Economic growing is a term that been used to bespeak an addition in gross domestic merchandise ( GDP ) per capita or step of aggregative income. This is often measured as the rate of alteration in GDP. Economic growing refers to the sum of goods and services produced. Economic growing can be either positive or negative. Negative growing can be seen from economic recession or depression. Economic growing besides can be seen as positive alteration in the degree of production of goods and services by a state during specific period clip. The nominal growing of the state can be defined as economic growing including rising prices, while existent growing is the nominal growing minus rising prices. ( Investor word, 2010 )

Inflation can be defined as the additions in the overall general monetary value of the goods and services in an economic system, normally as considered by the consumer monetary value index and manufacturer monetary value index. Normally when rising prices go on monetary value of dollars currency will be fall because a individual non be able to buy every bit much with dollar or in other word power of dollars have been falling. If the state has seen little per centums of this job will be happen at the states so that authorities and cardinal bank of that state will take action to stabilise it. ( wiseGEEK, 2010 )

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1.2 The relationship between economic growing and rising prices

Economic growing and rising prices is a survey of economic system, two of this survey can impact economic system in the states if the state has face this job. Between Economic growing and rising prices can hold positive and negative relationship. An addition in economic growing will impact an addition in rising prices and lessening in economic growing will cut down rising prices ( Henderson, D. 2007 ) . Harmonizing to tutor2 in the economic theories said that Economic growing can be affected by addition in aggregative demand could do the acceleration of rising prices as the economic usage of scare resources and short-term sum supply becomes inelastic. When SARS is elastic, the displacement to the right of aggregative demand can be met easy by the addition in GDP. But when SARS becomes inelastic, the tradeoff between growing and rising prices worsen, an addition of AD tends to consequences in a higher monetary value than the addition in end product and employment. For illustration, LRAS can be improved by accomplishing sustainable betterment in productiveness, technological advancement and the benefits that come from advanced merchandises and procedures. Potential end product is besides increased by spread outing the supply of capital goods and through increased in supply of workers available. The displacement to the right in LRAS means that the economic system can run into the higher degree of aggregative demand without supplying upward force per unit area on general monetary value degree.

1.3 US economic system background

United statess are the largest state and the most powerful state besides the stronger state in the universe. They have GDP per capita of $ 46,400. In the concern house US enjoy the greater flexibleness than their opposite numbers in Western Europe and Japan in determinations to spread out capital works, to put off excess workers, and develop new merchandise. Furthermore US besides have good engineering by utilizing that engineering US can go stronger to command concern universe. Most of the currency in every state will see from US currency or will do comparing with US currency because US is the strong state that handle all the state in the universe. But US besides has faced the economic system jobs in 2008 this is current economic job that US faced, economic system of US on 2008 is really unstable because of that many others state in the universe besides be affected. The jobs of US on 2008 besides affected the economic growing and rising prices at that state. ( CIA, 2009 )

The economic growing will impact the rising prices degree at US. Factor that can act upon the economic growing is by addition in the involvement rate. Increasing in the involvement rate will do the growing for the US state. The increasing in involvement rate will do the point in the state become expensive. So the export will go expensive and the import will go cheaper. This will do the rising prices for the US state. The demand for the foreign currency will go higher than the demand for the local currency. So the US currency will depreciated at the terminal and the foreign currency will be appreciated. ( Voice of America, 2010 )

Refer to the diagram 1 above show that the gross domestic merchandise within 30 old ages in US. US have stable graph line within 30 old ages in GDP. The highest Gross domestic product on 1984 around 7.186 and the lower GDP in US since 1982 around -1.983, and the graph besides show that the mean GDP in US around 4. But US still have the stronger GDP since 30 old ages.

From the diagram 2 above show that the rising prices rate in the US is non stable. The highest rising prices rate in US in twelvemonth 1980 is 13, 58 % than the lowest rising prices rate in twelvemonth 2009 is-0.34. The spread of the highest and the lowest rising prices rate is really large spread. This spread show that rising prices rate in US are wholly unstable depend on how authorities can manage the rising prices rate to do the rising prices rate become stable. However, US have unstable rising prices rate authorities of US besides can manage and cognize how to set up the economic job to do economic become better in their county.

