Question 1 Write a brief summary of how you would prepare yourself and the environment for a life coaching session before the meeting. In order to prepare for a life coaching session the coach would make use of a notebook or having paper to hand and diary such that any ideas, plans, subjects and exercises that arise, can be discussed. This is to ensure that what is written down are ‘facts’. The use of having a diary can also be easier to set deadlines and ensure that no double bookings have taken place.

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Furthermore, taking at least 20 – 30mins prior to the session can be beneficial as this will give you time to relax and gather your thoughts together. Deep breathing exercises, quiet meditation and positive thinking are also useful tools. Spending time reading notes from past sessions and making notes can be useful if this is to be discussed at the next meeting. Any telephone conversations can be jotted down and used also. This enables the coach to accelerate the process of change. The Environment is important and should be where the sessions are quiet e. . private room and free from distractions. A room that is comfortable with regards to seating and where it is feasible to write. Freedom of speaking is also important and should be where the coach and client would not be overheard in any way by others, as this is the coaches and client’s private time. Communicating with others that you should not be disturbed and discussing this previously allows you time to work around your schedule and work out the best possible time for your coaching sessions.

Further practical steps can be to turn off the mobile, not answer the door if someone should pass by and eat well before the meeting. Question 2 In your own words write a paragraph on the difference between ‘hearing’ and active listening’. Within this write about why effective listening is important to life coaching. Let’s explain a lawaspect of this. The difference between ‘hearing’ and ‘active listening’ is that hearing can be likened to a natural ability. For example, in conversation with others our desire is to talk, such that while the other person is speaking we are thinking of what we want to say and waiting for the opportunity to speak.

Our attention should be on what the other person is saying rather than focusing on our own thoughts. This happens when our mind’s attention has drifted on other things and is no longer intent or understanding and responding. Thus ‘hearing’ rather than ‘listening’ is seen. Listening is more important than talking. By active listening clients can be helped to overcome fears, where complete and utter undivided attention can be given with incomparable support.

For example, by actively understanding and analyzing what the client is saying through verbal response such as “yes”, “I understand” and non-verbal responses such as positive gestures i. e. firm hand shake and/or eye to eye contact. Therefore, for effective listening to take place and seen as an important factor in life coaching, the following could be applied: Eye to Eye Contact: Provides deeper communication between the client and coach as opposed to looking out the window, at a newspaper, up at the ceiling or down at the floor.

By maintaining eye to eye contact the client will feel recognised, important, valued and connected to the coach and the coaching process. Evidence of Interest: An occasional nod and facial movements can indicate to the client that we have an understanding of what they are saying. Verification: Ask questions that will enable the coach to clarify what the client is saying. This shows the client that we are engaged through active listening. Non-judgmental: By not advising, criticising or judging we are helping the client to come into contact with their own inner truths and needs.

Empathic: To be aware of situations that allows the client to feel understood and cared for, experiencing the inner reality of the client by asking effective questions that will help them. However, not to be carried away with the clients emotions but to get in touch with them and bring them out from where they are at present and move onto the future. Genuine: To be open and honest with our clients is to take interest in them and what they are feeling. Question 3 In your own words write about what rapport is and why building it with the client is so important in life coaching.

Rapport is having a desire to help others where the focus is based solely on the client. It is where mutual respect, honesty and trust are seen such that the support given by the coach enables the client to be in touch with their inner thoughts of strengths and weaknesses thus providing a natural acceleration of the rapport-building process. Active Listening is also important as it enables the client to open up and tell you more about themselves and their activities. It also allows the client to know you are interested in what they are saying.

By looking at their body language, summarising, reflecting, taking notes and demonstrating empathy, the coach will not only pick up the facts, but discover their true feelings even if their voice signifies something completely different. Honesty and Trust is also crucial between client and coach as they continue to build rapport due to the position in which the coach holds, as one of confidant, and where confidentiality is maintained for the client to be honest and open.

Honesty is necessary as the client will need correct feedback of information that they share with the coach for them to move forward. Question 4 Write a paragraph on why questions are so important in the coaching sessions; remember to think about the different kinds of questions and their effects. . Questioning Skills are important to the coaching session as it enables the client to feel comfortable in speaking openly to the coach. This is seen through asking questions that will make them think for themselves.

For example ‘open questions’ will encourage the client to talk and not simply give yes or no answers such as “Tell me more about…” or “Why did you do that? ” The need to ask questions but not comment is also essential as it enables the coach to get in touch with the client’s feelings and emotions. Questions such as: What do they like and dislike about their work? What projects have they enjoyed working on the most? What frustrates them the most about their work? How do they feel when things go well and when they do not go well?

What would they like to get out of their job in the future? How does their current job compare to other jobs they have had? By asking these questions the coach will ascertain what is important to the client by challenging their thinking and allowing them to confront beliefs they have held overtime. Thus, by doing so the coach is genuinely interested in their feelings. Question 5 In your own words, explain why encouraging high self-esteem is so important in coaching sessions.

Include what you could do within the sessions to develop the self-esteem of your client. Encouraging high self-esteem is important in coaching sessions as it allows the client to have Strength in their vision by valuing themselves, target their goals or choice of career, realise that their dreams are achievable, increase their learning process through their strengths and weaknesses, value their achievements and expand their ideals by looking at the present and moving them toward the future.

The coach-client relationship should be where positive thinking through the coach will enable the client to make positive choices. Within the relationship inclusion of looking at the client’s attitude to shape perception, thought and behavior through the use of open ended questions can help develop every area of their life. What hinders the client from moving forward to realise what can heighten their senses, deepen their desires and enlighten their vision through positive thinking will bring about motivation within the client.

Encouraging the client to be assertive by learning from past mistakes where expression of emotion and recognition through their inner feelings will bring about change and direction for the client. REFERENCES Home Learning College (2006) Diploma in Life Coaching. London. Study House Ltd Egan, G (1998)The Skilled Helper: A Problem-Management Approach to Helping. Pacific Grove, CA. Brooks/Cole Pease, A (1997) Body Language: How to Read Others’ Thoughts by their Gestures. London. Sheldon Press