For this essay I have decided to discus the history of both Fine Art and Fashion, doing comparings and similarities to derive an apprehension as to why it may look Art has a higher position and value so Fashion. I will look at and research into theoreticians to endorse up my findings.

I have besides decided to discourse the epoch of the 1960 ‘s with its mass produced art. Make this devalue Art? Associating the obvious mix with inspiration between, Art and Fashion. Again looking at relevant theoreticians.

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Is manner Art? For this portion of the essay I am traveling to speak about Fashion within Art museums, Art History, recent exhibitions, and how Artists and Interior designers have worked side by side to make chef-d’oeuvres within both the Art society and Fashion industry.

It can be argued that Fine art was traditionally owned by the rich and elect. Looking into Art history holding a portrayal painted of yourself expressed the wealth of you or your hubby and your household name. To have an original picture besides reflected on this. A Marxist critic might state art interacts with the ways that power constructions work in society. The Marxist art theory history tried to show how art was tied within certain classes. “ In Marx ‘s footings, the dominant societal categories that own or control the newspapers, and, since Marx ‘s clip, the telecasting webs and the movie industry, are able to command the content generated by these media signifiers ” ( Sturken & A ; Cartwright P.51. ) Therefore Marxists could maintain Fine Art within the rich and Elite as they had more control over society.

Not everybody would hold or does own a piece of art, but everybody would and does wear apparels, it ‘s a necessity non a desire. On the other manus in the eyes of some, manner would non be seen strictly as merely vesture, and would be seen as a desire. Ironically the manner of the excessive vesture immortalises within the picture, as it was made specifically to look exquisite in the beautiful pictures and portrayals. Looking back into History Women would have on large extravagant handmade apparels with precise particularization and trims, to reflect their position and wealth. ( Fig1 )

Therefore Fashion must hold subconsciously showed the same high elite value and position as the Fine Art painting itself.

It is interesting to look at the 1960 ‘s and how mass produced art of this epoch could hold devalued art. Mass production was seen within creative persons work such as Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. ( Fig 2-2a ) This has caused many arguments as to whether or non this devalued art? It surely made art available to more and without the elitism of a one off original thought. Marxist would be for this statement as I ‘ve already stated they believe art was for the elite and upper categories and showed the guideline between the two rich and hapless they saw popular civilization as easy civilization therefore it was n’t as valued. Postmodernist would reason this point, been the antonym of a Marxist. They would reason that popular civilization does non intend it is easy culture. “ The differentiation between all right art and popular civilization has been systematically blurred in the art motions of the 20th century, from Pop Art to manners of Post Modernism ” ( Sturken & A ; Cartwright p.50 ) . Manner has ever taken so much inspiration from art as its working alongside the art motion of the clip, but it was this epoch where this truly boomed and became more clear and seeable. Plants of Op Artist Bridgett Riley was seen in the psychedelic geometric manners. ( Fig3 ) This could do one believe that yes art has more value so manner as manner takes inspiration from art, but the 60 ‘s besides saw Pop Artist Andy Warhol Design the “ paper Souper frock ” . Causing a contrary on this thought. ( Fig4 )

Much treatment has been based around the history of art and manner and how art was seen as higher value and position so manner but how can I find this when some people see manner as an art signifier within itself. Is manner Art? I one time read that if an object is in an art museum it is classed as art. Marcel Duchamp argued against this when he took it upon himself to turn out this old quotation mark incorrect and stuck a urinal in a museum. ( Fig5 ) which ironically is now one of his most talked about pieces. Although if people choose to believe this so there has been many esteemed exhibitions of manner, within good known museums such as the Victoria & A ; Albert museum and the London Design Museum. There was late a surrealist exhibition in the V & A ; A demoing the work of extremely valued creative person Salvador Dali. It besides showed where he worked alongside interior decorator Elsa Schiaparelli to make her garments. If art was seen as elect to manner and to hold a higher value and position why would these two work aboard each other taking inspiration of one another. Salvador Dali produced manus made prints the same to those in his pictures such as the lobster print frock. ( Fig6 ) utilizing the same lobster as in the lobster phone, for Schiaparelli to utilize her creativeness and do into a fantastic garments. Dali himself even took inspiration from her apparels and designs to make some of his work. Pieces Such as the firing giraffe adult female with draws. ( Fig7 ) Dali was besides involved in doing textile prints for Dior. The new expression by Christian Dior ( Fig8 ) was in another exhibition at the V & A ; A called The Golden age of couture, this was a sculptural motion within manner so some would besides see that as art. The garments were full of item and form and took hours of long difficult work to make one off pieces with the new beautiful consequence. Another interesting fact is that Sotheby ‘s Art auction house have dealt with pieces of Fashion within more recent times selling for good above the estimated monetary values.

This argument will be ne’er stoping as it truly comes down to 1s sentiments and involvements. I believe that yes traditionally Fine art was seen to hold higher value and position so Fashion. Been more sole and more expensive, down to the ways of elitism and Marxism but things are surely altering, with Elitism and Marxism get downing to melt out.