As the tabular array 1 show that the current economic index above show that the rising prices rate in twelvemonth 2010 is 1.11 % and GDP growing is 2.70 % so that economic in the state now is good or they have stable economic growing. Current information that show in the tabular array above of unemployment is 9.50 % US have really low per centum of unemployment in their state so the graph above show that they have really good economic system public presentation in the twelvemonth 2010.

2.1 Problem statement

The research have obtain the consequence, consequence that can demo many jobs between economic growing and rising prices in existent life economic. They have province some issue from malik, G and Anis, C said that the relationship between rising prices and growing remains a controversial one in theoretical and empirical discovery that arising in the Latin American context in 1950s, this job has generated an ageless argument between structuralize and monetarists. Structuralizes believe that rising prices is really of import for economic growing, while the monetarist position of rising prices as harmful to economic advancement. There is two facet of this argument: first facet is the nature of that relationship if any, and 2nd facet is way of causality. Friedman has briefly explained flimsy nature of the relationship between rising prices and economic growing, with or without rising prices growing there is no rising prices with and without economic growing.

Another issue said that the relationship between economic growing and rising prices remains a controversial 1 in this leads to a more conventional investing scheme than will happen, finally taking to bottom degree of investing and economic growing. Inflation can besides cut down internationally competitory state, by doing exports comparatively more expensive, so the impact on balance of payment. In add-on, rising prices can interact with the revenue enhancement system to falsify the loaning and recognition determination. The company may hold devoted more resources to cover with affect of rising prices. For illustration: monitoring they are more cognizant rival monetary values to see if there is a portion of the addition in general rising prices tendencies in the economic system or because it causes more industry particular. ( Hanif, S, 2004 )

Furthermore, Europe state that have face rising prices and economic job on 31 grand 2000, Europe Central Bank ( ECB ) raised involvement rates 0.25 % , while the ECB is right to worry about rising prices, it is the incorrect action. The fact is, an addition in CPI is really likely in Europe, thanks to the go oning failing of the euro, and the logical solution would be to beef up the currency and make a mechanism for future stableness. Alternatively of stabilising the value of the euro, by contrast, economic growing ECB onslaught as the carrier of rising prices, hitting with a growing rate higher. ( Andrew West, 2000 )

2.2 Research Question

What are the relationship between economic growing and rising prices rate in the state?

What is the strength between the relationship of the economic growing and rising prices?

2.3 Research aim

To happen out the relationship between economic growing and rising prices in the US and besides want to cognize how strong is the relationship between economic growing and rising prices in the state.

To happen out is at that place any other variable which affect the economic growing and rising prices.

2.4 Hypothesis

H0: There is no relationship between rising prices rate and economic growing

H1: There is relationship between rising prices rate and economic growing

Literature reappraisal


Girijasankar Mallik and Anis Chowdhury ( 2001 )

This paper seeks to analyze the relationship between rising prices and GDP growing for four South Asiatic states. It shows a long- tally positive relationship between GDP growing rate and rising prices for those states. The moderate rising prices is helpful to growing, but the faster economic growing provenders back into rising prices. There are two facets to this argument: ( A ) the nature of the relationship if one exists ; ( B ) the way of causality. ( Friedman, 1973 ) . Bruno and Easterly is note that the ratio of people who believe rising prices is harmful to economic growing to touchable grounds is remarkably high. Their probe confirms the inflation- economic growing relationship is influenced by states with extreme values which really high or really low rising prices. Besides, they found a robust empirical consequence that growing falls aggressively during high- rising prices crises, so recovers quickly and strongly after rising prices falls. ( Bruno, Easterly, Fischer, 1993 )

