
The cardinal biological job that all theories of aging seek to explicate was stated really elegantly in 1957 by Williams when he wrote. “It is so singular that after a apparently marvelous effort of morphogenesis. a complex metazoan should be unable to execute the much simpler undertaking of simply keeping what is already formed. ” The trouble in trying to set up an apprehension of aging is that it is non a individual physiological procedure. It is multifaceted and hierarchal in its look with elusive alterations happening at the same time at the molecular. cellular. tissue and organ degrees. The assortment of characterizes many species. peculiarly worlds. and the complexness of environmental interactions consequences in an tremendous phenotypic variableness being associated with aging. This variableness is often confounded by the symptoms of underlying pathology and invariably additions between persons with aging.

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First Transformation of Theory

The beginning of societal geriatrics began as general positions on aging instead than as existent scientific theories. Prior to 1961. societal geriatrics attempted to explicate how persons adjusted to aging from function and activity positions. Turning old was seen as an inevitable procedure that led to the development of jobs an person experienced overtime. It wasn’t until 1961. with the development of detachment theory. that there was an existent theory being used as a footing for scientific research. A basic premise of the theory was that all societies have to reassign power from an aging population to a younger one. Detachment attempted to explicate this procedure of power transportation and complimented gerotrancendence. another theory from what is considered to be the first transmutation of theory. Gerotrancendence follows the beliefs of Jung and Erikson that as a individual ages. they withdraw from the external universe to an internal universe focused on spiritualty. wisdom. self-acceptance and intent. Both detachment and gerotrancendence theories attempted to explicate what societal geriatricians thought aging should be. They did non seek to develop a cosmopolitan theory to explicate the assortment of experiences of people as they age ( Hooyman & A ; Kiyak. 2011 ) .

In the instance of detachment. this backdown from power was believed to be a cosmopolitan experience that transcended gender and civilization. Death was inevitable ; diminution in abilities was likely. It was merely natural that others would hold lowered outlooks for aging persons. In the instance of gerotrancendence. this backdown resulted from an single non accomplishing self-importance individuality. An person would either achieve this self-importance individuality. a positive respect for their life. or withdraw as a symptom of desperation ( Andrus Gerontology Center ; University of Southern California. 2005 ) A 3rd theory of the clip period was continuity theory. which postulated that “individuals tend to keep a consistent form of behaviour as they age. replacing similar types of functions for lost 1s and maintaining typical ways of accommodating to the environment” ( Hooyman & A ; Kiyak. 2011. p. 319 ) .

Individual satisfaction was dependent on how consistent a individual was able to keep the same forms of behaviour. Though trying to dispute old theories based on activity and detachment positions. it besides did non turn to any personality differences among aging persons. nor did it turn to any political. societal. historical or cultural influences on the experience of aging ( Hooyman & A ; Kiyak. 2011 ) . It is interesting to observe that though continuity theory attempted to dispute the activity theory. it was similar to the activity position that that was a positive relationship between societal functions and life satisfaction ( Howe. 1987 ) .

Alternate Theoretical Positions

Alternate theories based on a symbolic interaction position were developed to turn to external issues impacting aging while besides trying to link the disparate theories of activity and detachment. Symbolic interaction position is based on the premiss that as an single interacts with his environment ; his experiences of aging are shaped by these interactions. Three of these alternate theories are: age stratification theory. societal exchange theory. and the political economic system of aging. There are many similarities and differences between these theories. Age stratification and political economic system theories are based on the belief that as people age. the differences in their ageing experience is significantly influenced by stratification. Age stratification acknowledges the differences experienced by those sharing a similar history. Similarities among life events and social alterations experienced by these historical cohorts affect these persons in similar ways.

In contrast. political economic system theory rejects all old theories and postulates that differences between single experiences of aging are determined by societal category. Socioeconomic and political factors determine the disparity between different groups in an aging population. Social exchange theory is based on an economic cost-benefit theoretical account of societal interaction. It could be said that there is a similarity between societal exchange and political economic system in that disparities experienced are societal in nature. Whereas in societal exchange theory. an person is thought to be able to act upon or alter one’s environment as one adapts. political economic system believes that inequalities are built into the political system. Political economic system critiques the current system which lulls the person into believing one has to accommodate to fortunes. instead than altering society’s structural inequalities.

Of the alternate theories. societal exchange is the merely one to turn to the influence of civilization on the experience of aging. Social exchange theory believes that people interact with those whom they believe the wagess outweigh the costs of the relationship ( Taylor. Peplau. & A ; Sears. 2006 ) . Though societal exchange theory acknowledges that though a individual may no longer have the same economic value when older. that the older single possesses other non-materialistic assets such as wisdom. love. and clip for service. As our society modernized. these assets have been overlooked by a civilization that now places importance on efficiency and productiveness ( Hooyman & A ; Kiyak. 2011 ) .

The Second Transformation

The 2nd transmutation was developed in the early 1980’s. This transmutation includes the undermentioned attacks: societal phenomenology. societal constructivism. and societal constructionism. Both of which discuss the influence of societal perceptual experiences. instead than existent facts. Social phenomenology is an interpretive attack to an individual’s societal life on a twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours footing. The intent is to derive a better apprehension of the aging procedure and how it is influenced by societal definitions and societal constructions. This attack can be a really helpful usher when deriving apprehension of an individual’s societal life. depending on how the information is obtained. The results for this attack will be entirely based on the readings of the person ( s ) obtaining this information. Not everyone has the same societal definition and or societal constructions. which could ensue in legion readings ( Hooyman & A ; Kiyak. 2011 ) . Social Constructionism and Social Constructivism are both phenomenological attacks that focus on societal phenomena development. but are really different. Social constructionism is the sociological position and focuses on the societal contexts and structural development.

