1. ) Prepare an lineation of the issues in managing a instance with so many complainants and possible informants. Ethical issues of struggle of involvement can go a concern as many new clients come into the steadfast Organization could be an issue with so many clients

Keeping path of all of the clients and informants assignments and/or meetings Making certain that the right information and informants are kept with the right client’s instance file Keeping path of the charge for each of the clients

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Keeping path of the clip spent with each client and informant. ( Goldman. Thomas F. ; Hughes. Alice Hart ( 2012 ) Page 45 )

2. ) Fix a memo explicating how a instance direction plan might be used to form the instance. Memo
August 13. 2014
TO: New York Office Associates
From: Mary Kessler-Paralegal
Rhenium: Case Management Program
This memo is being sent out with information explicating how a instance direction plan may be used to form the instance. You can utilize this plan to hive away and index for speedy entree contact information. such as names and information on clients. parties. informants. opposing advocate. Judgess. experts. and anyone associated with the instance in any mode. This plan can besides track clip spent on instances. with a calendar constituent it can track deadlines and assignments or tribunal day of the months for the clients. The instance direction plan can besides let for direction of single instances. including the trailing of paperss. parties. issues. and events. Cc: Spouses and Counsel

( Goldman. Thomas F ; Hughes. Alice Hart ( 2012 ) Page 51 )

3. ) What are the points that need to be tracked utilizing the instance direction plan?
The points that need to be tracked utilizing the instance direction plan are clip maintaining to enter all of clip spent on executing activities during the work twenty-four hours. Tracking the disbursals of any concern is of import. In judicial proceeding instances. costs expended must be carefully tracked for recovery from any tribunal finding of fact or colony or from the client. Appointments. deadlines. and legislative act of restrictions day of the months besides need to be tracked through calendar so nil is missed. ( Goldman. Thomas F. ; Hughes. Alice Hart ( 2012 ) Pages 60-61 )

4. ) Answer the inquiry raised by one of the lawyers: “Can’t we make our ain database or spreadsheet to track the information and salvage money? ” Yes. you can do your ain database and/or spreadsheets to track all of your information and salvage money by utilizing Abacus. ( Goldman. Thomas F. ; Hughes. Alice Hart ( 2012 ) Page 62-63 )

5. ) How can utilizing a plan like CaseMap aid in fixing for test and during test? Explain in a memo for the attorney’s reappraisal. Memo
August 13. 2014
TO: New York Office Associates
From: Mary Kessler-Paralegal
Rhenium: CaseMap
This memo contains information on how you can utilize CaseMap to assist fix for test and during test. As facts are gathered. parties identified. and paperss and research assembled. they may be entered into the CaseMap plan. leting for easy organisation and geographic expedition of the facts. the dramatis personae of characters. and the issues by any Numberss of the legal squad. It besides allows for making forte studies and paperss including test
notebook information. Milliliter: Spouses and Counsel

( Goldman. Thomas F. ; Hughes. Alice Hart ( 2012 ) Page 52 )

Goldman. Thomas F. ; Hughes. Alice Hart ( 2012 ) Civil Litigation Process and Procedures. 2nd Edition. Chapter 3