To analyze the extent to which economic growing is related to rising prices and frailty versa, the theory of co integrating and mistake rectification theoretical accounts ( ECM ) is introduce. This theory aid of this process it is possible to analyze the short-term and long- tally relationships between two variables. If both clip series are integrated of the same order so it is possible to continue with the appraisal of the following carbon monoxide integrating arrested development:

yt = a11 + b11pt + I?t

platinum =a21 + b 21yt + National Trust

Where yt = economic growing rate, pt = rising prices rate at clip T, and I?t and National Trusts are random error term. If I?t and nt step the extent to which yt and platinum are out of equilibrium. If co integrating exists, so this information on one variable can be used to foretell the other. In theory, there can be a long tally or equilibrium relationship between two series in a bivariate relationship merely if they are stationary or if each series is at least integrated of the same order. ( Johansen, 1988 )

In this paper, the writers used co integrating and mistake rectification theoretical accounts to through empirical observation analyze long tally and short tally kineticss of the inflation- economic growing relationship for four South Asiatic states utilizing same one-year information. The chief aim in this paper is to analyze whether a relationship exists between economic growing and rising prices and, if so, its nature. In extra, to important feedbacks between rising prices and economic growing, the writers found two interesting consequences. First, rising prices and economic growing are positively related. Second, the sensitiveness of rising prices to alterations in growing rates is larger than that of growing to alterations in rising prices rates. These findings have of import policy deductions. ( Bruno and Easterly 1998 ) Contrary to the policy advice of the international loaning bureaus, efforts to cut down rising prices to a really low degree or nothing are likely to adversely impact economic growing. ( Engle Granger,1987 )

However, efforts to accomplish faster economic growing may overhead the economic system to the extent that the rising prices rate becomes unstable. The challenge for them is to happen a growing rate which is consistent with a stable rising prices rate, instead than crush rising prices foremost to take them to a way of faster economic growing. We need rising prices for growing, but excessively fast a growing rate might speed up the rising prices rate and take us downhill.

3.1.2 Does Inflation Depress Economic Growth? Evidence from Turkey

Erman Erbaykal ( 2008 )

Balikesir University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

Bandirma, Balikesir

H. AydA±n Okuyan ( 2008 )

Balikesir University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

Bandirma, Balikesir

The intent of this survey is to analyze the model informations of the relationship between the rising prices and the economic growing in Turkey. The relationship between the economic growing and the rising prices is one of the most of import macroeconomic jobs. This survey aims to explicate the relationship between the rising prices and the economic growing in Turkey in position of the information from the selected periods. Using informations of 21 states covering 1961-1987, Grimes ( 1991 ) has found a positive

relationship between rising prices and the economic growing for a short term, and a negative relationship between them for a long term. The survey uses the quarterly clip series informations of Gross Domestic Production ( Y afterlife ) and Consumer Price Index ( INF afterlife ) , for Turkey from 1987:1 to 2006:2. Empirical surveies show that most of the clip series are non stationary. Since confronting a specious arrested development job among these series which include a unit root, some methods are suggested to work out this job. The co-integration attack developed by Engle and Granger ( 1987 ) overcame this job. Harmonizing to this attack, clip series which are non stationary at degrees but stationary in the first difference can be modelled with their degree provinces. In this manner, loss of information in the long tally can be prevented.

Before proving for cointegration and causality, they tested for unit roots to happen the stationary belongingss of the information. Augmented Dickey-Fuller ( ADF ) t-tests ( Dickey and Fuller 1979 ) and Phillips and Perron ( PP ) ( 1988 ) trials were used on each of the two clip series for Turkey. Akaike information standard is used to find the continuance of holds in both trials. Harmonizing to ADF and PP trial consequences, both trials are found to be first difference stationary. In this instance, the maximal cointegration degrees of the variables take topographic point in the theoretical account has been found as ( dmax=1 ) . Second, the figure of holds to be used in the VAR theoretical account should be determined. For that ground, maximal continuance of slowdown has been taken as 8 and continuance of slowdown which minimizes the critical values like LR ( Likelihood Ratio ) , FPE ( Final Prediction Error ) , Akaike ( AIC ) , Schwarz ( SC ) and Hannan Quinn ( HQ ) has been tried to be determined.