This attack would see how an single constructions their life which shapes their old age experiences. Social constructivism is construing the significance of an individual’s societal context. psychologically. From this attack the research workers want to cognize more information on why a individual chooses a specific context and how an person does make up one’s mind a specific societal context ( Hooyman & A ; Kiyak. 2011 ) . Critical Theory and Feminist Perspectives are besides influenced by phenomenology. Critical theory refers to the biomedical theoretical account of aging. but focuses on structural and institution factors. This theory is proposing that those ( older people ) take parting in research surveies should be allowed to come up with the inquiries they are requested to reply. For case. research conducted sing retirement would urge a series of inquiries complied by other retired persons ( Hooyman & A ; Kiyak. 2011 ) . The Feminist Theory concludes that age related research outcomes involve inequalities against adult females.

This theory suggests that adult females haven’t been included in research surveies as they should be. It’s even been stated that work forces have been favored over adult females. Due to these inequalities all other theories of aging are deficient. These inequalities besides include gender with race. societal category. sexual orientation. and disablements. all of which aren’t discussed every bit much as they should be ( Hooyman & A ; Kiyak. 2011 ) . These theories are all based on premises. instead than existent facts. The text provinces. “To rationalist. phenomenological theories may look impossible to prove and closer to premises about significances than propositions that can be proved or disprove” ( Hooyman & A ; Kiyak. 2011. p. 326 ) . Society has a immense impact on our perceptual experiences of life. which aren’t consistent and alteration over clip. A immense factor of perceptual experience is that it’s non needfully world and deficiencies proven facts. If the information being evaluated isn’t consistent. lacks factual information. and is based on premises it shouldn’t be used for pattern. but could be a good guiding tool ( Hooyman & A ; Kiyak. 2011 ) .

Postmodernist Theory

Postmodernist theory represents a decisive interruption with modernness or a positive scientific attack to an “objective” truth ( Hooyman & A ; Kiyak. 2011. p. 331 ) . Postmodernism focuses on how our universe appears today. instead than concentrating on how an single wants for the universe to be seen. Postmodernist theory reviews the whole of a person’s experiences during their life clip and examines the organic structure non from a biological point of view. but instead by mundane societal and cultural patterns built overtime to build the individuality of the person. The person will physically alter overtime. but their indispensable individuality develops based on accomplishments and future ends. An country that continues to develop in postmodernist theory focuses on biomedical engineering that can supply options for retracing neglecting organic structure parts to decelerate the procedure of aging. Postmodernist and societal constructivist theories portion the nexus of cognition as a socially constructed component and each individual’s societal life events create who they are. This diverseness of positions qui vives societal geriatricians to be concerned with the connexions between scientific enquiry and the societal surroundings at peculiar influential points in clip ( Putney. Alley. & A ; Bengston. 2005. p. 95 ) .

Both countries focus on an individual’s concept based on a cultural model of imposts. traditions. and beliefs. Social constructionism and postmodernist take into history how single experiences alter an individual’s aging procedure leting the individual to develop their ain world. Each country stresses the importance of the individual’s societal model to assist prolong their dignity as they age. In contrast to political economic system of aging. postmodernists focus on the wellbeing of an single non from a societal category or political standing. but from their life experiences. Structural factors of gender. sexual orientation. functional ability. race. age and category can hold negative effects that limit an individual’s subsequently chances. Harmonizing to Hooyman & A ; Kiyak ( 2011 ) . these structural factors—often institutionalized and reinforced by public policy—limit the chances and picks of ulterior life. ensuing in cumulative disadvantages in old age. which are further exacerbated by retirement ( Hooyman & A ; Kiyak. 2011. p. 323 ) .

These differences force aging persons to alter themselves and their life styles to fit income. wellness and physical attention policy restraints forced on them. Increased decrease in public wellness and societal services creates a barrier for persons to affectively age and have proper attention. Postmodernist theory follows the same model of single ripening. It develops with the person to run into their demands on a personal degree and takes into consideration what the organic structure and head have both gone through as they have aged. Harmonizing to Powell ( 2011 ) . older people are normally ‘fixed’ to roles without resources which does non make justness to the profusion of their single experiences and multi-facets of their personalities ( Powell. 2001. p. 6 ) . Postmodernism clearly focuses on the importance of an individual’s ability to develop overtime through experience and uses biomedicine to supply options for keeping an individual’s physical organic structure. This provides a solid model for aging that meets the demands of an person from both physical and mental capacities.


While these are the dominant theories. many other theories are in changing phases of development. In add-on. theories are invariably being tested and modified as new informations from aging research emerges. It is merely in the last half-century that research workers have begun to concentrate their attending on older grownups as a population worthy of particular consideration. While earlier theories of aging were few in figure. narrowly focussed. and by and large negative. recent theories have emerged that set up aging as a multidimensional procedure. These theories view aging as characterized by positive every bit good as negative qualities and are more synergistic in nature. They emphasize the interaction of biological. physical. and societal factors in each individual’s age flight. and effort to explicate how older grownups can minimise the negative and maximise the positive facets of aging. in order to more to the full bask the increased life span that comes with life in the twenty-first century.


Andrus Gerontology Center ; University of Southern California. ( 2005 ) . The Psychology of Aging: Lecture Part II. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //gero. usc. edu/AgeWorks/core_courses/gero500_core/psychology_lect/index_a. htm Hooyman. N. R. . & A ; Kiyak. H. A. ( 2011 ) . Social Gerontology. 9th edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Howe. C. Z. ( 1987 ) . Selected Social Gerontology Theories and Older Adult Leisure Involvement: A Review of the