent offenses, and was about dual for belongings offenses every bit good. But the FBI at one clip refused to include its offense statistics because it was deemed undependable ( Siegel, 2002 ) so to state the informations for Detroit is accurate remains a inquiry. For illustration, the UCR studies Detroit for 2009 has 2,930 officers but the budget that is reported on-line – for transparence intents – reported an existent sum of 3,290 officers ( www.detroitmi.gov ) .

Detroit ‘s offense tendency has dropped but the information indicates that offense should non be the exclusive finding factor in constabulary force strength. Furthermore, recent offense declines suggest that the hiring of extra officer may non be required from a offense control position and that consideration should be given to keeping or cut downing the current figure of constabulary officers in Detroit.

Detroit Officer Rates versus Similar Cities

The current figure of police officer per citizen in the metropolis of Detroit is about 1 % higher than the rate in most comparison metropoliss ; the ratio in Detroit is besides higher than compared to similar metropoliss at about.32 % . – about one-tenth more than the other metropoliss. Detroit has seen a decrease in constabulary force size as good ; the Bureau of Justice section web site provides statistics on figure of officers in metropoliss every four old ages, the last information collected was in 2004 and it said Detroit has seen a -15 % bead from the twelvemonth 2000 ( US Dept. of Justice, 2004 ) .

Detroit overall has more officers than similar metropoliss and though Detroit went through a significant decrease in constabulary force size, this decrease has non had a important impact on offense rates.

Fiscal and Budgetary Circumstances in Detroit

The concluding country of research refering to this analysis of Detroit officer force strength policy pertains to the fiscal and budgetary state of affairs.

Detroit is presently traveling through a budget crisis and with the economic downswing, the City of Detroit is traveling through a foreclosure crisis every bit good ; with this comes revenue enhancements non being paid by the citizens. Detroit therefore, has had to cut metropolis services including police officers every bit good. In financial twelvemonth ( 2006-2007 ) the metropolis budgeted 3,449 but the recommended sum was 3,252 demoing a lessening of 197 unvarying places ( www.detroitmi.gov ) . In financial twelvemonth ( 2007-2008 ) there was really an addition of officers – by 103 places ; in financial twelvemonth ( 2008-2009 ) there were 3,794 places, nevertheless, this includes civilian places – the metropolis started with this financial twelvemonth by uniting unvarying and civilian sums ( www.detroitmi.gov ) , and for financial twelvemonth ( 2009-2010 ) there was a bead from the old twelvemonth by 106 places – both unvarying and civilian places ( www.detroitmi.gov ) . The City of Detroit has relied on grant places as good ; this helped to fund police officer places so as non to further restrain the budget.

With fluctuations in the budget, and its trust on grants to fund constabulary places, it has had a negative affect on constabularies force size, and hence, it is recommended that the constabulary force size should non increase because of the budget instability. In add-on, the statistics show that a lessening or increase in police size has no impact on the decrease of offense.

Expected Future Tendencies:

The belongings offenses will stay stable every bit good as aggravated assaults, based on offense tendency statistics.

Agency Plan: Statement of Purpose, Goals and Budget Summary. ( 2006-2007 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: //www.detroitmi.gov/Portals/0/docs/budgetdept/2006-07_Budget/Agencies/EB06-07 % 20Police % 20REVISION.pdf

Gives out the City of Detroit budget information.

Ibid. ( 2007-2008 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: //www.ci.detroit.mi.us/Portals/0/docs/budgetdept/2007-08_Budget/Agencies/EB _ % 2837 % 29 % 20POLICE_07-08.pdf


Ibid. ( 2008-2009 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: //www.ci.detroit.mi.us/Portals/0/docs/budgetdept/2008-09_Redbook/08-09 % 20Complete % 20Positions/08_09 % 20Personal % 20Services.pdf


Ibid. ( 2009-2010 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: //www.detroitmi.gov/Portals/0/docs/budgetdept/2009-10_Redbook/Complete_List_of_Budgeted_Positions_by_Depts/2009-2010 % 20Redbook % 20Personal % 20Services.pdf


City of Detroit Departmental Budget Information Police Ibid. ( 2008-2009 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: //www.detroitmi.gov/Portals/0/docs/budgetdept/2009-10_Budget/ Executive % 20Budget % 20Summary_10/EBS_Departments/EBS % 2009-10 % 20Police.pdf.

Gives out the City of Detroit budget information.

Scheider, A M. , Thurman, Q. & A ; Zhao, J. ( 2002 ) . Funding community patroling to cut down offense: Have bulls grants made a difference? Criminology & A ; Public Policy, A 2 ( 1 ) , A 7-32.A

Scheider, Thurman, and Zhao ‘s research analyzes whether the COPS grant has significantly reduced violent offenses and belongings offenses in metropoliss that have received the grant. Their analysis does demo a bead in violent offenses and belongings offenses per 100,000 population but varies by metropolis size.

Siegel, Fred.A ( 2002 ) . The decease and life of America ‘s cities.A Public Interest, 3-22.A

This describes the economic downswing of major urban metropoliss and the impact of offense ; it discusses the history of offense in Detroit since the yearss of Coleman Young.

U.S Department of Justice Website, & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/content/pub/pdf/csllea04.pdf page 4 & gt ; .

This website gives statistics on pledged constabulary officers every four old ages.