In this survey, the relationship between the rising prices and economic growing in Turkey has been examined with the informations covering 1987:1-2006:2 periods in the model of Pesaran et Al. ( 2001 ) Bounds Test attack and Toda Yamamoto ( 1995 ) causality analysis attack. The being of a cointegration relationship between the two series has been detected following the Bounds Test consequences. Later, ARDL theoretical accounts have been established to find long term and short term relationships. Whereas no statistically important long term relationship has been found, a negative and statistically important short term relationship has been found.

3.1.3 Inflation and Economic Growth in Nigeria

Omoke Philip Chimobi ( JUNE 2010 )

Department of Economics, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria

The chief intent of this survey is to warrant the relationship between Inflation and economic growing in Nigeria. The research of this survey spanned from 1970 to 2005. A stationary trial was carried out utilizing the Augmented Dickey-Fuller trial ( ADF ) and Phillip-Perron trial ( PP ) and found at difference at 1 % and 5 % degree of significance. The consequence of the trial showed that for the periods, 1970-2005, there was no co-integrating relationship between Inflation and economic growing for Nigeria informations. Further attempt was made to look into the causality relationship that exists between the two variables by using the VAR-Granger causality at two different slowdown periods. The consequences showed the same at different slowdowns. The first trial was conducted utilizing slowdown two ( 2 ) and in the consequence unidirectional causality was seen running from Inflation to economic growing. Further trial at slowdown four ( 4 ) was carried out and it merely supported the first by besides bespeaking a unidirectional causality running from Inflation to economic growing. Assorted surveies as reviewed in the literature came out with the consequence that high rising prices is and has ne’er been favourable to economic growing. Hence, the survey through the empirical findings maintain the fact that the causality that run from rising prices to economic growing is an indicant of relationship demoing that Inflation so has an impact on growing.

However, much less understanding exists about the precise relationship between rising prices and economic public presentation, and the mechanism by which rising prices affects economic activity at the macroeconomic degree. This has generated a important argument both theoretically and through empirical observation. A series of surveies found no conclusive empirical grounds for either a positive or a negative association between rising prices and economic growing, noteworthy among these surveies are Wai, 1959 ; Bhatia, 1960 ; Dorrance, 1963, 1966 ) Johansen ( 1967 ) . The 2nd strand of the literature found a negative correlativity between rising prices and economic growing. Among these surveies are Fisher ( 1993 ) De Gregorio ( 1993 ) Barro ( 1995, 1996 ) ; Brunno and Easterly ( 1995 ) ; Malla ( 1997 ) ; Faria and Carneiro ( 2001 ) Dewan & A ; Hussein ( 2001 ) . While the 3rd strand of the literature found a positive relationship between rising prices and economic growing. Despite these overpluss of surveies both for developing and developed states, the literature on rising prices and economic growing in Nigeria is bare. The intent of this paper is hence to through empirical observation analyze the relationship between rising prices and economic growing in Nigeria. This paper is organized as follows ; subdivision one is the debut while subdivision two reviews the empirical literature on rising prices and economic growing ; subdivision three discusses the theoretical account and methodological analysis while subdivision four provides informations and empirical grounds and the concluding subdivision which is subdivision five provides the drumhead and decision of the survey.

For the decision, the aim of this survey is to happen out the being of a relationship between Inflation and economic growing in Nigeria. It should be borne in head that the survey did non see if the relationship between rising prices and growing was negative or positive ; nevertheless, assorted surveies as reviewed in the literature has come out with the consequence that high rising prices is and has ne’er been favourable to economic growing. Hence it will be good to keep the fact that the causality that runs from rising prices to economic growing is an indicant of relationship demoing that Inflation so has an impact on growing.

4.1 Significance of survey

From our research that has been done we found that solution for rising prices and growing for the economic can benefits people and states in several factors such as:

Improvement of life criterions, economic growing is an of import route through better life criterions and lower deficiency degrees can be achieved. This is peculiarly true for states that consider growing as a cardinal path for cut downing poorness among their populations. However, if rising prices is excessively high it will convey the negative consequence to the standard life of the poorness degree of the people because there are confronting the high monetary value of the merchandise.

Greater concern assurance: growing and rising prices has a positive impact on corporate net incomes and assurance in the concern good intelligence for the stock market and for the growing of little and big concern because when the rising prices and growing happened will increase the involvement rate therefore for those investor that invest at that state will acquire more benefit from increasing of the involvement rate.

Dividend revenue enhancement for the authorities: authorities fundss in the natural rhythm because economic growing increased revenue enhancement grosss fluxing on the Treasury and besides supply the authorities with more money to finance outgo undertaking.

Potential environmental benefits: richer states have the resources available to put in clean engineering. And, as a state and so moved into development stage, the energy strength degree began to fall. Much depends on how much economic resources are willing to give to environmental betterment and protection. As we can see over the last 30 old ages in UK, the ratio of energy ingestion per unit GDP has decreased significantly. Decline in energy strength is a contemplation of betterments in production engineering and besides a gradual switch towards a low C economic system.

4.2 Methodology

Methodology is methods which use it as a mode to assist our survey or concern in research information. The secondary market research which are utilizing as our research method in this undertaking is where use information from other people have collected through primary research. The information gathered by utilizing secondary market research is person else has collected before so that can establish all the beginnings from books, magazines, diaries, trade newspapers, CD-ROM encyclopaedia, and from cyberspace which is more celebrated in now a twenty-four hours. Secondary method of research are taking in this immense undertaking it is because that this type of research is cheaper than primary research, as a pupil do n’t hold so much money to disbursement in survey undertaking so taking secondary research as our research method while it ‘s may non accurate and specific.

The information had found by utilizing secondary research which like the information from the book which related to the accomplishment in how to utilizing SPSS package to happen out the mean informations, correlativities, and arrested development between rising prices rate and economic growing over 30 old ages. We were truly enjoin and have fun in larning SPSS to cipher the correlativities and arrested development between rising prices and economic growing over 30 twelvemonth, and found out the important value, the relationship between rising prices and economic growing, variables value, theoretical account sum-up, and so on. In add-on, in this undertaking besides use secondary research to happen out the chief points in diary. From the SPSS come out the consequence that refereed diaries is a really good beginning which these diaries have been strictly reviewed for truth, dependability, freshness, and interrelated to our undertaking. For illustration, there are three diaries which are taking about the grounds of rising prices and economic growing from South Asiatic states, the grounds from Turkey does rising prices deject economic growing, and the grounds from Nigeria.

And besides, a schemes test have utilizing as a method in this undertaking which is ANOVA trial, ANOVA trial is use to prove between two or more differences independent groups. From the ANOVA trial know that the Ho between rising prices rate and economic growing is no relationship, besides others manner, H1 show that there is relationship between rising prices rate and economic but after done all the aggregation for survey in this undertaking can recognize there is no so strongly relationship between rising prices rates and economic growing. So, there is no relationship between rising prices rates and economic growing.

After that, the lopsidedness and kurtosis are used with interval and ration degree informations and find the distribution is normal or non normal. And following, the trials of normalcy has continuous the lopsidedness and kurtosis occupations. This tests consequence in two statistics which are kolmogoroy- smirnov and shpiro- wilk. Those are expression for the normal or non normal in significance degree. Besides that, Q-Q and box secret plan is besides chose as strengthen the consequence which out from the trials of normalcy to do certain the reply from the trials are normal distribution or non. After used this method, the consequence show that the distribution of this undertaking which the information from economic growing and rising prices rate is positively skewed.

In decision, have to thanks for the full beginning, it is truly helpful in this undertaking and really learned a batch of things from making research in this undertaking by utilizing all the methodological analysis method. From all of research in this undertaking, can cognize that there are many sort of method for research have n’t seen before and even cognize it in the hereafter times. So we are really happy and bask making this undertaking by utilizing all the methodological analysis method to complete this undertaking.

4.3 Consequences and Discussion

From table 2, descriptive in lopsidedness and kurtosis are used with interval and ration degree informations, and find the distribution is normal or non. So from this table descriptive in lopsidedness the consequence show are -2.482 and 0.427. Since this consequence are non in -1 & lt ; x & gt ; +1 so the information for economic growing is non normal and the consequence negative value for skewness indicate a negative skew. And for kurtosis the consequence are on 8.280 and 0.833, Since this consequence are non in -3 & lt ; x & gt ; +3 so the information for economic growing is non normal and the consequence is positive value for kurtosis indicate a positive skew.

From this trials of normalcy, there have two statistic are Kolmogorov-smirnov and shpiro-wilk, this two statistic are to look significance degree, when is significance the day of the month is non normal. And either expression into Kolmogorov-smirnov and shpiro-wilk when the sample size is less that 100 sample size, so we use shpiro-wilk. As can look into this trials of normalcy tabular array, the sample size is 30 less than 100 so look into shpiro- wilk, and in this Shapiro-wilk the important consequence is 0.000 since the consequence is less than important consequence at 0.05, so can state that important, and when important the information for economic growing is non normal.

In this histogram is to mensurate the diagram 3 are holding bell form, positive form, or negative form, and besides to mensurate this information is normal distribution or non. Base on histogram of Economic growth.the form of the distribution is considered non normal distribution, because from this histogram show the form is on negative form, since when the information is normal informations, so the histogram show the form is on bell form.

This root and foliage secret plan are really similar to the histogram, but this root and foliage secret plan are provide more information about the existent values in the distribution than the histogram. And from this root and foliage secret plan show that the length of each row corresponds to the figure of instances that fall into a peculiar interval, and that represents each instance with a numeral value that corresponds to the existent ascertained value. Look into this root and foliage secret plan the root of the graph corresponds to the first figure of a mark ( -0 ) , while the foliage is the draging figure ( 001111111344 ) .

In a normal chance secret plan, each ascertained value is paired with its expected value from the normal distribution. From this secret plan the sample are non in the consecutive line, so as can state that this normal Q-Q secret plan of economic growing is non normal informations, because when the sample are more in a consecutive line so it can name the information is normal informations.

From diagram 5 shows that the secret plan is besides possible to plot the existent divergence of the points from a consecutive line. As can look into this secret plan the more sample are non around a horizontal line, so as can state that this detrended normal Q-Q secret plan of economic growing is non normal informations, because when is normal informations the more sample around a horizontal line.

From this box secret plan at diagram 6 can besides determined for make certain is normal distribution or non, as can look in this box plot the line, the line in the box is closer to the top of the box, so as can state that the distribution is negatively skewed and besides the information is non normal distribution, because when the information is normal informations so the line is on the in-between box.

From table 4 descriptive in lopsidedness and kurtosis are used with interval and ration degree informations, and find the distribution is normal or non. So from this table descriptive in lopsidedness the consequence show are 2.482 and 0.427. Since this consequence are non in -1 & lt ; x & gt ; +1 so the information for rising prices is non normal informations and the consequence is in positive value indicate a positive skew. And for kurtosis the consequence are on 7.803 and 0.833, Since this consequence are non in -3 & lt ; x & gt ; +3 so the information for rising prices is non normal informations and the consequence is in positive value indicate a positive skew.

From this trials of normalcy, there have two statistic are Kolmogorov-smirnov and shpiro-wilk, this two statistic are to look significance degree, when is significance the day of the month is non normal. And either expression into Kolmogorov-smirnov and shpiro-wilk when the sample size is less that 100 sample size, so we use shpiro-wilk. As can look into this trials of normalcy tabular array, the sample size is 30 less than 100 so we will look into shpiro- wilk, and in this Shapiro-wilk the important consequence is 0.000 since the consequence is less than important consequence at 0.05, so can state that important, and when important the information for rising prices is non normal.

In this histogram is to mensurate the diagram are holding bell form, positive form, or negative form, and besides to mensurate this information is normal distribution or non. Base on histogram of infaltion.the form of the distribution is considered non normal distribution, because from this histogram show the form is on positive form, since when the information is normal informations, so the histogram show the form is on bell form.

This root and foliage secret plan are really similar to the histogram, but this root and foliage secret plan are provide more information about the existent values in the distribution than the histogram. And from this root and foliage secret plan show that the length of each row corresponds to the figure of instances that fall into a peculiar interval, and that represents each instance with a numeral value that corresponds to the existent ascertained value. Look into this root and foliage secret plan the root of the graph corresponds to the first figure of a mark ( 1 ) , while the foliage is the draging figure ( 559 ) .

In a normal chance secret plan, each ascertained value is paired with its expected value from the normal distribution. From this secret plan the sample are about non in the consecutive line, so as can state that this normal Q-Q secret plan of rising prices is non normal informations, because when the sample are more in a consecutive line so it can name the information is normal informations.

Detrended normal Q-Q secret plan is besides possible to plot the existent divergence of the points from a consecutive line. As can look into this secret plan the sample are about non around a horizontal line, so as can state that this detrended normal Q-Q secret plan of infaltion is non normal informations, because when is normal informations the more sample around a horizontal line.

From this box secret plan can besides determined for make certain is normal distribution or non, as can look in this box plot the line, the line in the box is closer to the underside of the box, so as can state that the distribution is positively skewed and besides the information is non normal distribution, because when the information is normal informations so the line is on the in-between box.

This tabular array 6 get from utilizing economic growing informations and rising prices informations in US of 30 old ages start from 1980-2009, and the sig ( 1-tailed ) consequence is from this consequence is average non important, because of important consequence is 0.05 or confidant 95 % . And when non important is reject alternate hypothesis that average rising prices and economic growing non holding relationship between each other.

From this table seven, the consequence of ANOVA sig. is 0.947 so that mean non important, because of important consequence is 0.05 or 95 % intimate, so from this tabular array said that rising prices and economic growing non holding relationship between each other. And because of non important so the R Square non necessitate to explicate, because this R- Square is explicate the important is strong or non strong. After that we can look in the Coefficients sig. consequence in Economic growing and the consequence is 0.947, this mean non important, becaue the important consequence is 0.05. When is non important the economic growing is non longer important in the rising prices.

5.1 Discussion

The thought that an addition in economic growing leads to an addition in rising prices – and that decreased growing reduces rising prices – is reflected infinitely in the media. On April 28, for illustration, AP author Rajesh Mahapatra claimed that “ high economic growing ” of more than 8.5 % yearly in India since 2003 “ has spurred demand and caused monetary values to lift. ” This makes no sense. ( David Henderson, 2007 )

All other things being equal, an addition in economic growing must do rising prices to drop, and a decrease in growing must do rising prices to lift. In his congressional testimony yesterday, Federal Reserve president Ben Bernanke gratefully did non province that the higher economic growing he expects will take to higher rising prices. Although he did n’t link growing and rising prices at all, Mr. Bernanke has long understood that higher growing leads to take down rising prices.

Here ‘s why. Inflation, as the old expression goes, is caused by excessively much money “ chasing ” excessively few goods. Merely as more money means higher monetary values, fewer goods besides mean higher monetary values. The connexion between the degree of production and the degree of monetary values besides holds for the rate of alteration of production ( that is, the rate of economic growing ) and the rate of alteration of monetary values ( that is, the rising prices rate ) . ( David Henderson, 2007 )

The consequence of rising prices and economic growing is manifested in the undermentioned instances:

I ) Investing:

If the monetary value of goods additions and people has to counterbalance for the addition in monetary value, they normally make usage of their nest eggs. In the event when nest eggs are depleted, fund for investing is no longer available. An single tends to put, merely if nest eggs of an person is strong and has sufficient money to run into his day-to-day demands.

II ) Interest rates:

Whenever rising prices reigns supreme, it is a good known fact that the value of money goes down. This leads to worsen in the buying power. In the event, when the rate of rising prices is high, the involvement rates besides rise. With addition in both parametric quantities, cost of goods will non stay the same and accordingly people will hold to blast out more money for the same goods.

III ) Exchange rates:

Inflation and economic growing are affected by exchange rates every bit good. Exchange rates denote the value of money prevailing in different states. High rate of rising prices causes terrible fluctuations in exchange rates. This adversely affects trade ( export and import ) , of import concern dealing across boundary lines, value of money besides changes.

IV ) Unemployment:

Growth of a state depends to a big extent on employment. If rate of rising prices is high, unemployment rate is low and frailty versa. This theory is propounded by economic expert William Philips and this gave rise to the Philips Curve.

V ) Stockss:

The returns a company offer, onA investmentA to the full depend on the public presentation of the company. Past public presentation, current place of the company and future tendencies make up one’s mind how much ( money, in signifier of fillip or dividend ) is to be returned to theinvestors. Owing to rising prices, several pecuniary every bit good as financial policies are impacted.

6.1 Drumhead

The aim of this paper was to find whether a important connexion between rising prices and economic growing issues, harmonizing to theory and empirical literature. The literature study provided some utile penetrations into effects of rising prices on growing. This study utilizing economic growing informations and rising prices informations in US of 30 old ages start from 1981-2010. After run the trial in SPSS, the consequence show out there is no relationship between rising prices and economic growing. That is because the consequence of in sig ( 1- tailed ) is 0.474, and this consequence is higher than 0.01 ( important consequence ) so from this we said that both of this discrepancy are holding non relationship. Even in the ANOVA besides non important, because of the consequence is 0.947, since the important consequence is 0.05. We can reason this consequence because of economic growing is traveling really fast but the rising prices is non increase really high.

In Erman Erbaykal ‘s paper ( 2008 ) , he found out the same decision as our study. From this diary we get the same consequence. That survey attack with the informations covering 1987:1-2006:2 periods in the model of Pesaran et Al. ( 2001 ) Bounds Test attack and Toda Yamamoto ( 1995 ) causality analysis. The being of a co integrating relationship between the two series has been detected following the Bounds Test consequences. Later, ARDL theoretical accounts have been established to find long term and short term relationships. Whereas no statistically important long term relationship has been found, a negative and statistically important short term relationship has been found. Because our survey is proving long term relationship, so we get the same consequence with this diary.

Other writer ‘s diary besides has discussed much information about our survey. Some survey test out there is relationship between rising prices and economic growing. Because of the restriction exist ; we ca n’t acquire the same consequence in the full diary.

7. Decision

7.1Overall decision

Economic growing and rising prices is a survey of economic system, two of this survey can impact economic system in the states if the state has face this job. US are the largest state and the most powerful state besides the stronger state in the universe. They have GDP per capita of $ 46,400. The research have obtain the consequence, consequence that can demo many jobs between economic growing and rising prices in existent life economic.

These consequences have of import policy deductions for both domestic policy shapers and the development spouses. First, taking into consideration that the rising prices rate is non indexed in the rewards and wages, rising prices will take to a lessening in the buying power and an addition in the cost of life. Second, given that the state often has to equilibrate the recognition demands by the private and public sector against both inflationary and balance of payments force per unit areas, it is non ever possible for the pecuniary authorization to increase the nominal involvement rate above the expected rising prices rate through contractile pecuniary policy. In this respect, the pecuniary authorization can believe of an alternate manner by working on the outlooks channel to cut down rising prices. This requires credibleness of the pecuniary authorization in following through its pecuniary plan as communicated in progress to the stakeholders.

We are confronting many restrictions, such as resource and engineering. We use SPSS to run our trial and acquire our consequence. SPSS is cardinal package for this survey. Because of this our survey can non to the full detail. Another restriction is we merely focus on one state that is US. US is a develop state ; there are many different character in other state. Because of clip consuming, we can non do other state historically informations include to our research. Another restriction is we merely concentrate on how rising prices consequence economic growing. But from my cognition, authorities and cardinal bank will seek to diminish rising prices by utilizing adjust the involvement rate. We merely concentrate on rising prices no travel through involvement rate of US.

Some cautions are in order. For illustration, in the context of America, the consequences provided in this paper do non turn to the undermentioned of import issues:

It does non gauge how the economic growing rate will act as the rate of rising prices rises, but staying contained within the threshold degree.

Does higher rising prices lead to greater rising prices uncertainness? In peculiar, what is the relationship between rising prices and rising prices uncertainness?

Whether rising prices uncertainness adversely affects economic growing.

What are the determiners of high inflationary force per unit area?

Future research should widen in the above waies in order to deduce house policy relevant decisions.